
The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

author:Shanghai Jing'an
The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→
The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

In order to solve the differentiated and diversified medical needs of "office workers" and "students", the Community Health Service Center of Pengpu Town, Jing'an District, actively responds to the demands of residents, and from July 1, the center will launch a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" service at No. 331 Yuanping Road, making it more convenient for residents to seek medical treatment, which is also the first community "night clinic" opened in the district.

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→
The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

The "night clinic" is open from 17:00 to 19:00 every Monday to Friday, providing traditional Chinese medicine treatment services, including moxibustion, massage, cupping, acupuncture point application and other traditional Chinese medicine treatments.

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→
The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

Li Yunjia, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the center, introduced: "'Office workers' have neck, shoulder and lumbar spine pain due to long-term desk work, and they have no time to work during the day, but they do have treatment needs. ”

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

High temperature and humidity in summer,

In addition, the temperature difference between the air-conditioned room and the outdoor is large.

It is also a high incidence period of air conditioning disease.

In view of the common symptoms of "air-conditioning disease" in summer, such as dizziness, headache, fatigue, shoulder and neck pain, joint pain, etc., the center has also specially developed bone and joint foot soaking formulas, joint traditional Chinese medicine hot compress packs, Pengpu No. 1 and other prescriptions for residents to use.

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

In order to meet the needs of young people for fat loss and shaping in summer, the "Night Clinic" also launched Lishui Lipid Tea. This tea contains a five-skin drink formula, which has the effects of diluting water and reducing swelling, regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, and reducing turbidity and lipids.

"Shanghai has a humid climate, and many people are greedy for cold drinks and greasy food in summer, which is easy to accumulate moisture in the body. Lishui and lipid-lowering tea is developed according to the characteristics of regional climate and dietary habits. Li Yunjia introduced.

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

In addition, the hot "dog days" are coming, which is the best time for "winter diseases and summer treatment", and there will also be a wave of medical peaks.

The opening of the "night clinic" provides an opportunity for people who are busy during the day and have no time to seek medical treatment, and provides a new choice for nearby medical treatment.

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

The person in charge of the center said that the introduction of the innovative service model of "night clinic" allows residents to better maintain their health and comfort while enjoying the convenience of modern life. In the future, we will continue to pay attention to the health needs of residents, and are committed to providing more intimate and convenient medical services, so that residents can rely on "medical" health care.

Reporter: Yu Tingli Picture: Yu Tingli Editor: Chen Feng Part of the information source: Pengpu Town Editing Base Reprinted, please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Jing'an

The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

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The first in the district! Pengpu Town opened a traditional Chinese medicine "night clinic" at the doorstep! It is no longer difficult to see a doctor at night→

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