
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!

author:Travel Notes


Photo by Kookong

My inspiration for shooting is to see more and think more, many times I see some interesting colors, or some photos taken by foreign photographers will make me think, after I have an idea, I will determine the theme, set the general color scheme, and then specific to the clothing, props, scenes and models, but also consider the weather and scene These uncontrollable factors change, consider the whole picture, determine the plan.

The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!
The illusion of a private room is beautiful and sexy!

The simplicity of the road is the law of the development of all things in the universe, the essence of Chinese culture, the philosophy of Chinese Taoism, and the great principle is extremely simple, so simple that it can be explained in one or two sentences. The so-called "true transmission of a sentence, false transmission of ten thousand books". "The beginning of all things, the road to simplicity, the evolution to the complex" from Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching". The simplicity of the road is not only valued by philosophical schools such as Taoism and Confucianism, but also the state of life in the world.

The avenue is simple, the avenue is invisible, and the avenue is invisible, which is a kind of high-level state of the avenue natural and returning to the basics. In this state of purity and inaction, selflessness and selflessness, and the unity of nature and man, do not seek long-term work, and the skill will naturally grow; Do not seek treatment, the body and mind are naturally adjusted; Do not seek function, function naturally appears; You don't ask for big or small Zhou Tian, the hundred veins are naturally unblocked, and the most profound truth is the simplest and most ordinary truth. Turning the most complex into the simplest is the most intelligent. The greatest people are exalted only because they are simple.

The road is simple, and life is simple. Enlightenment, esoteric is simple, simple is profound, from looking at the mountain is a mountain, to seeing the mountain is a mountain, the realm is different, from simple to complex, and then from complex to simple, it is sublimation. The meaning of life lies in simplicity, people cultivate to a certain extent, they will be indifferent to some things, they will be simple, you can understand others, but others may not understand you, in fact, people are not understanding, they are identifying.

Good at heart, simple in form. Torture the soul This is the ultimate problem of human beings, Jane is not only a kind of beauty, but also a kind of ability, a kind of realm. If you see through it, you don't say it thoroughly, and you have a high realm; Look hazy, the heart is penetrating; Thoroughness, knowing the unknown, deliberately not seeing through, is thorough; Knowing that you can't see through the world is thorough, it's thorough, it's not thorough after it's thorough, it's not thorough after you understand, and it's rare to be confused is the true realm.

"The road to simplicity" is the wisdom of being a man, and it takes wisdom to turn a complex thing into a simple one. To bring complicated things back to simple, you need wisdom, ability, and determination. Wise people like to be simple, so merit and benefit should not be rushed; Fame and wealth should not be burdened by them. Indifferent to Mingzhi, quiet to far-reaching. We must be simple people, do things in a down-to-earth manner, and use wisdom to simplify the difficult.

For fame and fortune, pure as a child's innocent virginity, simple as the fertile soil cultivated by the fathers, only people with a calm mood can see the leisurely "the sun shines on the ruins, the cattle and sheep return to the poor lanes", listen to the "lotus wind sends autumn air, bamboo dew drops are clear", and feel the emptiness of "the empty mountain does not see people, but hears the sound of people's voice". Tao Yuanming is such a person, so he can chant the quatrain of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely seeing Nanshan"; Ouyang Xiu is also such a person, so he can still write "The Story of the Drunkard Pavilion" leisurely when he is living.

The road is simple, and life is simple. Jane is not material poverty, but spiritual freedom; Jane is not the emptiness of life, but the simplicity of the heart. People should learn to live simply, live simply, act simply, let go of their selfish thoughts, when beyond the cage of selfish desires, when they really forget their own thoughts, forget their own consciousness, and enter the state of forgetting themselves and things.

The complexity of life is out of confusion, resist temptation with "benevolence", and relieve confusion with "wisdom". Not being confused is the sign that life is moving from complex to simple. There are three thousand weak waters, and I only take one scoop to drink; Life is full of variety, and it must be from the beginning to the end. Happiness to forget worries, simplicity to preserve the truth, is the "road to simplicity" of life.

There is a story about the simplicity of the road and the ordinary heart is the Tao: a walker asked the old Taoist: "What did you do before you attained the Tao?" The old Taoist chief: "Chop wood and carry water for cooking." The practitioner asked, "What about after attaining enlightenment?" The old Taoist chief: "Chop wood and carry water for cooking." Then the practitioner asked, "What does that mean enlightenment?" The old Taoist chief: "Before attaining the Tao, when chopping wood, I was thinking about carrying water, and when I was carrying water, I was thinking about cooking; After attaining enlightenment, chopping wood means chopping wood, carrying water means carrying water, and cooking is cooking. "The dialogue between the old Taoist and the practitioner enlightened us that many of the supreme and profound truths are contained in some extremely simple thoughts.

