
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

author:Delicious food
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

"Fried", the oil pan was opened, and the meat crackled

Blow up a beautiful tiger skin pattern

"yard", a round earthen bowl

The meat dumping ground rises like a hill

"Buckle", the killing is decisive and hearty

The formed Roshan trembled and was buckled back on the plate

A domineering appearance

Seeing this, it is estimated that foodies have already guessed eight or nine

It's going to eat buckle bowls, right?

It's a buckle bowl, yes

But today's buckle bowl is not steamed

It's stewed


Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

Henan people have an inexplicable affection for "buckle bowls", although this feeling is not as warm as braised noodles and spicy soup, but it is also engraved in the bones. Whenever you go to a restaurant, as long as you see a "buckle bowl", you will be inexplicably kind. However, cordial is cordial, but if you want to say that the buckle bowl is not steamed, it is estimated that nine out of ten Henan foodies must protest.

Don't rush to conclusions, in this small restaurant we found in Xingyang recently, some foodies said that he grew up eating "stewed" buckle bowls since he was a child, and he has eaten it for at least one or two decades.

Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

They also said that this taste lasted throughout childhood, and that it could only be eaten during the red and white ceremonies held in the village. Nowadays, you can eat it at any time, except for happiness or happiness.


Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

"Eight Bowls"

I thought that what foodies recommended to us must be all kinds of meat and meat buckle bowls, but I didn't expect that the first thing recommended by foodies was tofu, kelp, cabbage, carrots and other vegetarian dishes, which instantly aroused our curiosity: how delicious can ordinary vegetarian dishes be made into buckle bowls?

Let's talk about carrots first, I never thought that I usually don't even want to look at it, but when I bite into it, it is soft and glutinous, and the taste is sour and spicy, especially appetizing; After the kelp shreds absorb the fresh aroma of the broth, they have a unique taste; The tofu that foodies talk about the most, the burnt skin after the outer layer is stewed and becomes soft, and the inside is still tender, and the gaps are full of the deliciousness of the broth, and the more you eat it, the more you eat it.

Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

The stew is also a classic dish in the eight bowls, although it is classified as a vegetarian dish, but it tastes like a meaty aroma. Especially after being soaked in the soup, take a bite and moisten the muscles. The taste is also sour and spicy, especially appetizing. Of course, this taste can be adjusted, and if you don't like sour and spicy, you can also make it salty and fragrant.

Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

"Slivers & Pork Ribs"

Of course, how could big-mouth children's shoes be satisfied with just these vegetarian dishes? Of course, it has to be meat~ A large piece of sliver meat that is rolling up and down in the stew pot, as well as the fragrant, soft and deboned pork ribs, all have to be served.

After stewing, the sliver meat is softer and more flavorful than the steamed sliver meat buckle bowl, especially the lean part, which is fresh and fragrant; Not to mention the ribs, one bite is boneless, even with the crispy part of the bones, chew it click, especially enjoyable!

Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table


Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

Of the eight bowls in the store, five are vegetarian dishes, and the remaining three are meat dishes. It can be seen why diners who come to eat recommend vegetarian dishes.

As for why the eight bowls are "stewed", it may also be caused by local eating habits. Diners come here and can choose according to their tastes. If you come to eat alone, don't worry, the eight big bowls of vegetarian dishes are basically 10 yuan a piece, the key is that the rice and flour buns in the store are free~ No wonder some foodies tell us that four or five of them come to eat, and they can eat to their heart's content with 20 per capita.

Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table
Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table


Eight large bowls of stew? Why did the foodie find the feeling of eating a table

Chen Ji Eight Bowls (Taohuayuan Community Store)

Address: 200 meters north of the intersection of Tashan Road and Zhengshang Road, Xingyang City, Zhengzhou

Business hours: 10:00-14:30 17:00-23:00