
"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

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"Weak woman! Do you know that you have to eat well? (Declining woman!) Why can you still eat? ) ”

At the Jockey Club restaurant in Hong Kong, Ms Cheng Wong Yuet-fong, a 102-year-old member of the Hong Kong Women's Club, stood up and pointed at the haggard-looking woman.

After the people around saw it, not only did they not dissuade them, but instead shouted with Ms. Zheng Huang Yuefang: "Weak woman! Decrepit woman! ”

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

And this woman who was abused and pretended to be indifferent was Chen Fang Ansheng.

One of the "Four People Who Brought Trouble to Hong Kong" provoked and instigated elements to destabilize Hong Kong, and took the initiative to put the cold face of the United States upside down......

Chen Fangansheng's various actions make people hate it to the core.

Now that it has been a few years since the Hong Kong riots, has she been tried?

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

The source of this article is from the official media, and the specific links are repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only.

The red family, but the heart is to the West

Chen Fang Ansheng, formerly known as Fang Ansheng. After getting married, she was given her husband's surname "Chen".

The name "Ansheng" also has the family's expectation that she will live a safe and smooth life, but ironically, the trajectory of her later life is contrary to the word "Ansheng".

Chen Fangan was born in a family with strong roots.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Her grandfather, Fang Zhenwu, was a famous anti-Japanese general who participated in the Xinhai Revolution and later became the commander of the Marine War Department of the Republic of China. Fang Zhenwu made great contributions to the country's anti-Japanese cause and was hailed as a patriotic hero.

Chen Fangansheng's mother, Fang Zhaolu, was a famous painter in the world of calligraphy and painting, studying under masters such as Zhao Shaoang and Zhang Daqian. His father, Fang Xinhe, was a patriotic industrialist who was engaged in the textile industry.

But in such a family, there is such an "unfilial daughter" as Chen Fangansheng.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

In 1948, at the age of 8, Anson Chan moved to Hong Kong with his family.

She studied at Nocca's Sacred Heart School and Sacred Heart Canossian College, which are mainly taught in English and include English Literature and Biblical Studies.

In the Western cultural atmosphere, she gradually became disgusted with traditional Chinese education, and at the same time became more and more obsessed with British culture, believing that it represented advancement and freedom.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

After entering the University of Hong Kong, Anson Chan chose to major in English literature, a choice that further deepened her identification with Western culture.

During her college years, she immersed herself in the world of English literature, which strengthened her pro-Western stance.

This educational experience laid the groundwork for her later political leanings.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

The leader of the troubled port

In 1962, Anson Chan entered the British government with her excellent English skills, starting as Assistant Financial Secretary and progressing through the ranks to Deputy Director of Social Welfare.

After Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Anson Chan continued to serve as the Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government, maintaining her important position in the political arena.

However, it was also during this period that her political stance began to show a tendency to be at odds with the central government.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

First of all, during his tenure as Chief Secretary for Administration, Anson Chan had already begun to secretly undermine relations between Hong Kong and the mainland.

In April 2000, a well-known auction house in Hong Kong announced that it would auction three national treasures from the Old Summer Palace.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

These precious artifacts were looted during the Second Opium War, and their auction is undoubtedly a serious injury to Chinese history.

However, in the face of strong protests from the Chinese government, Anson Chen publicly stated: "This is an economic act and should not be interfered with." "

This remark aroused strong opposition from the vast number of patriotic people, and also exposed Chen Fangansheng's true face of ignoring national feelings.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Then, in 2001, Anson Chan took early retirement, citing personal reasons. However, she did not fade out of politics and began to engage in more radical anti-China activities.

In 2014, the illegal "Occupy Central" incident broke out in Hong Kong.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

In this action, which seriously undermined Hong Kong's social order, Anson Chan played a role in adding fuel to the fire.

She not only defended the "Occupy Central" elements in public, but also gave interviews to foreign media on many occasions, distorting the facts and smearing the image of the central government and the SAR government.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

What's more, Anthony Chan also set up an organization called "Hong Kong 2020", under the banner of "democratic reform", which is actually a platform for anti-China and destabilizing forces in Hong Kong.

She has used this group to frequently collude with foreign forces in an attempt to interfere in Hong Kong's affairs.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

In 2019, some media broke the news that Anson Chen had a secret meeting with Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and then-U.S. Vice President Mike Pence.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

During the meeting, she went so far as to put forward an unreasonable demand for the United States to contain China and interfere in Hong Kong affairs, which is undoubtedly a naked traitorous act.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Subsequently, the "Legislative Amendment Turmoil" broke out in Hong Kong, and in this incident that seriously endangered Hong Kong's stability, Anson Chan once again played the role of fanning the flames.

She used her influence to speak out on social media to incite youth sentiment and encourage them to participate in illegal assemblies and violence.

She has also publicly supported the "Occupy Central" movement on several occasions, defending violent demonstrators and seriously misleading many young people.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Not only that, Anson Chan has also appeared on many international occasions to call on foreign forces to interfere in Hong Kong affairs.

In interviews with foreign media, she continued to smear the law enforcement behavior of the Hong Kong police, distort the facts, and try to create public opinion pressure in the international community.

These acts not only undermine the rule of law in Hong Kong, but also seriously undermine national sovereignty and security.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

These actions of Anson Chan have aroused strong dissatisfaction among Hong Kong citizens.

In September 2019, she was accused by an angry citizen on the streets of Hong Kong of "colluding with foreigners and selling Hong Kong for glory."

The scene, which was filmed and widely disseminated online, struck a chord with a large number of Hong Kong citizens, reflecting their deep disgust for her destabilizing behavior.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died
"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Later life situation

Chen Fangansheng's later life, which was spurned by everyone, can be described as bleak, full of personal tragedy and social spurning.

First, her family suffered a series of misfortunes. Her closest brother Chen Shunsheng finally chose to commit suicide due to long-term depression, which undoubtedly brought a huge blow to Chen Fangansheng.

What's even more sad is that her daughter Chen Huiling also passed away in the golden period of her life.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

According to reports, Chen Huiling's husband cheated on her, causing her to be in a state of depression for a long time, and finally died of depression.

This series of family changes caused heavy mental pressure on Anson Chen.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

In June 2020, 84-year-old Anson Chan abruptly announced his complete retirement from politics.

Although she explained that it was because of her advanced age and the pain of losing her daughter, many people believe that this is more likely to be an escape from the legal risks brought about by the imminent implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

And the peculiarities of Anson Chen's age and status may make the judiciary more cautious in handling her case.

Finally, it cannot be ruled out that the relevant departments are conducting an in-depth investigation to collect more evidence. Legal proceedings often take time, especially in sensitive cases involving high-ranking officials.


Today, Anson Chan, who was once known as the "Iron Lady of Hong Kong", has become a laughing stock and a traitor in the eyes of everyone in his later years.

She had to live a simple life and avoid appearing in public.

This situation contrasted sharply with her former glamorous political career, and it also became the price of her betrayal of the motherland and its people.


Global Times - "The leader of the troubled Hong Kong is eating and was reprimanded by his 102-year-old mother-in-law!" 》

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died

Global Times - "Chen Fangansheng, one of the "Gang of Four", wants to retire"

"Gang of Four" Chen Fangansheng: Now he lives as a joke, his brother committed suicide and his daughter died