
Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

author:Representative of Excellence
Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home
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Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

On a bustling night in Beijing, a deep and soulful singing voice came from a KTV private room. 50-year-old Lu Jihong is singing "I Want to Have a Home", his voice is full of vicissitudes and emotions.

With the ups and downs of the song, this famous singer who has won gold and silver in major singing competitions across the country unconsciously burst into tears.

Lu Jihong's singing has touched countless audiences, but at this moment, he was deeply touched by the lyrics he sang. Behind the glamorous stage, the successful artist seems to hide an unspeakable loneliness and longing in his heart.

Lu Jihong's musical dream began between the green mountains and green waters of Tianshui, Gansu Province. He was born in 1960 in this land full of regional customs. Since childhood, Lu Jihong has shown extraordinary singing talent.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

As a child, he often stood on the top of the mountains in his hometown and sang loudly, as if he was born for music. The father looked at the young Lu Jihong, and often stroked the top of his head with satisfaction, his eyes were full of expectation: "This child will definitely do something in the future."

With his father's expectations and his own music dreams, 18-year-old Lu Jihong was admitted to the vocal music department of Xi'an Conservatory of Music with excellent results. Here, he eagerly draws on his expertise and lays a solid foundation for his future musical career.

After graduation, Lu Jihong was assigned to Gansu Normal University as a music teacher. His classes are always packed, and the students are impressed by his enthusiasm and talent.

However, Lu Jihong was not satisfied with this. He has bigger dreams burning in his heart and is eager to show his talent on a broader stage. With this ambition, he resolutely decided to leave his position as a teacher, first joined the Gansu Provincial Song and Dance Troupe, and then passed the strict assessment and successfully entered the higher-level Haizheng Song and Dance Troupe and became an army solo singer.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

In the Haizheng Song and Dance Troupe, Lu Jihong is like a fish in water, and his singing voice is like an eagle flying high, soaring on a bigger stage. 1992 was the peak year of Lu Jihong's career.

He won the runner-up in the professional group of national singing in the 5th "Wuzhou Cup" National Young Singer Grand Prix held by CCTV. In the same year, he won the first prize in the 6th theatrical performance.

Not only that, but he also stood out in the Chinese National Vocal Competition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the State Council, and added another glory to his career with the excellent results of the first place.

However, behind these honors is the countless sweat and efforts of Lu Jihong. In order to maintain the best singing state, he insists on practicing his voice early in the morning every day, regardless of cold or heat.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Even in the midst of his busy performance schedule, he never slackens off, always maintaining his passion and focus on music. At the same time, he also strictly controls his diet to ensure that his body is always in the best condition.

Lu Jihong's success was earned by him with his youth and sweat. However, when he stood at the pinnacle of his career and looked back, he found that he had missed too much. In order to pursue his musical dreams, he devoted all his energy to his career, but neglected his personal life.

It wasn't until many years later that he really realized the weight of it.

Lu Jihong's story is not only a success story of a dreamer, but also a profound warning about life balance. It teaches us not to forget to manage our own emotional world and family life while pursuing career success.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

In Lu Jihong's life trajectory, the age of 32 is a special node. This year, he was met with an opportunity that could change his life, but he ended up missing it.

Lu Jihong, who has been focusing on his career for a long time, has always been a blank slate in terms of feelings. Although he longs for love in his heart, the busy pace of work makes it difficult for him to be distracted. Until one day, a good friend matched him and introduced him to a Chinese teacher who was 5 years younger than him.

When they first met, the young female teacher left a deep impression on Lu Jihong. She has a beautiful face, a sweet smile, and an elegant conversation. The two talked happily, and a spark of hope ignited in Lu Jihong's heart, and he felt that he might finally wait for the person he was destined for.

However, fate seems to have played a cruel joke on him. Just a month after the two met, Lu Jihong received an important task - he needed to follow the army to Xinjiang for a three-month debriefing performance.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Faced with the choice between career and relationship, Lu Jihong chose the former. He told himself that as long as he had three months, he would be able to manage the relationship well when he returned.

However, the reality did not turn out as he hoped.

During his days in Xinjiang, Lu Jihong often thought of the female teacher. He wanted to write to her many times to express his thoughts, but the busy performances and rehearsals always kept him busy.

As the days passed, he was never able to complete a complete letter.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Three months later, when Lu Jihong returned to Beijing full of anticipation, what awaited him was the girl's disappointment and anger. She couldn't accept Lu Jihong's snubbing of her during her time in the field, and felt that she was not taken seriously.

As a result, the two had a fierce quarrel and eventually broke up.

This failed relationship experience brought a huge blow to Lu Jihong. He began to wonder if he was really fit for a relationship and if he could maintain a relationship after a busy schedule.

Since then, Lu Jihong has never taken the initiative to set foot in the field of love, but has devoted all his energy to the music career.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Looking back many years later, Lu Jihong often feels regret and self-blame. He couldn't help but wonder if he had paid more attention to his feelings, would his life have been different now? This experience became a knot in his heart and made him reflect on his life choices.

