
Geographical customers "buy short" here in a month, and the lowest winning rate of home-owning families is 4.38%

author:Hangzhou newspaper real estate

Do you know where Cloud Valley is? Where is Westlake University?

Would you go and buy a new house next to Westlake University?

When some people heard of "Cloud Valley" for the first time, seriously looked up the location of Westlake University on the map for the first time, or disdained this "desolate" place, others had already "bought short" the first commercial real estate here.

Geographical customers "buy short" here in a month, and the lowest winning rate of home-owning families is 4.38%

Renderings of the Yungu Campus of Westlake University


Recently, the first commercial housing project in the Yungu sector, Greentown Xihaitang, ended the last registration.

According to the registration announcement, 184 suites and 989 groups of families were registered in the third opening of the project, with a comprehensive winning rate of 20.3% in the corridor and 17.11% outside the corridor.

After the New Deal, Hangzhou's new housing market gradually warmed up, and sales accelerated. However, buyers are still relatively rational, so that the phenomenon of fighting social security and low winning lottery is still concentrated in a small number of upside-down red disks or high-end improvement plates.

The average price of 28,000 yuan/㎡ is definitely a "clear stream". The positioning of the project is just needed and changed, the public is familiar with the plate is low, and there are no second-hand houses with inverted prices in the plate, but the speed and heat of sales have exceeded many real estate projects in the same period.

It took only a month for the project to obtain the first pre-sale certificate on May 28 and the end of the three-opening registration. Moreover, the difficulty of winning the lottery in the first two times is not small:

On May 28, 112 suites and 759 groups of families were registered, of which 16.96% were won in the corridor and 12.95% outside the corridor.

On June 11, 108 suites and 929 groups of families were registered, of which the comprehensive winning rate in the corridor was 13.37%, 10.2% outside the corridor, and 4.38% for families with houses outside the corridor.

Geographical customers "buy short" here in a month, and the lowest winning rate of home-owning families is 4.38%

Renderings of begonias

It is worth mentioning that talent families with policy tilts need to face the lottery. Especially at the second opening, the winning rate of talents outside the corridor was only 74.56%.

It stands to reason that the public's familiarity or recognition is inversely proportional to the winning rate, and the higher the familiarity, the lower the winning rate. An almost new sector like Yungu rarely has such a low winning rate except during the rapid upward trend of the property market.


So, who pushed the begonias? The answer is geo-customers.

According to the project, the vast majority of the registered families are geographical customers who live or work in Zijingang and the Future Science and Technology City, and have a high degree of recognition of the sector. The "blank paper" in the eyes of others is already the most familiar activity area in their eyes. They are willing to grow with the sector and believe in the development potential of the sector.

On the other hand, the average price of Xihaitang is 28,000 yuan/㎡, which is still developed by Greentown, and the cost performance is relatively outstanding in Hangzhou. In addition, the income of buyers from surrounding enterprises and institutions or high-end scientific research institutions is good, and the pressure of loan repayment in the later period is relatively small.

Geographical customers "buy short" here in a month, and the lowest winning rate of home-owning families is 4.38%

The real scene of the Xihaitang demonstration area

If you don't buy Xihaitang, don't worry, because Yungu, as the connection between Zijingang and the future science and technology city, will have many opportunities in the future.

According to the "2024 West Lake Land Reading Handbook", the Shuangqiao unit where Xi Haitang is located is included in 10 residential or commercial and residential land to be transferred, including three low-density plots with a plot ratio of less than 2.0 and two commercial and residential plots next to the subway station.

I just don't know what the price trend of these plots will be next, we will wait and see.

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