
Water-saving irrigation of high-tech streets in Zouping City helps moisture and seedlings continue to improve

author:Volkswagen Binzhou

Dazhong reporter Han Jinzhi correspondent Li Cong and Zhang Heng report from Binzhou

In the past few days, in order to actively cope with the high temperature weather, Gaoxin Street has closely monitored weather changes, carried out water-saving irrigation in a timely manner, and paid close attention to field management to ensure that autumn grain can be stable and increase income.

In a contiguous high-standard farmland in Zhoudong Village, Gaoxin Street, the reporter saw that farmers were using mobile sprinkler irrigation equipment to water corn. "Now it is basically 24 hours of uninterrupted watering, just operate the equipment simply, the equipment runs on its own, basically do not care, it is very labor-saving, and it can be watered basically once a day and a half." Gan Yucheng, a large grain grower in Zhoudong Village, Gaoxin Street, said. On the other side, black drip irrigation belts are neatly laid on the ground, accurately drip irrigating the water and fertilizer needed by corn to the roots.

Water-saving irrigation of high-tech streets in Zouping City helps moisture and seedlings continue to improve

It is understood that the high-tech street planted corn, soybeans and other crops nearly 15,000 acres this year, in order to effectively alleviate the current drought of different degrees, in addition to the use of ordinary sprinkler irrigation equipment watering, the street also with the help of pointer sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation and other ways to implement water-saving irrigation.

Water-saving irrigation of high-tech streets in Zouping City helps moisture and seedlings continue to improve

Gan Yucheng introduced that since last year, the new drip irrigation equipment has achieved initial results in wheat planting, and the effect of water saving and moisture conservation is very obvious, and half of the water consumption can be saved per mu compared with large flood irrigation.

Water-saving irrigation of high-tech streets in Zouping City helps moisture and seedlings continue to improve

In the wheat field of Sanli Village, Gaoxin Street, large grain growers are carrying out daily management and maintenance of farmland with agricultural technology experts to learn more about the moisture and seedling conditions of the day. "The advantage of daily management is that once we find a lack of water or pests and diseases, we can water the ground or spray pesticides as soon as possible, coupled with the guidance of agricultural technology experts, to ensure that the moisture and seedling conditions can continue to improve." Sun Meixia, a large grain grower in Gaoxin Street, said.

Compared with the traditional flood irrigation, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and other irrigation methods can evenly send water to all parts of the farmland, which not only saves water consumption, but also controls soil moisture according to crop needs, and better helps farmers to resist drought and protect seedlings. Up to now, 90% of the cultivated land has been irrigated through various irrigation methods, and the soil moisture is good, laying a solid foundation for the autumn grain harvest.