This passing love has become an important turning point in Lu Jihong's life. Not only did it affect his love life afterwards, but it also made him think about the balance between his career and personal life.

This experience became an important source of loneliness for him later on.

With the booming career, Lu Jihong decided to take his parents to live in Beijing. This decision stems from his deep concern for his parents, and it is also to make up for his long-term debt.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

However, the reality is far from being as rosy as he imagined.

Busy work makes it difficult for Lu Jihong to be with his parents often. He is like a migratory bird that flies around and rarely has time to stay at home to build a nest.

Every time he came home, he could feel the expectant eyes of his parents, but he had to leave in a hurry. This situation made Lu Jihong's heart full of guilt, but he was helpless.

His parents were particularly concerned about Lu Jihong's lifelong events. Every time she saw her son leave in a hurry after attending a blind date, the mother was always worried. Her greatest wish is to see her son start a family and start a small family of his own in his lifetime.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

However, whenever his mother brought up this topic, Lu Jihong always responded lightly: "I'm still young, don't worry." He didn't realize that time was slipping by.

One day, my mother inadvertently said a sentence, which was like a hammer and hit Lu Jihong's heart hard: "If we are gone, who will accompany you to spend the long days and nights?" At that time, Lu Jihong didn't realize the weight of this sentence, but smiled and comforted his mother not to think too much.

However, fate is unpredictable. When Lu Jihong was forty years old, bad news suddenly struck. The mother was diagnosed with cancer and had to be hospitalized.

During my mother's hospitalization, my father and older brothers took care of me most of the time. Looking at his mother's emaciated face and painful expression, the father was exhausted and eventually fell ill from overwork.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

At this time, Lu Jihong suddenly woke up and realized his negligence over the years. He immediately applied for a long-term leave from the company to return home to take care of his parents. However, fate once again struck him mercilessly.

On the eve of his return home, his mother died due to his deteriorating condition, and he could not wait for her son's return.

In grief, Lu Jihong took care of his father wholeheartedly, hoping to save something. However, the loss of his wife deteriorated his father's health. Despite Lu Jihong's best efforts, his father persisted for several months and then died.

The blow of losing his parents made Lu Jihong fall into the darkest period of his life. He suddenly realized that the only loved one he could rely on was gone forever.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Recalling his mother's words before her death, Lu Jihong's heart was full of remorse and self-blame.

This experience made Lu Jihong begin to deeply reflect on his past life choices. He began to question whether it was really worth sacrificing precious time with his parents for the sake of his career.

This kind of regret and self-blame has become an eternal pain in his heart, and it has also made him realize the importance of family more deeply.

After losing his parents, Lu Jihong not only had to face the remorse in his heart, but also learned to face life alone. This experience became a turning point in his life and made him start to re-examine his life values.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

After losing his parents, Lu Jihong's life seemed to fall into a barrenness. Despite his great success in his career, his private life was unusually cold.

Whenever he stood on the stage and listened to the applause and cheers of the audience, he felt an indescribable emptiness in his heart.

When he returned home, he was greeted only by silence. No one prepared a warm dinner for him, no one asked him about his day's work, not even a lamp lit for him.

The home that was once full of laughter and laughter is now the only one left of him.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

On holidays, when everyone else is reuniting with their families, Lu Jihong can only spend it alone. His older brothers have started their own families, and even their children have started calling him "uncle".

However, Lu Jihong was still alone and became the only one in the family who did not form a family.

Sometimes, Lu Jihong will see a happy picture of a family of three on the street: a father pushing a bicycle, a mother holding a child, and their faces are full of happy smiles.

As he grew older, Lu Jihong felt the weight of loneliness more and more. He began to envy the ordinary family life: the family sat around the dining table to share dinner, sharing the troubles of work or life with the family; On weekends, the whole family goes out and enjoys nature...... These ordinary happiness in the eyes of others have become an unattainable dream for Lu Jihong.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Lu Jihong, who has achieved great success in his career, feels extremely empty in his heart at the moment. He began to question his past choices, pondering whether he should have given more importance to his personal life at a young age instead of devoting all his energy to his career.

This sense of loneliness has become the main theme of Lu Jihong's middle-aged life, and it has also made him begin to rethink the meaning and value of life.

Standing at the crossroads of life, 50-year-old Lu Jihong began to re-examine his life. All the enthusiasm and sweat that I once put into my career is now exchanged for a deep loneliness.

He couldn't help but ask himself, "Do I still have a chance to have a home?" The question made him both expectant and apprehensive.

Lv Jihong: I was busy with work and was single for 50 years, and after my parents died, I suddenly felt lonely: I want to have a home

Although he has missed the best time to get married, Lu Jihong has not given up hope. He began to learn to care for the people around him and try to open up and communicate with others.

At the same time, he is also thinking about how to make time for his busy work to run his personal life and prepare for the love and family that may come.

Lu Jihong's story tells us that although career success is important, the warmth of family is also indispensable. No matter how old you are, it's never too late to pursue happiness.

Maybe in the near future, Lu Jihong can really get his wish and have a warm family of his own.

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