
Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

author:Frozen pear tour research club

Pam: Is the new Simulated Universe DLC fun?

Frozen pear: The fault tolerance rate is lower, and I personally prefer locust plague and machinery~

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

"I don't want to farm the talent tree repeatedly, I just want to fight well!" I believe this is the voice of many pioneers, and the same is true for frozen pears, as early as the first simulation of the universe DLC, I have been keen on 'increasing the difficulty if you can, and never repeating the brush if you can pass it'. In this issue, I will share the current 2 super stable customs clearance routines, I hope it can help you.

1. Basic suggestions

If you have a basic character in the full illustrated book, you can consider choosing an equation at random at the beginning of the game to enter the game, and adjust the team according to the situation. But Frozen Pear suggests that you determine the system you want to play at the beginning, and brush the initial equation by reopening it infinitely until you encounter the 2-star equation you need before entering the game!

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

Branch routes, buy them in the store if there are many pieces, and reward > game > events in other cases. The enemy attribute value of the differential universe is high, and the battle takes a long time, so try to avoid it, which can greatly improve your game experience~

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

The first boss fight is the key to deciding whether to reopen or keep going! After the battle, if the 3-star equation obtained is not the system you expected, copy the equation through the debugging console until the key equation of the system is brushed out. If the fragments are still not out after they are used up, just reopen them and don't struggle. (The advantage system has been written in the nine 3-star equation mechanisms, and if you play along a certain system, the difficulty of clearing the level will be lower)

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

The following are two very stable routines for clearing V6 difficulty in this issue of the Differential Universe, if you have Huangquan or Liuying, you can refer to it~

Second, the yellow spring brush flow

Start with [2-Star Guardians of the Silver Heart] or [2-Star Anti-Organic Kill] or [2-Star Bounty Hunter]. In the first boss level, you must put Huang Quan in the No. 1 position of the team, so that it will constantly trigger the activation effect of the finishing move brought by the equation! If you encounter a weighted strange object [first journey], you must take it, improve the toughening efficiency and the ability to pull the strip.

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

In addition to the type of blessing necessary to activate the equation, you can choose these mechanics: Penetration, Weak Click Breaking Efficiency, Brain Charge in the Can, Survival Type (Regeneration Defense, etc.), Patrol Any 3-Star Blessing, Memory 3-Star Blessing Innocence or Silence.

Team recommendation: Huangquan + Double Nothingness + Preservation (Cosmic Market Trend Light Cone). Players who are ready to play protocol 6, the enemy has a reduced damage when the enemy does not fall into a weak click breaking state, it is recommended to match the team according to the BOSS weakness attribute, anyway, the differential universe does not need to worry about the role training problem, and the corresponding void character can be selected to assist in toughening.

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

Third, the flow of fireflies breaks the stream

At the beginning of the game, you must take [2-Star Wastelander], if you encounter others, you will reopen it directly (you can also reopen it after activating the equation and the blessing illustrated book). The first boss level swipe [3-Star Voyage Guardian] provides additional damage and shields. 0 and 1 Soul Flow Fireflies are recommended to win the strange object [Time and Space Prism], whether it is 1 soul does not consume combat skill points or 2 souls are hyperactive, it is a great mechanism improvement. Weighted Strange Objects [Cloud Meat Chop], [Noisy Superior], and [Divine Face] can also greatly improve the defeat experience.

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

Recommended blessings, in addition to the activation equation essentials, you can additionally choose such mechanics: weak click break efficiency, extra super break damage, penetration, defense reduction, break remove, kill remove, survival-related blessings.

Team recommendation: Liuying + Tongharmonic Pioneer + Gallaher + Ruan Mei. If you choose fewer survival-related blessings in the middle of the game, and you don't get a damage sharing, Gallaher's single insurance rollover rate is quite high, so it is better to switch to some Conservation characters.

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

IV. Conclusion

Compared with the previous "Global Locust Plague" and "Gold and Machinery", you will find that this "Differential Universe" is significantly faster-paced! The shorter battle distance means that it is quite difficult to reverse the situation by brushing the blessing equation in the middle and late stages of the early defeat, and the error tolerance rate is even lower. More colloquially, 'reopen the brush equation repeatedly, and always only play the tailwind'.

Broken Iron: Differential Universe Strategy|2 Stable Routines Recommended, Protocol 6 can be passed

The above is Frozen Pear's suggestion for this "Differential Universe", recommending the two more stable genres of 'Flowing Firefly Breaking' and 'Huangquan Brushing', which only need to activate the core equation, and do not have high requirements for specific blessings and strange things. At present, there are many routines that can clear V6, if you have other refreshing routines to recommend, you may wish to leave a message in the comment area to share~

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