
China mortise lock industry market research report

author:Market insights by industry

The report shows that in 2023, the global mortise lock market size will reach 10.798 billion yuan, and the market size of China's mortise lock will reach x.x billion yuan (RMB), combined with historical trends and development environment and other factors, Berges Consulting predicts that by 2029, the global mortise lock market size is expected to reach 14.894 billion yuan.

报告对全球及中国插芯锁行业的主流企业进行详尽分析,其中包括Allegion, ASSA ABLOY Group, CES, Dormakaba, Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB), Gretsch-Unitas, Hafele Group, KAWAJUN, Lince, Lockwood Industries, PDQ, SALTO, SELECO, Stanley Black & Decker, Taymor, Unison Hardware, Zhejiang Hongli Locks。 其中,报告以图的形式分别呈现了2020年和2023年全球插芯锁行业排名前三和前十企业市场总份额(CR3、CR10)。

Secondly, the report also conducts statistical and forecast analysis of the sales volume, sales, and share proportion of each segment type and application market of the mortise lock market. The market segments illustrated in the report are segmented into 2 joysticks, 3 joysticks, and 5 joysticks. The end-use market segment is segmented into residential, commercial.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd

The report analyzes and predicts the development prospects and market size of the mortise lock industry, not only describes the macro environment, policy environment and technical environment, but also deeply analyzes the impact of various environmental factors on the development of the mortise lock industry. The analysis of the macro environment can grasp the market fluctuations and understand the prosperity of the industry; The analysis of the policy environment can grasp the recent policy trends and adjust the product structure to meet the policy requirements; The analysis of the technology environment can help companies learn from each other's strengths, improve their own technology in a timely manner, and keep up with the pace of industry development. The report provides comprehensive, detailed and accurate market data, interprets the internal and external development environment of the mortise lock industry, digs deep into the market drivers and market potential, and the research content has important strategic reference significance for the mortise lock industry manufacturers, upstream and downstream enterprises, relevant investors and enterprises interested in entering the industry.

The report includes an analysis of the current operation situation of the mortise lock industry, key market size and share data, and market concentration, etc., providing comprehensive, detailed and accurate market data, depicting the internal and external development environment of the mortise lock industry, and digging deep into the market drivers and market potential. At the level of market competitiveness, the report lists the key enterprises in the mortise lock industry in detail, and provides an in-depth interpretation of their market performance and SWOT to help enterprises find their own competitive advantages and disadvantages through the analysis of competitors, and then adjust their strategies and positioning to improve market competitiveness.

Key enterprises in the mortise lock industry:





Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)


Hafele Group



Lockwood Industries




Stanley Black & Decker


Unison Hardware

Zhejiang Hongli Locks

Types of mortise locks:

2 joysticks

3 joysticks

5 joysticks

Mortise lock subdivision application field:



The report has made a detailed analysis and reasonable prediction of the development of the ferrule lock industry, the competitive environment of the mortise lock market and the development trend of the industry in key regions such as North America (the United States, Canada, Mexico), Europe (Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Northern Europe, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Turkey), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, India, ASEAN, South Korea) and other key regions. At the same time, it also evaluates and explains the development limitations and risk factors of each region, helping users avoid potential risks and make the right business decisions.

The chapters of the mortise lock market analysis report are as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction to the mortise lock industry, introduction to the meaning and classification of ferrule locking;

Chapter 2: Supply Chain Analysis of Mortise Lock Industry (Analysis of Upstream Raw Materials and Downstream Customers);

Chapter 3: Analysis of the overall development status of the global and Chinese mortise lock industry and the factors affecting the market size;

Chapter 4: Analysis of the development environment of the mortise lock industry at home and abroad (analysis of the impact of the new crown epidemic, economy, policy and technical background);

Chapter 5: SWOT Analysis of Mortise Lock Industry (Advantages, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Challenges);

Chapter 6: Global Mortise Lock Industry Segmentation Type Development and Product Price Trend Analysis;

Chapter 7: Analysis of the development of subdivision types and product price trends of China's mortise lock industry;

Chapter 8: Analysis of the development of application fields in the global mortise lock industry;

Chapter 9: Analysis of the development of application fields in China's mortise lock industry;

Chapter 10: Analysis of key regional markets in the global ferrule lock industry (including market data such as regional sales, sales, growth rate and analysis of regional development driving constraints);

Chapter 11: Analysis of the Competitive Landscape of the Global Mortise Lock Industry;

Chapter 12: Global and China mortise lock industry leading company profiles, product introduction, market performance and SWOT analysis;

Chapters 13-14: Global and China Mortise Lock Industry Development Environment Forecast and Industry Prospects and Development Forecast in the Post-Epidemic Context.


