
Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Gale News

2024-06-25 10:17Published on the official account of Shaanxi Huashang Daily Gale News

From the moment they checked the kindergarten surveillance and saw that their 4-year-old son was treated by three teachers for a long time, including closing the small black room, slapping him, riding and dragging on the ground, Mr. Guo and Ms. Wang could no longer suppress the anger in their hearts, and they were determined to seek justice for their children.

The parents unexpectedly learned that their child was locked up in a "small black room" in the kindergarten, and after questioning, the teacher apologized

Mr. Guo and Ms. Wang are from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and their young son Hanghang (pseudonym) originally attended another kindergarten, "The kindergarten was closed, and the whole class was assigned to Linjiang No. 1 Kindergarten in Honggutan District. Ms. Wang said that her son is 4 years old and attends Primary 4 in kindergarten.

"If it weren't for the parents of my child's classmates who took the initiative to contact me to report this kind of thing, we don't know when we would have known about it." Ms. Wang introduced that on the evening of May 22, she received a call from the parents of the child's classmates, who once again mentioned the plot of Hanghang being "cleaned up" by the teacher at school in the chat with her mother, and this time she focused on the situation of Hanghang being locked up in a "small black room", which attracted Ms. Wang's attention.

"I tried to ask the child that day, but at the mention of the word "little black room", the child obviously began to look evasive." Ms. Wang said that under her questioning, the child admitted that he had indeed been locked up by the teacher, and that the small black room was a warehouse. In order to find out the situation, Ms. Wang and several other parents rushed to the school the next afternoon to find out the situation from the person in charge of the kindergarten. Ms. Wang said that they accepted the advice of the kindergarten, and then the head teacher came and admitted that the child had been imprisoned, but only once. At that time, the principal had been saying good things about the teacher, saying that the teacher's daily assessment was relatively good, and the teacher seemed to be very gentle, "We didn't think that the problem was so serious at that time, so we accepted this statement." ”

However, what she never expected was that after school that day, the child's classmates told her mother again that Hanghang was still beaten by the teacher that morning. Ms. Wang was so angry that she approached the school again and asked for a change of teacher, which the school agreed. Ms. Wang said that that night, the teacher called her to apologize, but at the same time complained that Ms. Wang had brought the incident to the school.

"The next morning, we rushed to the school and asked to see the video from the week before the incident." Ms. Wang said that she and her husband had seen a scene that she and her husband had so far been unable to accept.

Looking at the monitoring in the past 3 months, it was counted that his son was "cleaned up" for 55 days and 48 days in school, and 167 suspicious records were sorted out

"We just saw the child being slapped at school, violently dragged on the ground, locked up in a small black room, trampled on him, sat on him and pressed him in various ways, and we couldn't stand it and called the police." Ms. Wang said that after the police arrived, she asked the parents to watch the video to record the time period when the child was beaten and submit it to him, so in the following days, she and her family watched all the videos without eating or drinking, and sorted out a monitoring detail and submitted it to the police handling the case.

According to Ms. Wang, in the process of checking the surveillance, she only watched the surveillance for more than 20 days and couldn't stand it, "We were so sad that we couldn't stand it, it was too serious." Ms. Wang said that on May 27, her husband rushed to the police station again to report to the police and made a record to report to the police about the surveillance situation. In order to better provide relevant evidence to the police, Ms. Wang and her family later reviewed all the videos of the child for more than two months after he was transferred to the kindergarten, "The child went to school for a total of 55 days in 3, 4, and 5 months, of which 48 days were abused, and we combed through a total of 167 abuse records, an average of 3 times a day, for a total of 22 hours." ”

On June 24th, the Gale News reporter of Huashang Daily saw a number of surveillance videos provided by Ms. Wang, and it was obvious that many teachers were "confronting" Hanghang in the class, including the slapping, stepping on feet, sitting on children, dragging on the ground, and being locked in a small black room as described by Ms. Wang.

