
Menstrual cramps make it impossible for people to concentrate on work, and these 8 precautions make it easy for you to cope with menstrual cramps!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Female friends, in those days of the month, do you always feel that your body is drained and your work efficiency is low? Menstrual cramps, the "little goblin", always make it impossible for us to concentrate on our work. Don't worry, today I bring you 8 precautions to make it easy for you to deal with menstrual cramps!

Menstrual cramps make it impossible for people to concentrate on work, and these 8 precautions make it easy for you to cope with menstrual cramps!

1. Warm baby, hot water bottle, close-fitting small padded jacket. During menstrual cramps, the cervix shrinks, causing pain. Applying a warm baby or hot water bottle to your lower abdomen can ease the contractions of your cervix and make you feel more comfortable.

2. Ginger brown sugar water to warm your uterus. Ginger brown sugar water has the effect of warming menstruation and dissipating cold, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, and can effectively relieve dysmenorrhea. Drink a glass of ginger brown sugar water to keep your womb warm like spring.

3. Eat a reasonable diet and have a balanced diet. Maintain a varied diet, eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and reduce the intake of greasy, high-sugar, and irritating foods. Keeping your diet light can help relieve menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cramps make it impossible for people to concentrate on work, and these 8 precautions make it easy for you to cope with menstrual cramps!

4. Exercise moderately to rejuvenate. Proper exercise can improve blood circulation and reduce symptoms of menstrual cramps. For example, walking, yoga, swimming, etc., are all good options. However, it should be noted that the intensity of exercise should not be too high.

5. Have a good routine and ensure energy. Maintain a regular routine and avoid staying up late. Getting enough sleep can keep you in a good state of mind during your period and improve your productivity.

6. Maintain a good mood and release stress. During menstrual cramps, psychological factors can also affect the perception of pain. Learning to adjust your mindset and keep you in a good mood can help reduce menstrual cramps.

7. Choose the right sanitary napkins for comfort and worry-free. Choose sanitary napkins that are right for you and avoid stuffy, non-breathable products. There are many functional sanitary napkins on the market that can be targeted to relieve menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cramps make it impossible for people to concentrate on work, and these 8 precautions make it easy for you to cope with menstrual cramps!

8. Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, both internal and external. If the symptoms of dysmenorrhea are severe, you can try TCM conditioning. Traditional Chinese medicine relieves menstrual cramps by adjusting the balance of yin and yang in the body, invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Female friends, master these 8 precautions, so that you can easily cope with menstrual cramps and find the joy of work. I hope every woman can have a healthy and happy life! #疼痛真相研究所#


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