Chapter 1 mortise lock industry market overview

1.1 Insert locking meaning and classification

1.1.1 Insert locking

1.1.2 Introduction to the subdivision types of mortise locks

1.2 The development history of the mortise lock industry

1.3 Analysis of the market characteristics of the global mortise lock industry

Chapter 2 Analysis of the Mortise Lock Industry Chain

2.1 The industrial chain of the mortise lock industry

2.2 Analysis of downstream customers of mortise locks

2.3 Analysis of upstream raw materials of mortise lock

2.4 Market size analysis of global and China mortise lock industry

Chapter 3 The overall development of the global and Chinese mortise lock industry

3.1 Analysis of the development status of the global and Chinese mortise lock industry

3.2 Market size analysis of the global mortise lock industry

3.3 Market size analysis of China's mortise lock industry

3.4 Factors influencing the size of the market

3.5 Global and China mortise lock industry market potential

3.6 The short-term and long-term impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the mortise lock industry market

3.7 The impact of trade frictions between China and the United States on the mortise lock industry

Chapter 4 Analysis of the development environment of foreign and domestic mortise lock industry

4.1 Analysis of the impact of the new crown epidemic on the foreign and domestic mortise lock industry

4.1.1 Analysis of the impact of the new crown epidemic on the foreign mortise lock industry

4.1.2 Analysis of the impact of the new crown epidemic on the domestic mortise lock industry

4.2 Analysis of the economic environment

4.2.1 Economic development of major foreign regions

4.2.2 Economic development in domestic regions Domestic GDP analysis Analysis of development differences in domestic economic regions The impact of domestic economic development on the mortise lock industry

4.3 Analysis of the policy environment of foreign and domestic mortise lock industry

4.3.1 Relevant policies of foreign and domestic mortise lock industry

4.3.2 Analysis of the impact of relevant policies on the development of mortise lock industry

4.4 Analysis of the technical environment of the mortise lock industry

4.4.1 The main production technology of foreign and domestic mortise lock industry

4.4.2 The technical situation of patent application in the domestic mortise lock industry

4.4.3 The technical development trend of the mortise lock industry

4.5 Analysis of the prosperity of the mortise lock industry

Chapter 5 SWOT Analysis of Mortise Lock Market

5.1 Advantage Analysis

5.2 Weakness Analysis

5.3 Opportunity Analysis

5.4 Challenge Analysis

Chapter 6 Analysis of the Development of Global Mortise Lock Industry Segments

6.1 Analysis of sales volume and market share of each product in the global mortise lock industry

6.1.1 Global 2 joystick sales and growth rate statistics from 2019 to 2024

6.1.2 2019-2024 global 3 joystick sales and growth rate statistics

6.1.3 2019-2024 Global 5 joystick sales and growth rate statistics

6.2 Analysis of sales and market share of various products in the global mortise lock industry

6.2.1 2019-2024 Global 2 joystick sales and growth rate statistics

6.2.2 2019-2024 Global 3 joystick sales and growth rate statistics

6.2.3 Global 5 joystick sales and growth rate statistics from 2019 to 2024

6.3 Analysis of the price trend of global mortise lock products

6.4 Summary of the market status of key products in the global mortise lock industry

Chapter 7 Analysis of the development of subdivision types of China's mortise lock industry

7.1 Analysis of sales volume and market share of various products in China's mortise lock industry

7.1.1 2019-2024 sales statistics of subdivision types of China's mortise lock industry

7.1.2 Analysis of the sales share of each product in China's mortise lock industry from 2019 to 2024

7.2 Analysis of sales and market share of various products in China's mortise lock industry

7.2.1 2019-2024 China Mortise Lock Industry Sales Statistics by Segment

7.2.2 Analysis of the sales share of each product in China's mortise lock industry from 2019 to 2024

7.3 Analysis of the price trend of mortise lock products in China

7.4 Summary of the market status of key products in China's mortise lock industry

Chapter 8 Analysis of the development of application fields in the global mortise lock industry

8.1 Introduction to the main application fields of mortise lock industry

8.2 Global mortise lock sales volume and market share analysis by application field

8.2.1 Sales statistics of global mortise locks in the residential sector from 2019 to 2024

8.2.2 Sales statistics of global mortise locks in the commercial sector from 2019 to 2024

8.3 Global Mortise Lock Sales and Market Share Analysis by Application Field

8.3.1 Sales Statistics of Global Mortise Locks in Residential Sector from 2019 to 2024

8.3.2 Sales statistics of global mortise locks in the commercial sector from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 9 Analysis of the development of application fields in China's mortise lock industry

