
Artificial Intelligence Development - Artificial Intelligence Developer

author:BM Xiaowei

What will the future of AI look like?

In recent years, technological progress has significantly accelerated the development of artificial intelligence, and IT giants have significantly increased their investment in artificial intelligence, on the one hand, recruiting top artificial intelligence talents, on the other hand, increasing investment and frequent mergers and acquisitions, indicating that the spring of artificial intelligence has arrived. What is the future of artificial intelligence?

In recent years, technology giants have been deeply engaged in the field of artificial intelligence, investing huge amounts of R&D funds, adjusting organizational structures, constantly merging and acquisitions, and launching a large number of open source projects to build their own artificial intelligence ecosystems. In the future, AI will no longer be a cutting-edge technology, but a ubiquitous infrastructure.

Artificial intelligence has received more and more attention in the field of computers, and has been applied in robots, economic and political decision-making, control systems, simulation systems: fingerprint recognition, face recognition, retinal recognition, iris recognition, palmprint recognition, and ** systems.

Artificial Intelligence Development - Artificial Intelligence Developer

Artificial intelligence is not a specific technology, it is actually a broad field made up of multiple disciplines, including robotics and machine learning. The ultimate goal of AI is to allow machines to replace humans in tasks that require cognitive abilities. To achieve this, machines must automatically learn and master abilities, not just execute commands written by programmers.

With the amazing advancements in AI over the past decade, such as self-driving cars, speech recognition, and speech synthesis, AI has increasingly become a topic of conversation among colleagues and families, and this technology has permeated every aspect of their lives.

At the same time, the mass media reports on AI and tech giants almost daily, presenting their long-term strategies in the field of AI. Some investors and entrepreneurs are eager to understand how to extract value from this new space, while most are still racking their brains about what exactly AI will change.

In addition, governments around the world are also grappling with the impact of automation on society (such as President President Ma's farewell speech), and it has to be said that the current development prospects of artificial intelligence are still worth looking forward to.

Artificial Intelligence Development - Artificial Intelligence Developer

Qianfeng artificial intelligence development training, the only one in the industry who dares to launch the "two-week free trial, not satisfied with no payment" policy, so that students have a more realistic understanding of Qianfeng and understand whether they are suitable for development; Students can enroll in school with zero tuition fee, repay the loan in installments after employment, and find a good job after graduation.

In addition, it has a first-class faculty lineup, with a strong sense of responsibility, good teaching, excellent technology, and practical lecturers with experience in large-scale projects, all of whom are taught by well-known enterprises in the industry and technical backbones of enterprises!

Qianfeng Internet Campus

Beijing Tianfengli Campus (Headquarters): No. 28, West District, Baosheng Beili, Haidian District, Beijing

Artificial Intelligence Development - Artificial Intelligence Developer

Beijing Shahe Campus: No. 18, Shayang Road, Changping District, Beijing

Artificial Intelligence Development - Artificial Intelligence Developer

Shanghai Campus Address: No. 199, Tongji Branch Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai

Guangzhou Campus Address: No. 310, Yuangang Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

(Note: Please consult teachers from other campuses)

Qianfeng Internet has always adhered to the concept of "education with conscience", and has made every effort to build a high-quality platform for Internet technology research and development talent services, and has set up branches in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Guangzhou, Dalian, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Changsha and other places, with a national professional teaching and employment security team, and has become a trusted IT training institution for students!

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