
Stay at home for a day cleaning, and write about the people and things that happened between you and your sister-in-law

author:Rainbow Volg

I didn't work today and rested at home for a day, cleaned the house in the morning, mopped the dirty floor in the house, cleaned up the garbage in the corners, cleaned up the cat poop on the balcony, and turned around to see the results of my labor.

Stay at home for a day cleaning, and write about the people and things that happened between you and your sister-in-law

After cleaning up the house, I ran to the bedroom to lie on the bed to catch up on the drama, at this time my sister-in-law sent me a message to ask me to go shopping in the afternoon to buy clothes, I looked through the window that the sun was very hot outside, and I didn't want to go out shopping! I found a reason to tell my sister-in-law that I didn't go shopping today.

I have a few good friends in my life! My sister-in-law is one of my friends, and we are talking and chatting about a middle-aged woman who is more pessimistic! It has something to do with the fact that she has experienced too many sad things, and my sister-in-law is very kind-hearted and warm and generous, and she treats me very well.

I am insecure and caring, and my sister-in-law can provide me with emotional value, but she herself is pessimistic and complains. At first, I could understand what she was going through, but after she talked to me more, I felt that she had become Xianglin's sister-in-law.

Every time we chatted, she could talk about things she couldn't change, angry and hateful! At this time, I listen to it a lot, which affects my mood! I myself am an emotionally unstable person.

Later I was a little reluctant to talk to her. Because I was afraid that I would become that kind of person, because a long time ago I was also her talkative sister-in-law, and later I thought that complaining about people and things that I was not satisfied with in life would only make me more sad and troubled.

Slowly, I got rid of my complaints, and after a few years, I finally got rid of it, and found that I knew the same friends as I used to, and I didn't want to go back to the past.

I also tried to persuade my sister-in-law to accept reality if some things can't be changed! Otherwise, it will never be finished like a kite pulling strings! In fact, my sister-in-law is also very painful in her heart, and she often complains that the corners of her mouth have become droopy and her face is bitter!

Stay at home for a day cleaning, and write about the people and things that happened between you and your sister-in-law

This afternoon, I made noodles at home, and made meat buns for my children in the evening, and the pork belly in the pot was already cooked, waiting for the children to come home from school. In fact, whether a person and a woman are doing well can really be seen from the face! I'm not the one who has a good life in my life, but I'm trying my best to change myself! Life is short, decades of trying to make yourself better.

Stay at home for a day cleaning, and write about the people and things that happened between you and your sister-in-law