9.1 Analysis of sales volume and market share of mortise locks in China by application

9.1.1 Sales statistics of the main application fields of China's mortise lock industry from 2019 to 2024

9.1.2 Analysis of the sales share of China's mortise locks by application field from 2019 to 2024

9.2 China Mortise Lock Sales and Market Share Analysis by Application Field

9.2.1 Sales statistics of the main application fields of China's mortise lock industry from 2019 to 2024

9.2.2 Analysis of the sales share of China's contact locks by application field from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 10 Market Analysis of Key Regions of the Global Mortise Lock Industry

10.1 Global mortise lock industry market analysis by major regions

10.2 Global Mortise Lock Industry Sales Share Analysis by Major Regions

10.3 North America Mortise Lock Industry Market Analysis

10.3.1 Analysis of the level of economic development in North America and its impact on the mortise lock industry

10.3.2 Analysis of driving factors and restraints for the development of mortise lock industry in North America

10.3.3 North America mortise lock industry market sales volume and sales analysis

10.3.4 Change in sales share of the global mortise lock industry in North America

10.3.5 Competitive Analysis of Major Countries in North America

10.3.6 North America Market Analysis by Major Countries United States mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Canada mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Mexico mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate

10.4 Europe mortise lock industry market analysis

10.4.1 Analysis of the level of economic development in Europe and its impact on the mortise lock industry

10.4.2 Analysis of driving factors and restraints for the development of the mortise lock industry in Europe

10.4.3 Analysis of market volume and sales of mortise lock industry in Europe

10.4.4 Changes in the sales share of the global mortise lock industry in Europe

10.4.5 Competition Analysis of Major Countries in the European Region

10.4.6 Market Analysis of Key Countries in Europe Germany mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate UK Mortise Lock Market Volume, Value and Growth Rate France mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Italy mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Nordic mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Spain mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Belgium mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate Poland mortise lock market sales volume, value and growth rate Russia mortise lock market volume, sales and growth rate Turkey mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate

10.5 Asia-Pacific mortise lock industry market analysis

10.5.1 Analysis of the economic development level of the Asia-Pacific region and its impact on the mortise lock industry

10.5.2 Analysis of driving factors and restraints for the development of mortise lock industry in the Asia-Pacific region

10.5.3 Asia-Pacific mortise lock industry market sales volume and sales analysis

10.5.4 Asia-Pacific Change in Global Mortise Lock Industry Sales Share

10.5.5 Competitive Analysis of Major Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region

10.5.6 Asia-Pacific Market Analysis by Key Countries China mortise lock market volume, sales and growth rate Japan Mortise Lock Market Volume, Value and Growth Rate Australia & New Zealand mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate India mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate ASEAN Mortise Lock Market Volume, Value and Growth Rate South Korea mortise lock market volume, value and growth rate

Chapter 11 Analysis of the Competitive Landscape of the Global Mortise Lock Industry

11.1 Analysis of the market concentration of the global mortise lock industry

11.2 Analysis of the competitive landscape of the global mortise lock industry

11.3 Analysis of entry barriers in the mortise lock industry

11.4 Analysis of competitive strategy of mortise lock industry

11.5 The evolution direction of the competitive pattern of the global mortise lock industry

Chapter 12 Analysis of the competitiveness of leading enterprises in the global and Chinese mortise lock industry

12.1 Allegion

12.1.1 Allegion简介

12.1.2 Introduction to Allegion's Main Products

12.1.3 Allegion Market Performance Analysis

12.1.4 AllegionSWOT分析

12.2 ASSA ABLOY Group

12.2.1 ASSA ABLOY Group简介

12.2.2 Introduction to ASSA ABLOY Group's main products

12.2.3 ASSA ABLOY Group Market Performance Analysis

12.2.4 ASSA ABLOY GroupSWOT分析

12.3 SEC

12.3.1 Introduction to CES

12.3.2 Introduction to CES's main products

12.3.3 CES Market Performance Analysis


12.4 Dormakaba

12.4.1 Dormakaba

12.4.2 Introduction to Dormakaba's main products

12.4.3 Dormakaba Market Performance Analysis

12.4.4 DormakabaSWOT 分析

12.5 Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)