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Screenshot of surveillance video

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Screenshot of surveillance video

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Screenshot of surveillance video

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Screenshot of surveillance video

"Our kids are more active and really naughty." Ms. Wang said that Hanghang is not usually the kind of child who is submissive, and sometimes adults say something wrong, he will resist, and the reason why the teachers collectively treat him like that, Ms. Wang speculates that Hanghang should be used to deter other children. "The monitoring of the kindergarten is sound, and you can hear that when the teacher puts the child in the small black room, he will also say that there are big bad wolves, big tigers, etc. eating the child." Ms. Wang said that she had talked to other parents about the incident afterwards and found that the children were either intimidated or brainwashed, "I didn't dare to say anything when I went home, and there was a theory that the teacher threatened to call the police to arrest the child's parents if they went home and told the parents." ”

Another student's parents confirmed that other children had been "cleaned up" by teachers, but no other children were locked up in a small black room

In fact, Hanghang was not the only child in the class who was picked up by the teachers, and Ms. Wang said that when she checked the surveillance, she saw footage of other children being beaten.

"The behavior of these teachers is really incomprehensible." In this regard, the reporter interviewed another parent of the primary four class where the incident occurred, she said that after the incident, she also participated in the negotiation between the parents of the students and the kindergarten, "There were other teachers in this kindergarten when watching the surveillance, and even their teachers said that they could not understand the behavior of these teachers." ”

The parent said that she usually gets along with her child more harmoniously and equally, and the child is willing to tell her about anything, "When my child goes back, he tells me many times about the teacher's flight at school." At the same time, what made the parent even more uneasy was that when the child talked to himself about the punishment of the teacher Hanghang, he said that Hanghang was locked up in a small dark room and beaten because he was "not well-behaved", and the child thought that Hanghang should be punished like this, "This is obviously that the child has been brainwashed."

The parent said that in fact, his child had also been "cleaned up" by the teacher, "The child had a wound on his hand, and at first he said that he had picked it himself, but after changing the teacher, the child told me that it was picked by the teacher." The parent said that her child used to be particularly in love with kindergarten, but some time ago he actually made it clear that he did not want to go to kindergarten, according to this parent, although other children will also be "cleaned up", but basically will not be closed, the "little black house" treatment seems to be Hanghang's "exclusive".

The police found that "there are no illegal facts" and terminated the investigation

Ms. Wang said that after they called the police, the local Shengmi police station sent personnel to intervene in the investigation.

"The police went to get the surveillance data on May 31, and twice before that, they sent me the news that "the public security shall not punish teachers with corporal punishment of students", and asked us to study." Ms. Wang said that the police also said that they needed parents to ask the Education and Sports Bureau to issue a handling opinion and hand it over to the police station before they could deal with it, but they learned from the Education and Sports Bureau that there was no such provision, "The Education and Sports Bureau said that they did administrative punishment, and the police have the duty of a police officer and can intervene in the investigation." Ms. Wang said that in the end, it was the Education and Sports Bureau that contacted the police to explain the situation, and the other party did not mention the matter again.

Ms. Wang said that during the investigation, the police had repeatedly said that the teacher had the right to punish the child, and the child was slapped in the surveillance, and the teacher sat on the child, while the police said that the teacher did not slap the child very hard, and did not completely suppress it when sitting on the child, just to control the child, and said that it was necessary to ask the teacher to beat the child because of the child's misconduct, misinterpreting the serious abuse as normal corporal punishment; The child was locked up in a small black room, the police said that the kindergarten did not have a room with this name, the child was pulled into the monitoring blind area of the small black room and the toilet beaten, crying bitterly, the police defended that the monitoring was not photographed, and said that they had to ask the teacher to know if there was a beating.

According to legal documents provided by Ms. Wang, on June 12, the local police station made a decision to terminate the investigation of the case, citing "no illegal facts."

Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

The kindergarten said that the three teachers involved had been fired

The local education and sports bureau determined that "the teacher involved had problems such as improper educational behavior with young children"

According to Ms. Wang, there were three main teachers involved, one surnamed Zhao, one surnamed Huang, and one surnamed Tan, and the school had dismissed three after the incident.

"Three teachers have been fired a long time ago." Regarding this statement, the Huashang Daily Gale News reporter got confirmation from the person in charge of the Linjiang No. 1 Kindergarten surnamed Zhou, who said that the kindergarten is actively dealing with the parents on this issue, and the current police determination is that there is no criminal responsibility, "There may be some misconduct." The person in charge said.

