
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

author:Interesting talk

On June 25, an interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, and the media released the content of the interview with Jiang Ping from the same village, confirming that Jiang Ping was a caring, sensible and filial child.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Regarding everyone's recent doubts about this 17-year-old secondary school student Jiang Ping, I believe many people have seen it.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Even some highly educated contestants questioned Jiang Ping, and 39 people jointly wrote a letter asking for a thorough investigation of Jiang Ping's preliminary results, suspecting Jiang Ping of cheating.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

There are different theories, and even everyone began to doubt this genius girl, and many people shouted for Jiang Ping to come out to prove themselves.

On the 25th, Jiang Ping's neighbors were interviewed, what did everyone say in the interview?

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

According to neighbors, Jiang Ping has been studying well since she was a child, studying is the first place, and her results in the high school entrance examination are also very good, with a total score of 621 points.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Neighbors said that Jiang Ping had reached the admission score of ordinary high school at that time, and the reason why she chose Lianshui Secondary School was because she could get a scholarship there, which could help reduce some of the burden on her family.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

The children of poor families have long been in charge, and the neighbors said that Jiang Ping's parents have been working outside for many years, so they will put the money used by Jiang Ping's sisters to study and live in the neighbor's uncle's house. 3 yuan, 5 yuan, 9 yuan, she used it to buy study materials, and she chose cheap books to buy.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Although Jiang Ping's life is poor, the money left by their parents for their sisters can always be used for a long time, and not a penny is spent indiscriminately.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Neighbors said that Jiang Ping and her sister were sensible, filial, and didn't have to worry about their parents in the countryside, and they were two very cute girls.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Regarding homework and academic performance, the neighbor's aunt said that Jiang Ping did it every time without her parents asking.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Jiang Ping's mother also said that Jiang Ping's grades in school since she was a child were good, and she ranked first in school.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

After graduating from junior high school, he got more than 620 points, and instead of entering an ordinary high school, he chose vocational high school, the reason is that Jiang Ping is sensible, wants to reduce the burden on his parents, and wants to spend a little less money, because there is a scholarship for choosing vocational high school.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

The children of the real poor families are in charge early, Jiang Ping is good, this is the real sensible rural children, I believe that many children from ordinary families are like Jiang Ping.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

The neighbor's uncle also said that Jiang Ping's sister was studying in Lianshui, when Jiang Ping was in her third year of junior high school, but she also rode an electric car at night to pick up her sister at Yixing Station in Lianshui.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

You must know that there is a distance from the station to the rural hometown that is not open to traffic, and the sensible Jiang Ping is not afraid of the dark at night, and rides alone to pick up her sister, which is really sensible.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early
An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Jiang Ping is also very caring, the neighbor's little black dog is dirty, she will take the puppy to wash, get a hair dryer to blow and wipe it clean.

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

Have good grades, be filial to your parents, and don't let your parents worry about it. has love for small animals, helps neighbors work, saves money and studies hard, Jiang Ping is like this in the eyes of her neighbors, will she cheat in the global competition, does she have a chance to cheat?

An interview with Jiang Ping's neighbor came, confirming that Jiang Ping is loving and filial, and the children of poor families are in charge of the house early

From Jiang Ping's body, we saw the figure of a kind and sensible child.

She was only 17 years old, but she had endured so much. Jiang Ping is good, let's all support you together and praise you, you are not easy.