
After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Bad reviews

2024-06-25 15:38Posted in Zhejiang Digital Creators

Just tonight, our dear Huazi held the Huawei Developer Conference HDC2024, which was an epic conference of more than three hours, and the amount of information can be said to be quite large.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

The reason why the amount of information is large is that Huawei announced the HarmonyOS NEXT system, NEXT native applications, Pangu model 5.0 and other dry goods, covering almost everything from consumers to developers to commercial ends.

It was at this conference that HarmonyOS NEXT, which I had previously previewed for you, officially unveiled to you.

Tony also traveled from Hangzhou to the famous Songshan Lake to participate in the multi-day developer conference (not to salvage chips).

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Without further ado, let's get straight to the point of this one, HarmonyOS NEXT.

>/ HarmonyOS NEXT

To put it simply, HarmonyOS NEXT uses Huawei's self-developed new system architecture, and this time it's really time to say goodbye to Android.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

And this also means that the HarmonyOS native application mentioned before has now become a reality.

If you look at the friends on this screen, you can know that, Taobao, Meituan and Weibo, etc., which are commonly used by everyone, must have developed HarmonyOS native applications.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

The unified HarmonyOS ecosystem can actually be felt on the current HarmonyOS device, but this time HarmonyOS goes one step further, when you open the same app on your phone, folding screen or tablet, the experience is almost the same.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

In the past, it couldn't do this to this extent, because it was only implanted with the HarmonyOS Internet framework before, and the application itself that runs and flows is still an Android App.

But Android,It didn't leave room for seamless flow across hardware in the first place.,So the experience can be said to be sparse.。。。

However, Hongmeng has taken these problems into account from the beginning of the design this time, so the manufacturer's Hongmeng native application experience must be silky smooth and far ahead.

These apps are born with a corresponding "tablet version", and there is no need to use awkward mobile apps on the tablet.

In order to show the native application, Huawei also shook a lot of people at the scene, such as the vice president of WPS, who said at the scene that the mobile phone and tablet WPS have been adapted to the native HarmonyOS, and such as account unification, document synchronization and multi-segment collaborative editing, etc., have been perfectly adapted.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

One of the classic functions in Huawei's ecosystem, cross-device collaboration, such as throwing pictures from the mobile phone onto the tablet to continue editing, has also been understood by WPS.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

However, at the conference, Mr. Yu also said that among the top 5,000 applications, more than 1,500 have been put on the shelves to become HarmonyOS native applications.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Although it can meet 99.9% of users' usage time, there will still be corners that cannot be taken care of, so Huawei has also thought of a way to prepare a "model room" for developers.

To put it simply, the model room provides you with templates for various types of applications, such as news, finance, and government affairs, etc., just follow them.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

For example, People's Daily Online has used the news model room, in which 80% of the code is reused, and even new functions can be added.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Yu Chengdong said that HarmonyOS NEXT will be commercially available in the fourth quarter, which means that if it goes well, the Mate70 may be available for the first time. Time is running out for developers, so keep it up!

>/ Harmony Intelligence

Huazi, you're still conservative...

隔壁果果都直接叫 Apple Intelligence 了,托尼一开始以为你们也直接叫 Huawei Intelligence 呢。。。

But one thing to say, it's true that Harmony Intelligence sounds better.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

To get back to business, I think Harmony Intelligence is the part that will clearly differentiate the pure-blooded HarmonyOS from the current Android.

We also know that the domestic native version of Google AI is not designated to be used, so it will be very difficult for domestic Android phones to have system-level AI in the future.

So what can this HarmonyOS native intelligence do?

The most basic, AI image generation, which can generate different styles of pictures based on photos, can also be set to the Huawei family bucket with one click, and the adaptation of various devices actually has the credit of AI.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

But what really opens up the pattern is Huazi's concern for special people, such as AI sound restoration.

For some special people, the pronunciation is blurred, and AI can fix the sound to make it clearer.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

If you don't have any concept of sound restoration, you can recall the voice of Mr. Li Xuejian in "The Wandering Earth 2", in fact, his voice was repaired in the later stage.

There are also people with visual impairments, Xiaoyi can now read out the picture he sees, and gave an example on the spot to judge whether the ingredients in the refrigerator are new or not according to the voice problem. Not to mention the visually impaired, I also want to have this function...

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

In short, Huazi's exploration of accessibility is indeed leading, and this wave of pattern has opened.

Speaking of Xiaoyi, just like the fruit's Siri got an epic upgrade two days ago, Xiaoyi is the same, directly integrated with the bottom navigation bar, Tony feels like a ubiquitous super assistant.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Xiaoyi's usage is very brainless, for example, if you want to create an agenda, just drag the information to the bottom navigation bar and you're done, and Xiaoyi will automatically identify the content.