12.5.1 Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)简介

12.5.2 Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)主营产品介绍

12.5.3 Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB)市场表现分析

12.5.4 Franz Schneider Brakel (FSB) SWOT Analysis

12.6 Gretsch-Unitas

12.6.1 Introduction to Gretsch-Unitas

12.6.2 Gretsch-Unitas主营产品介绍

12.6.3 Gretsch-Unitas Market Performance Analysis

12.6.4 Gretsch-Unitas SWOT Analysis

12.7 Hafele Group

12.7.1 Hafele Group简介

12.7.2 Introduction to the main products of Hafele Group

12.7.3 Hafele Group Market Performance Analysis

12.7.4 Hafele GroupSWOT分析


12.8.1 KAWAJUN介

12.8.2 Introduction of KAWAJUN's main products

12.8.3 KAWAJUN Market Performance Analysis


12.9 Lynx

12.9.1 Introduction to Lince

12.9.2 Introduction to Lince's main products

12.9.3 Lince Market Performance Analysis

12.9.4 LinceSWOT Analysis

12.10 Lockwood Industries

12.10.1 Lockwood Industries简介

12.10.2 Lockwood Industries主营产品介绍

12.10.3 Lockwood Industries市场表现分析

12.10.4 Lockwood IndustriesSWOT分析

12.11 PDQ

12.11.1 PDQ简介

12.11.2 Introduction to PDQ's main products

12.11.3 PDQ Market Performance Analysis

12.11.4 PDQSWOT analysis

12.12 JUMP

12.12.1 SALTO简介

12.12.2 Introduction to SALTO's main products

12.12.3 SALTO Market Performance Analysis

12.12.4 SALTOSWOT分析

12.13 SELECO

12.13.1 Introduction to SELECO

12.13.2 Introduction of SELECO's main products

12.13.3 SELECO Market Performance Analysis

12.13.4 SELECOSWOT Analysis

12.14 Stanley Black & Decker

12.14.1 Stanley Black & Decker简介

Stanley Black & Decker主营产品介绍

12.14.3 Stanley Black & Decker市场表现分析

12.14.4 Stanley Black & DeckerSWOT分析

12.15 Timer

12.15.1 Taymor简介

12.15.2 Introduction to Taymor's main products

12.15.3 Taymor Market Performance Analysis

12.15.4 TaymorSWOT分析

12.16 Unison Hardware

12.16.1 Unison Hardware简介

12.16.2 Introduction to Unison Hardware's main products

12.16.3 Unison Hardware Market Performance Analysis

12.16.4 Unison HardwareSWOT分析

12.17 Zhejiang Hongli Locks

12.17.1 Introduction to Zhejiang Hongli Locks

12.17.2 Zhejiang Hongli Locks' main products

12.17.3 Zhejiang Hongli Locks市场表现分析

12.17.4 Zhejiang Hongli LocksSWOT分析

Chapter 13 Global and China mortise lock industry development environment forecast

13.1 Analysis of the macroeconomic situation

13.2 Policy Trend Analysis

13.3 Analysis of foreseeable risks in the development of mortise lock industry

Chapter 14 Future Prospects and Development Forecasts of the Global and China Mortise Lock Industry in the Post-COVID Environment

14.1 Analysis of the correlation between the market environment and the development trend of the mortise lock industry

14.2 Global and China mortise lock industry overall size forecast

14.2.1 2024-2029 Global Mortise Lock Industry Sales Volume and Sales Forecast

14.2.2 2024-2029 China mortise lock industry sales volume and sales forecast

14.3 Development Trends of Various Product Types in the Global and Chinese Mortise Lock Industry

14.3.1 Development Trend of Product Types in the Global Mortise Lock Industry Global mortise lock industry sales forecast by product type from 2024 to 2029 Global mortise lock industry sales forecast by product type 2024-2029 2024-2029 Global Mortise Lock Industry Price Forecast by Product

14.3.2 The development trend of various product types in China's mortise lock industry 2024-2029 China Mortise Lock Industry Sales Forecast by Product Type 2024-2029 China mortise lock industry sales forecast by product type 2024-2029 China Mortise Lock Industry Price Forecast by Product

14.4 Global and Chinese mortise lock development trends in various application fields

14.4.1 Global development trends of mortise locks in various application fields Global mortise lock sales forecast by application 2024-2029 Global mortise lock sales forecast by application 2024-2029

14.4.2 The development trend of Chinese mortise locks in various application fields China mortise lock sales forecast by application from 2024 to 2029 China mortise lock sales forecast by application from 2024 to 2029

14.5 The development trend of mortise lock industry in key regions of the world

14.5.1 Global Key Regional Mortise Lock Industry Sales Volume and Sales Forecast

14.5.2 North America Mortise Lock Industry Volume and Forecast

14.5.3 Europe Mortise Lock Industry Volume and Revenue Forecast

14.5.4 Asia-Pacific mortise lock industry sales volume and sales forecast

The report comprehensively counts the historical mortise lock market data and growth rate, and makes a reasonable assessment of the industry development trend during the forecast period, provides valuable market overview and market insight for target users, and helps users have a clear and detailed overview of the mortise lock market trend and core area market, and can grasp and make correct strategic decisions in time in the face of development opportunities.

Report Code: 2854335

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