
"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

author:Fall in love with the fruity aroma of melon

Unexpectedly, it's 2024, and you have to kneel to chase a star, stand up and make an ordinary joke, and you will be chased and scolded.

On June 25, Sun Yang posted a group of photos wearing black trousers, long shirts, and leather shoes on social platforms.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

A fan saw it and asked in the comment area: Isn't it hot to wear so dark and thick in the summer? Hahahaha.

This was an ordinary sentence, but I didn't expect Sun Yang to directly break the defense and reply to this fan: If you say these unconstructive words, will you live a happier life?

Fans may have realized that Sun Yang may be unhappy, and quickly explained that he was just occasionally clever, and told Sun Yang to pay attention to his body and be happy every day, and praised him for being handsome in this suit.

Actually, this is also a step handed by fans to Sun Yang, originally the matter could have ended here, but unexpectedly, Sun Yang didn't plan to let go of this fan, and began to crackle: Do you have any misunderstanding about the cleverness? I'm handsome and it's over? How thin can I wear to the ceremony?

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

The fans realized that Sun Yang didn't want this step, so he sincerely apologized again, explaining that he didn't know that Sun Yang had activities, but he just greeted him in a joking tone because he saw him wearing so much in the hot summer, but he didn't expect to make him unhappy, and expressed his liking for him again.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

However, the more the fan apologized, the more arrogant Sun Yang became, he said that this fan was not a friend in his life, so he did not accept such a joke, and his friend would not talk to him like this at all, and told the fan not to be wronged, he was just replying to her in the way the fan spoke.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

Maybe she was too tired, the fan found out how to explain and apologize, Sun Yang didn't intend to forgive her, so he simply didn't reply.

The matter can end here, I never expected that Sun Yang would chase this fan and tear it, and asked her why she deleted the message that said he was wearing thick clothes, and the fan explained again that he had no ill will towards Sun Yang, and he had never deleted the message, if Sun Yang felt uncomfortable, she could delete it.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

After an hour and a half, Sun Yang replied to the fan and said that he was teasing her.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

Hehe, it's not fun at all, is it?

This fan's comment to Sun Yang is really a joke, I really care about whether he is hot or not, Sun Yang chases and tears fans, but it is not a joke, that is, he has a small number of fans, otherwise, it may be a celebrity's online exposure to amateurs, it is terrible to think about.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

Someone comforted and cared about this fan, telling her not to let her heart go, the fan said that he has been standing chasing stars, and now he has officially lost his fans, and at the same time revealed that Sun Yang has apologized to her in a private message.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

But looking at Sun Yang's apology, no matter how you look at it, there is a strong daddy smell, I don't blame you for that sentence, it immediately makes people sober, where is this apology, but the matter is getting bigger and bigger, Sun Yang just saves face.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted
"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted
"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

The fans who lost their fans maintained their dignity until the end, did not step back, and even wished Sun Yang a bright future and a long career.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

But this incident made netizens see the other side of Sun Yang's face, so Sun Yang's comment area fell, at this time, Sun Yang not only did not apologize, but the team also deleted various comments.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted
"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

even stretched his hand under the account of the de-fan, and carried out the operation of deleting comments, which directly provoked this de-fan, dialect, if he was deleting comments and covering his mouth, he would release the complete chat record between Sun Yang and her.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

It seems that Sun Yang and this fan are not very happy, it's just that this fan once really liked Sun Yang, so he left a decent place, and the most important thing for Sun Yang's team at this time is to be beaten and apologize sincerely, otherwise, the career that has just become popular with "All or Nothing" is likely to collapse.

"All or Nothing" Sun Yang: Small cards scolded fans, and took uneducated people as their true temperament, but this time they were planted

Maybe he was used to his few fans, thinking that his uneducated was his true temperament, but he didn't expect that this time, the fan stood and didn't kneel, and he planted it.

Standing and chasing stars, chasing stars rationally, or not chasing stars, and living your own life is the most important thing, no one holds stinky feet, and those high-flying stars naturally dare not be so arrogant anymore.

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