The more brainless way is that when you receive a table picture, you just need to throw the picture directly to Xiaoyi, and it will be automatically converted into a table...

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Friends,This is called a real intelligent assistant.,You don't have to say a word.,It knows what you're going to do.。。。

Xiaoyi now also supports multimodal fusion, for example, if you receive a message with an address on it, you don't need to manually search for the address by navigation, just ask Xiaoyi "How long does it take to go here", you don't need to say the address at all.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Anyway, if the actual HarmonyOS NEXT can really have such an effect, then Tony is looking forward to it.

In addition, HarmonyOS has become more stringent in its management of privacy.

For example, it is directly forbidden to open 9 unreasonable permissions such as application lists and call logs to reduce the risk of privacy leakage from the source.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

All I can say about this behavior is well done.

In addition to these, HarmonyOS NEXT also has a variety of new features, large and small, and Huazi has really taken this step.

If you haven't seen enough, when we finish experiencing HarmonyOS NEXT tomorrow, we will write an article to meet you.

另外, Mate60 、 Mate X5 和 MatePad Pro 13.2 三款机型今天就支持开发者和先锋用户更新 Beta 版本。

More models will be updated with the Mate70 series in the fall.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

>/ Pangu 5.0

After talking about HarmonyOS NEXT, this Pangu model is relatively unfamiliar to ordinary users.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

In fact, when it first appeared last year, the bad reviews also introduced it to everyone, it is Huawei's own large model, and people can redevelop industry-oriented applications on the basis of it.

The little art on HarmonyOS Next that we mentioned earlier uses the capabilities of the Pangu model.

But it's so low-key, after a year of hibernation, Pangu has evolved from 3.0 to 5.0. The upgraded 5.0 is even more awesome, so let's give you some examples from the demos at the conference.

The first example is that you can use a large model to generate videos of different weather and angles to train autonomous driving...

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Everyone knows that training autonomous driving requires a large amount of data, and various Conner Cases (extreme cases) must be seen to know how to deal with them, so this application can be regarded as poking the hearts of intelligent driving developers~

You can also use large models to help you design your own cars, and 3D printed models generated by large models are also directly on display.

Although it's very convenient, but how to say it, it's that the location of this B-pillar doesn't feel very convenient to get on the bus...

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

But this doesn't matter, the point is that the Pangu model can quickly generate a 3D car model, and it can be exported and re-edited. Hawkers, if you can change, you're a good comrade.

At the beginning of the year, the robots cooperated by OpenAI and Figure continued to swipe the screen, and now the domestic robot "Kuafu" equipped with the Pangu model is also here.

One thing to say, it's quite confident to dare to let the robot demonstrate conversations, pick up items and interact on the spot.

Kwafu fetches water. gif

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Although it feels like the robot's response is a little slow, it's already good to have such a level of display at the developer conference, and Tony is also looking forward to the robot's faster response in the future.

Another very practical feature is to realize AI simultaneous interpretation through Pangu Model 5.0, which was also directly demonstrated on the spot, and the simultaneous interpretation began after foreigners spoke English for about four or five seconds.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

One thing to say, the tone, fluency and precision are really good, if you optimize the speed, then communicating with foreigners will no longer be a problem.

If you still think that these applications are learning from others and are suspected of imitation, then the next thing is really original.

Huawei invited people from various industries, including Beijing Railway Institute, Baosteel, and Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory, to show that the Pangu model can improve the accuracy of fault identification, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and improve the accuracy of forecasting.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

How to say, when the Shenzhen Meteorological Observatory predicted the "dragon boat water" weather last month, it was more accurate than the forecast of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts...

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

The most outrageous thing is that the Pangu model can actually "seek medical advice" and optimize the medicine through language and drug molecule models.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

Could this be the legendary cyber old Chinese medicine doctor? . .

There are some other examples on the scene, and Tony will not expand them one by one, I think that in the future, everyone may have more and more shadows of it subtly.

>/ Final

The amount of information at this developer conference is quite large, not only HarmonyOS NEXT, which our users care about, but also the Pangu model and cloud services for enterprises.

Speaking back to the beginning of the conference, Mr. Yu said that a few months after Huawei was sanctioned, HarmonyOS was officially released on August 9, 2019.

After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

And since the first release, 1778 days have passed, and Mr. Yu said that this is HarmonyOS's "light boat has crossed ten thousand mountains".

Although it is still some time before we ordinary people can use HarmonyOS NEXT, the last few months are also the most critical sprint stage for this domestic operating system.

How many partners join this ecological co-construction team will directly affect people's acceptance of it.

Tony is also looking forward to seeing how our lives will change when HarmonyOS NEXT becomes more and more popular in a few years.

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  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind
  • After attending the Huawei Developer Conference, I felt that they had the system in mind

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