
Xinjiang: Comrade Zhao Gang went to Xincheng Kindergarten to supervise food safety work

author:Menghao Media

On June 28, Zhao Gang, deputy county magistrate, secretary of the Party committee and director of the Public Security Bureau, went to Xincheng Kindergarten to carry out the supervision of the "two responsibilities" of food safety.

Xinjiang: Comrade Zhao Gang went to Xincheng Kindergarten to supervise food safety work

During the supervision, Zhao Gang listened carefully to the report of the person in charge of Xincheng Kindergarten on the implementation of food safety work, checked the relevant ledgers of the canteen on the spot, and conducted a detailed on-site inspection of the hardware facilities and health conditions such as the kitchen operation room, cooking room, and meal preparation room in the kindergarten.

Xinjiang: Comrade Zhao Gang went to Xincheng Kindergarten to supervise food safety work
Xinjiang: Comrade Zhao Gang went to Xincheng Kindergarten to supervise food safety work

Zhao Gang emphasized that campus safety has a heavy responsibility, and it is necessary to strictly implement the main responsibility, regularly carry out food safety self-inspection and improve the long-term mechanism, and effectively ensure the food safety of teachers and students. It is necessary to strengthen the investigation of potential safety hazards, carry out carpet inspections around the fire protection, water and electricity facilities on campus, and rectify the places where there are potential safety hazards in a timely manner, so as to effectively eliminate all kinds of hidden dangers in the bud. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of the holiday duty system, tighten the string of safety and stability at all times, and strictly implement the leadership duty system and the campus guard management system to ensure the absolute safety of the campus.

Editor in charge: Yan Wenbin

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