According to the surveillance video provided by Ms. Wang, it can be clearly seen that the teacher involved did conduct such as a black room, slapping, and dragging, but why did he determine that there were no illegal facts? The reporter tried to contact Officer Xiong, who was investigating the matter, but the other person declined to be interviewed.

"After the incident, we repeatedly reported to the Education Bureau that we hoped to revoke the teaching qualifications of the three teachers, but the Education Bureau said that the people had been dismissed, and the revocation of the qualifications would affect the lives of the three teachers."

Ms. Wang said that she and her husband called the local 12345 to report, and soon after, the local education and sports bureau publicly responded to the matter on the Internet, saying:

On the reflection of "Linjiang first kindergarten teacher abuse of children" problem has been received, the bureau attaches great importance to the immediate investigation and verification, the day has been explained and replied to the parents, the preschool group has ordered the kindergarten to quickly set up an investigation team, as soon as possible to come up with a solution, take the initiative to get in touch with parents and pay attention to the psychological problems of young children, and at the same time do a good job of explaining the work of other parents in the park. The preschool group actively coordinates with the Shengmi police station and communicates with parents on matters related to case filing. The pre-school team of the bureau has repeatedly verified the relevant surveillance video provided by the kindergarten, and on June 11, went to the kindergarten to understand and obtain the relevant surveillance video verification, after preliminary verification, the kindergarten involved teachers have problems such as improper educational behavior of children. The kindergarten has accompanied parents and children to Nanchang Children's Hospital for mental health examination and Jiangxi Children's Hospital for examination for the first time, and no abnormalities have been found.

At present, the three teachers involved in the kindergarten have been suspended and dismissed. The Shengmi Police Station is investigating the incident in accordance with the law, and the District Education and Sports Bureau will deal with the Linjiang No. 1 Kindergarten and the relevant responsible persons accordingly according to the results of the police station investigation, and at the same time carry out special rectification to strengthen the construction of teacher ethics and style. We will resolutely prevent the recurrence of such acts.

On the afternoon of the 24th, the reporter called the bureau several times, but no one answered.

Hospital diagnosis of "post-traumatic stress disorder"?

The parent said that the lively child has now become irritable and said that he will continue to defend his rights

"The child used to be very lively and sunny, and although he has improved a lot after changing teachers, it is obviously different from before now." Ms. Wang said that after checking the surveillance, Ms. Wang and her family gradually paid attention to some of the injuries on the child's body, "At first, I thought that the child was mischievous and caused it himself, but now I know that it was caused by the teacher's corporal punishment at school." Ms. Wang said that what worries him even more is that Hanghang has gradually become sensitive and irritable, and his family does not dare to talk to him loudly, he will react very much, sometimes he will lose his temper to his family, drop things, and sometimes wake up crying at night, sleep time is significantly reduced, unwilling to go to kindergarten, poor appetite and other conditions.

Ms. Wang provided that Hanghang's hospital diagnosis showed "post-traumatic stress disorder? "I have started to take him for psychotherapy, and I feel that the child is still a little psychologically problematic." Ms. Wang said that the diagnosis of psychological problems requires a large number of questionnaires to support, but the child is only 4 years old, and it is difficult to express many problems completely and accurately, so doctors can only rely on the child's external manifestations and the relevant descriptions of parents to make a preliminary diagnosis.

"I think those three teachers deserve the legal punishment they deserve." Ms. Wang said that she believes that although the three teachers involved have been expelled, the punishment is far from proportional to the harm suffered by Hanghang, "We don't think the physical harm of their actions to the children is nothing, but how to measure the psychological damage, sometimes it may take the child to spend most of his life to repair this damage." Ms. Wang said that she will continue to defend her rights and seek justice for her children.

Huashang Daily Gale News reporter He Nan editor Li Zhi

(If there is any breaking news, please call the news hotline of Huashang Daily at 029-88880000)

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  • Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records
  • Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records
  • Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records
  • Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records
  • Close the small black house, slap it, drag it, ride it...... A 4-year-old boy was suspected of being abused in a kindergarten, and his parents checked and monitored 167 suspicious records

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