
In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

author:Ying's mother is parenting

Text: Ying's mother

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

"The children I teach will definitely not go with people casually", "The children in my class are so clever, how can they be abducted?" ”

I show my children anti-abduction videos almost every week, often do anti-abduction drills with my children, and often tell my children not to talk to strangers, not to eat strangers' things, not to walk with strangers, I believe that the children in my class will definitely not be abducted.

Before the anti-abduction exercise in the kindergarten, each teacher swore that the children in their class would definitely not be abducted, and the anti-abduction drill began, and it was the physical education teacher of the primary school who came, and the kindergarten teachers all went to the rooftop to observe the performance of the children in their class in the anti-abduction exercise

The junior high school teacher who pretended to be a human trafficker came in and said anxiously to a classmate: "Do you know where the secondary 2 class is, children?" My uncle got a call saying that my uncle's baby was sick, could you take me to find it?

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

The teacher looked at the monitoring in the class and thought silently, our children will definitely not be fooled, never expected, the enthusiastic children began to scramble to raise their hands, I know I know, I'll take you there......

A bunch of children left with the traffickers, and another trafficker came in and said, "Your mother bought you a phone and watch and asked me to bring it to you, I forgot to take it in the car, you go and get it with me." Another child was scammed.

The third trafficker who was ushered in by the remaining children came in and said: You Teacher Chen bought a lot of sand drawing boards, I can't take them, you come and help me get them, but the children scrambled to run away. In less than a few minutes, the entire class of children was taken away by three traffickers......

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

This kind of anti-trafficking drill has now begun to be carried out in many kindergartens, and a netizen also mentioned that his son's class also carried out anti-trafficking drills, and the whole class was wiped out, and there were two children who had to follow the traffickers alive and dead, and the teacher couldn't pull them back.

The teacher saw in the camera that all the children were abducted by the traffickers within a few minutes, and they all fell silent.

In fact, this also tells us: the difference between children's intelligence and adults' intelligence is still relatively far, and it is relatively easy for an adult to deceive a child, and there are many methods, not to mention those experienced traffickers, who have a lot of experience in abducting children, how to deceive children? How to use words to trap children's words? They are very experienced, and as parents at this time, they really have to watch their children.

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

Where do traffickers like to abduct children? Parents need to understand

1st: In crowded places

For example, squares, shopping malls, supermarkets and other places are more mixed, so parents take their children to crowded places, be sure to watch the children, if the children are relatively small, put the children in the stroller, and be sure to tie the seat belt when putting the stroller.

Because we have also seen a lot of news on the Internet, the child was lying on the stroller without wearing a seat belt, but was rushed by the traffickers and taken away from the stroller, the child has learned to walk, parents must use the anti-abduction bracelet when taking the child to walk, one end is held in the child's hand, and the other end is held on the parent's body, at this time, the trafficker will basically not start, because it is not easy to untie this anti-abduction bracelet.

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

Number 2: In a residential area with poor security

For example, in those urban villages, there are basically no security guards in urban villages, and the houses in urban villages are relatively dense, and when many parents cook in the houses, their children go out to play by themselves, which actually makes traffickers have an opportunity.

Therefore, parents should try to consider safety when renting a house, for example, it is best to choose to live in the community, and it will be relatively safe for children to play in the community, because there are security guards and monitoring in the community, so the probability of losing children will be relatively low.

Therefore, as a parent, you must take good care of your children, teach your children some knowledge of anti-abduction and anti-deception on the basis of being optimistic about your children, tell your children not to go with strangers, don't open the door to strangers, remember the phone number of your parents, and stay where you are if you get lost when you go out with your parents, don't go with others, or go to those uniformed security guards, or the police, and ask them to call their parents......

In a few minutes, all the children in the kindergarten were "abducted"! Teachers can't hold back: education is a failure

The most important thing is to keep an eye on the child.

(The pictures are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)

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