
Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Shunyi Edition

Zhangzhen focuses on the actual situation in rural areas, improves and improves the full-cycle training mechanism of "selection and breeding", encourages village workers to give full play to their talents, and helps rural revitalization.

"Select" with heart and build a good "reservoir" of talents

Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents
Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents

The village affairs workers who are young, highly educated, and highly qualified will be enriched into the ranks of village-level reserve cadres, so as to solve the problem of the aging of village cadres and the lack of successors, and inject fresh blood into the ranks of village cadres. Adhere to the standard of "good political quality, strong officer ability, and rural feelings", aim at outstanding village workers with outstanding performance, recognition and affirmation by party organizations, and good reputation among the masses, open up channels for organizational recommendation, mass recommendation, and individual self-recommendation, select outstanding village workers as village-level reserve talent reserves, expand the "reservoir" of reserve cadres, and provide talent guarantee for rural revitalization.

Precise "education", forging the "iron arm" of the officer

Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents

The cadres of Bao Village, the cadres of the "two committees" of the village and the village workers of the village have formed pairs of help, and through the "2+1" model of follow-up training, they have helped the village workers grow rapidly. Focusing on the needs of rural work in the new era, focusing on policy theory, grassroots governance, etc., we will improve the comprehensive quality of village workers by means of special lectures by party school teachers and business explanations by section chiefs. Organize village workers to carry out investigation and research on grassroots governance in the town, carry out exchanges and discussions on the difficulties and blockages in the work, share cases, and explore new paths and new methods.

Strict "management" and establish a "wind vane" for work

Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents

Adhere to strict management, strengthen discipline requirements, combine strict management with love, reward the good and punish the bad. Clarify the system, implement the "Shunyi District College Student Village Workers Management Measures (Trial)", clarify responsibilities, set goals, clarify the village workers on duty system, leave system, discipline requirements and other aspects, incorporate attendance into daily assessment, and form a comprehensive management mechanism of "random inspection, monthly attendance, and annual debriefing". Re-assessment, the town party and mass work office will coordinate the annual assessment of village workers, strengthen the use of assessment results, link the annual assessment results with the distribution of performance bonuses, reasonably divide the files, reflect the actual results of the work, and stimulate the enthusiasm of village workers to take responsibility and strive for the first.

Rational "use" to activate the "internal motivation" of the officer

Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents
Zhang Zhen in Shunyi District recited the "four-character formula" to encourage village workers to display their talents

Adhere to the "two-way choice", realize the dual matching of people and villages, people and posts, and arrange village workers who are good at doing mass work to villages with a wide range of villages and complex public conditions, visit households, and go directly to the front line to help village cadres deal with villagers' conflicts and maintain stability in the village. Encourage village workers to shoulder heavy burdens, let them participate in key tasks such as the creation of civilized urban areas and the improvement of human settlements, and enhance the ability of village workers to solve practical problems. Arrange for village workers to go to key business departments in batches for rotational study, further accumulate experience, and improve their overall quality and overall ability.


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