
Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

author:Bobo said entertainment

In the busy city life, there are always some small habits and rules, like unique landscapes, which make our lives full of color. Today, what I want to introduce to you is such an interesting phenomenon - whenever someone wants to get together to enjoy a meal, they will involuntarily call out that familiar name: "Brother Xue!" ”

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

"Brother Xue" is not a gangster, nor is he the leader of a mysterious organization, but an ordinary but extraordinary girl named Lin Xue. Lin Xue is tall, her long black hair is often draped casually over her shoulders, and her eyes are always flashing with enthusiasm and vitality. However, it is such a seemingly gentle girl, but in the mouths of her friends, she has a different name - "Brother Xue".

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

Why does everyone like to call her "Brother Xue"? It turns out that there is a heartwarming and interesting story hidden behind this. Lin Xue is a girl who loves food, she is not only good at tasting all kinds of food, but also often cooks and prepares sumptuous dishes for her friends. Whenever friends want to have a dinner, they will habitually think of Lin Xue, and affectionately call her "Brother Xue", as if to send her an invitation: "Brother Xue, let's go to dinner together today!" ”

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

After this title spread among friends, it gradually became a tacit understanding and habit. Whether it is a new friend or an old friend who has been reunited for a long time, as long as they want to get together to enjoy the time of food, they will invariably call out the affectionate name - "Brother Xue".

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

Under the leadership of "Brother Xue", the friends tasted countless delicacies and spent many happy times. Those beautiful memories are strung together like pearls and become an eternal treasure in their hearts. And the title of "Brother Xue" has also become a witness and bond of their friendship.

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

Therefore, whenever someone wants to eat and shouts "Brother Xue", it is not only a call for Lin Xue, but also a call for that friendship and joy.

Lin Xue: No matter who you are, as long as you want to eat, you must call me "Brother Xue"

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