
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

author:Xi'an Xilan Natural Gas
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

In order to fully implement the relevant requirements of the "Three-year Action Plan for Tackling the Root Causes of Safe Production" and the requirements of the "Notice on Carrying out the 2024 "Safety Production Month" Activities of Xilan Group, further strengthen the safety production of gas in all fields of the enterprise, conscientiously implement the principle of safe production, improve the safety awareness and responsibility awareness of all employees, and continuously consolidate the foundation of safe production. From June 27 to June 28, 2024, the Safety Committee of Xilan Group set up an inspection team to carry out a two-day gas safety inspection action at various production and operation stations on the front line.

The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

The safety committee of Xilan Group planned and carefully deployed in advance, and each first-line station first carried out self-inspection and self-correction and self-inspection and rectification, and then the inspection team led by the safety committee conducted an in-depth assessment on the spot to ensure the full coverage of the inspection work.

In line with the principle of "not missing a hidden danger", the inspection team targeted Hongqing production area, Hongqingmen Station, catering users and kindergartens in Hongqing area; Lantian Gate Station, Lantian Gas Station, projects under construction, and the "Safety Production Month" activities in the local industrial zone were inspected. By viewing all kinds of safety records, emergency drills, publicity and safety management, equipment and facilities safety, gas user alarm devices and other conditions for comprehensive and detailed inspection. In view of the problems found in the inspection, rectification measures should be formulated immediately, and the time limit and responsible person for rectification should be clarified to ensure that the problems are solved in a timely and effective manner.

The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather
The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

Chen Dong, vice president of the group, general manager of the market development center and director of the safety committee, requested in the inspection: first, we should attach great importance to the safety production work during the high temperature weather, and guide the implementation of safety precautions according to the characteristics of safety production during the high temperature weather to ensure the normal development of operation and production; Second, it is necessary to carry out a major inspection of potential safety hazards in combination with key work, and increase the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in the gas pipeline network and industrial and commercial catering users. Strengthen the management of safe electricity consumption at stations, prevent electric shock or fire accidents caused by electricity, and strictly prevent all kinds of safety accidents. Third, it is necessary to strengthen employee safety education, improve operation skills, put an end to the behavior of "illegal operation and illegal command", strictly abide by the post operation system, and strictly prevent accidents. Fourth, there has been a lot of heavy rainfall in recent times, resulting in stagnant water, floods and other phenomena, it is necessary to strengthen preventive measures in the station area, timely drainage and flood prevention, and make preparations for natural disasters.

The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

In the next step, Xilan Group will continue to strengthen safety management, fulfill the main responsibility of enterprise safety production, regularly organize safety training and drills, improve employees' safety awareness and emergency response capabilities, and strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments to jointly build a gas safety prevention and control system to ensure the safety and stability of gas supply.

The Safety Committee of Xilan Group carried out a major inspection of the safety of gas equipment in hot weather

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