The road is simple, and life is easy to simple. A thousand people have a thousand ways of survival and life paths, through the years, through life, there are many emotions in the heart, everything is let go, everything is at ease; Let go of the moment, be at ease at the moment, many problems in life do not need to be taken to heart, and many burdens of life do not need to be carried on your shoulders. Only when you let go of your mind can you feel the joy of simple life and the pleasure of flying your soul. If you want to change something, you first have to get yourself back. We all have latent energy, it's just easy: obscured by habit, lost by time, consumed by inertia. We should remember what we should remember, forget what we should forget, change what we can change, and accept what we can't. We must face the past with the least regret, the present with the least waste, and the future with the most dreams.

The way of heaven and earth is simple. Life is short, I don't want to be too complicated, just live simply. Once the drama of life begins, no matter how stage fright you are, you have to play to the end of the play. The biggest challenge in the process of growing up is that there are some sections of the road, you can only walk in silence, happy work, simple life is a happy life, people must know that they are always happy, all the sorrows, pains, all things that can not be given up, is just a transition in life, you can skip it to become more exciting.

The best life is a simple life, a cup of tea, a table, a quiet place, a dull life, and no distractions. However, a simple life requires all kinds of hard work, so that you can enjoy life without worry. Life is generally perfect, what is imperfect is the mentality, and people who don't know how to appreciate will use pickiness to make everything incomplete. Be simple, act recklessly, grasp the measure, be at peace with the encounter, and accept the reality calmly; Do things simply, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, don't be afraid of things, don't regret, don't complain, don't hesitate what you do.

Life is a long confrontation, some people laugh at the beginning, others win at the end. Try to smile, try to look back, relax yourself, not forced, not sluggish, not impetuous. Simple life, casual, casual, casual, be the best yourself, contentment, smile, indifferent, even if you are tired and tired, as long as you insist on moving forward, your own scenery will eventually appear.

Life is not easy, the key depends on how you live. The situation is in the state of mind, and if the state of mind changes, the situation will also change. The more you want from life, the more intense and complicated you become, and the more difficult life becomes. Conversely, the less you demand from life, the easier it is to be satisfied and the easier it is to be happy. The bright moon of the country is impermanent, and the idle is the master; The road is simple, live in the present, and be content can always be happy.

Realize the quiet realm of no heart, a round of heart and moon is unique, showing the realm of tranquility; The heart is calm, natural and calm, and the heart is like water and a smiling life, which shows the charm of peace of mind. In life, plainness is the truest, silence is the most beautiful, and the most lasting thing in life is not prosperity, but blandness, not bustle but joy. Keep a childlike heart, when you are unhappy, you can confide your troubles to your friends without hindrance, and when you are happy, laugh unscrupulously, maybe all your sorrows will flow away in the confiding, and all the tension will be released in laughter. Like a child, live simply, live happily, keep your mind intact, and everything is beautiful.

There is always a story in life, but I want to tell it but it is difficult to speak, so in the bottom of my heart, it gradually became a song. People are like this, what they can't get will always yearn for, and what they lose will feel precious. The so-called, gains and losses, love, scenery, and post stations are all in the dust and smoke of time, slowly fading. Although it is difficult to let go of some things, what does not belong to you will eventually go away.

A person's life is destined to go through a lot. On the red dust road, there are loud laughter, tears of grievances, ignorant persistence, self-confidence in success, and vigilance of failure, and every experience is destined to be precious. The abundance of life is due to the compassion of the heart, the beauty of life is due to having a normal heart, the simplicity of life makes people relaxed and happy, and the simplicity of ideas makes people peaceful and tranquil. Because of simplicity, we can deeply understand the lightness of life, and because of simplicity, we can understand the tranquility of the soul.

This group thought of the fluffy feeling of autumn and winter, so the costume chose a shawl and fur collar, which has both a winter atmosphere and does not lose the expression of privacy. Since the shooting is about the atmosphere of home, I chose a wood-colored environment, and the overall warm color tone makes the winter atmosphere more obvious. The main prop is a chair that allows the model to sit, lie on his stomach or lean back in different poses to show laziness.

It was a cloudy day on the day of the shooting, so I put a light outside the room, and the position of the light was parallel to the model, so that the model could face the light sideways to the light. The position of the shooting should be constantly changed, you can face the model sideways, or you can turn your back to the model, and capture different angles to make the picture richer.

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