
"Better than Tesla, comparable to Porsche"! Another Chinese tram has entered Australia, unstoppable!

author:Australian financial news

Yahoo News reported on June 25 that Chinese automaker Xpeng will enter the Australian market in a few months. Some experts even said that the Xpeng G6 "outperforms Tesla" and can even be compared with "high-end cars of Porsche and Mercedes-Benz".

The 2025 Xpeng G6 electric SUV is now available for pre-order to Australian consumers, with deliveries set to begin later this year.

The G6 Sport is almost the same size as the Tesla Model Y, but some argue that it is actually more similar to the Porsche Macan or Mercedes EQE SUV and falls into the "premium" class.

"Better than Tesla, comparable to Porsche"! Another Chinese tram has entered Australia, unstoppable!

(Image source: Yahoo)

One industry expert said this highlights the fact that China's electric vehicles are "unstoppable" in the market.

Over time, one can expect to see more Chinese electric vehicles on Australian roads.

Hussein Dia, a professor of urban transportation at Swinburne University, said in an interview with Yahoo News that many people may think that Xpeng's new car is not cheap, but it will greatly increase the competition of automakers and push the price down.

*New luxury models coming to Australia within months*

Dia told Yahoo News: "At the moment [Xpeng G6] has not set a specific price for the Australian market. But in the Hong Kong market, it's priced at around $60,000, a price similar to some higher-end models. ”

"There's an oversupply of EVs right now, especially in China – and Tesla has been cutting prices as well – and if Xpeng comes in and can bring prices down by 10 or 20 percent, that's a good result for consumers."

"It may not be cheap for most people, but if it costs the same as Tesla's Model Y, it means there will be competition, and eventually the price of both cars may go down."

"I think it's really giving people more options. It looks like a great car, and performance is key. ”

"Better than Tesla, comparable to Porsche"! Another Chinese tram has entered Australia, unstoppable!

(Image source: Yahoo)

As the influence of Chinese cars in the market continues to grow, some have questioned whether Australia will impose import tariffs on overseas car manufacturers, as has been seen in Europe recently. But Dia said that scenario was "unlikely" – and it would be "very surprising" if the government did.

"It's not wise. First of all, we have a trade agreement with China. Secondly, we don't have any local manufacturing. These tariffs by the European Union and the United States are mainly aimed at protecting jobs in the local auto manufacturing industry. ”

"On the contrary, Australia may have the opportunity to build a factory in Australia in joint ventures with Chinese companies...... So I'd be very surprised if we imposed any tariffs on our side, it would be counterproductive. ”

"Better than Tesla, comparable to Porsche"! Another Chinese tram has entered Australia, unstoppable!

, Picture and text have nothing to do (Image source: Internet)

*China's electric vehicles landing in Australia is "unstoppable"*

Dia said that while this model from Xpeng may not have a huge impact on the market, it marks the direction of the future.

Australians can expect to see more electric vehicles from China being imported into Australia, "hopefully allowing us to catch up" with Europe and the US.

"For example, a Chinese brand like BYD...... We'll see more brands soon. I think Chinese brands have become unstoppable. ”

"In fact, it's a good thing for us because we're starting from a backward position, we need more brands, we need more choice, we need more price range."

"Five years ago, when people went to trade shows, the quality of Chinese cars was not good. But now everyone says they've come a long way in the last two decades. ”

"Chinese cars are competitive not only in price, but also in quality. It's a good thing for the people, and for Australia. ”

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