
The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

author:The screen is cloudy and deep

On June 27, Fat Donglai was exposed to a merchant who was rolling dough, and paid 8.93 million yuan in compensation for failing to meet the hygiene standards, and rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan.

Such an arrogant method stunned netizens from all walks of life, and they all praised the pattern of Fat Donglai. But the whistleblower stood up and responded that the promised 100,000 was only 80,000, because the whistleblowing work was also lost, but he never regretted it......

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

Douyin users inadvertently complained that Fat Donglai lost more than 8 million

On June 26, Fat Donglai found on the Douyin platform that some users reported that Fat Donglai Supermarket in Xinxiang, Henan Province, had poor sanitary conditions in the dough rolling processing site. As soon as Fat Donglai sent an investigation team to investigate, and in just a few hours, Fat Donglai issued a statement.

After the unanimous consent of the Fat Donglai store, Fat Donglai finally decided to refund all the consumers who bought rolling dough and spicy noodles on the same day, and gave 1,000 yuan of economic compensation (a total of 8,833 copies were sold on the same day).

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

and the relevant staff of Fat Donglai will be dismissed, dismissed, cancelled year-end benefits and other punishments, and the whistleblower will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan; And Xinxiang Fat Donglai dough rolling merchants will cease business from now on, and terminate the contract to terminate the cooperation, and must complete the withdrawal within the time limit.

So people can't help but wonder how bad the poor sanitary conditions in Fat Donglai's mouth can be?

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

From the information, it can be seen that the processing location registered by the merchant is Baliying, but in order to find a cheaper processing location, the merchant maliciously concealed the information and changed to a new processing location without permission, and this location completely does not meet the processing requirements of Fat Donglai Food.

From the picture, you can see the dark ground, sticky iron buckets, and ingredients piled up in a mess, which makes people look cold.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

The whistleblower has a "hard time"

After the Fat Donglai compensation incident came out, it caused widespread discussion in the society. Many netizens think that these people are specialized in "touching porcelain". And the whistleblowers have been criticized for this.

Some people think that Fat Donglai is already excellent compared to other supermarkets, so he has to be forced to die? Some people also believe that consumers should protect their own rights and interests, and it cannot be said that Fat Donglai has a high level, so there is no need to accept supervision.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

On June 28, whistleblower Xiaojin stood up for the first time to respond to the question of Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000 yuan. At the beginning, he didn't think about reporting it, he just posted his complaints on the Internet, but he didn't expect such a big turmoil, and let Fat Donglai lose more than 8 million.

As for the 100,000 yuan that Fat Donglai originally promised to reward. After various taxes, the actual amount received was only 80,000 yuan. Xiao Jin is 30 years old and has been supplying food materials to merchants for a living.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

After this incident, no merchant dared to cooperate with him anymore, so he decided not to do this business. According to Xiao Jin, although he is unemployed, many netizens or relatives are also blaming him for his recklessness, but he does not regret his actions.

If he could do it all over again, he would still report it, Fat Donglai was originally a benchmark in the industry, and he needed a lot of user supervision, so that he could be better.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

Does Fat Donglai's easy compensation contribute to the phenomenon of "touching porcelain".

Although Xiao Jin said it wildly, many netizens still think that he is touching porcelain. If Fat Donglai always admits his mistakes so easily, will it encourage the phenomenon of touching porcelain, or will there be a problem of purchasing agents looking for Fat Donglai, not reporting it as soon as possible after finding it, and then maliciously buying a large number of problematic products, and finally touching Fat Donglai.

After all, human nature cannot stand the test. Some people think that if Fat Donglai doesn't give these people who have other motives and malicious purchasing agents a beating, then Fat Donglai will be ruined in their hands sooner or later.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

The merchant absconded, whether the 8 million should be borne by Fat Donglai

Some people think that Fat Donglai should not directly fire the merchant, since they made a mistake, whether it is in accordance with the national food protection law or Fat Donglai's personal food safety needs, the merchant should not just leave. Leave this "mess" for Fat Donglai.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

But in fact, this incident can confirm the responsibility of Fat Donglai, not only the waiters, but also the merchants that Fat Donglai cooperates with regard the supermarket as their home and take care of it carefully.

Of course, there are people who violate the rules, but Fat Donglai took advantage of this incident not only to the society, but also to cooperate with the merchants to give a dose of preventive injection. Whether it is consumers or merchants, they can get the greatest protection under the wings of Fat Donglai.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

There was a long queue at the refund window and the staff suggested coming back next week

After the investigation results came out, many netizens didn't believe that Fat Donglai would really compensate nearly 9 million yuan for 10,000 rolled dough. Some netizens even think that Fat Donglai will definitely lose, but he shirks or installs it for various reasons.

Unexpectedly, consumers not only really got the compensation, but also paid according to the number of copies, and some families bought 4 copies and could receive 4,000. If you buy 10 copies, you can get 10,000.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

For a while, there was a long queue at the door of Fat Donglai for refunds, and many netizens from other places traveled thousands of miles to Fat Donglai again for this reason. It may not be enough for them to travel back and forth, but consumers are willing to support Fat Donglai.

After receiving compensation, many people turn around and go to the supermarket to spend nothing. And most netizens even made up 300-500 yuan by themselves. In the face of the enthusiasm of the masses, the employees of Fat Donglai called for refunds, staggered collection, and allocated time reasonably.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

Fat Donglai's "public relations means" that can't be copied

is obviously a negative news, but Fat Donglai stubbornly gained a large number of fans with his sincere attitude. According to other companies, after they see the complaint, they either contact the official Douyin and let the video sink into the sea. Otherwise, it's a new clean and tidy processing location.

Otherwise, after the fermentation of public opinion, they said "verifying", and there has been no news since then. What is valuable is that in the era of such a mature public relations, Fat Donglai did not choose any public relations means, directly bowed his head and admitted his mistakes, and then paid for his mistakes. Even if he's just a bowl of rolling dough for 8 yuan.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

Fat Donglai dough rolling incident has set a benchmark for the service industry, but it is a pity that no company will keep up with Fat Dong, the cost is high and the cost is large, so "stupid" only to the customer of the company I am afraid that only Fat Donglai.

But just imagine, if the benchmarks of all walks of life in the future are like Fat Donglai, and Fat Donglai's service is not something worth talking about at that time, what should this society be? Maybe this is the world that Yu Donglai's boss can understand and yearn for.

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

Finally, no matter what public opinion says, it is the legitimate demand of every Chinese citizen to ensure their rights according to law, let us work together to maintain a safe, healthy and good consumption environment without layers of routines.

Article information sources:

Times Weekly 2024-6-28 "On the hot search again, the compensation amount exceeds 8 million! Fat Dong came to deal with the dough rolling incident, and the person directly responsible was dismissed》

China Youth Network 2024-6-27 "Fat Donglai Announces Investigation Report on the "Rolling Dough" Incident: Compensating Customers with 8.93 Million Yuan"

Xiaoxiang Morning News 2024-6-28 "The whistleblower responded to being rewarded with 100,000 yuan by Fat Donglai"

The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it
The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it
The whistleblower responded to Fat Donglai's reward of 100,000: only 80,000 yuan was in hand, so he lost his job but did not regret it

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