
Taking advantage of the great chaos in Russia, the United States and the West have made a series of killing moves, insisting on forcing the Russian army to a dead end

author:Brain-burning and writing

[Global attention! The game of great powers under the surging undercurrent, every step is thrilling]

Recently, the skies of Russia have been clouded, and a series of shocking events have followed: cluster bombs flying from the Ukrainian border have exploded in peaceful cities, and innocent people's tears have mixed with dust; The calm of Dagestan was torn apart by sudden violence, and the illusion of security was shattered in an instant; And in the metropolitan area, an unexpected fire plunged the temple of knowledge into a sea of fire. At the same time, the war on the Russian-Ukrainian border has not only not stopped, but is intensifying, and the dawn of peace seems to be out of reach.

Across the ocean, the intervention of Western forces has added more variables to this chess game. The United States brought huge amounts of military aid, and a new round of blood transfusion at the end of June once again increased the balance of the scale, with a total of more than 50 billion yuan, behind which was a silent declaration of determination to confront. Not to be outdone, the EU has turned the seized Russian capital into a defensive shield for Ukraine, amounting to 1.4 billion euros, and every transfer is a strategic layout. There are even mysterious French forces quietly setting foot in Odessa, their roles, are they instructors, reinforcements, or are they unknown?

Taking advantage of the great chaos in Russia, the United States and the West have made a series of killing moves, insisting on forcing the Russian army to a dead end

In this melee, every bit of progress in Ukraine seems to reflect the shadow of NATO, and the contest on the battlefield is no longer just a matter between two countries, but a contest involving high-end technology and ancient courage. The smoke of gunfire in Donbass is not only a testing ground for soldiers, but also the focus of global attention, and behind the casualties, there is an unbearable weight.

Taking advantage of the great chaos in Russia, the United States and the West have made a series of killing moves, insisting on forcing the Russian army to a dead end

The cutting-edge weapons in the hands of the Ukrainian army are like coming out of a science fiction movie, accurate and deadly, rewriting the battle situation again and again. At the same time, Russia has shown remarkable resilience under the weight of the economic blockade, trying to find its way through the cracks of sanctions by broadening the channels of international cooperation, especially by shaking hands with countries such as India in the energy sector.

Taking advantage of the great chaos in Russia, the United States and the West have made a series of killing moves, insisting on forcing the Russian army to a dead end

Moneybag The Western world's economic noose towards Russia is tightening more and more, freezing assets and restricting trade, pointing directly at Russia's financial lifeline. But let's not forget that the giant bear of the north also has a nuclear deterrent that is not to be taken lightly, and every move in the game needs to be made with caution.

In the midst of a burning day, any small spark can trigger a larger conflict – the suspicion of NATO's direct involvement and the looming shadow of nuclear power are reminders of the fragility of peace and the imminence of conflict.

In this era of rapid change, the strategy of the United States and the West is obvious: to use the dual leverage of military and economic to try to put Russia in a disadvantageous position and reconstruct the balance of power in Europe and even the world. However, there is no absolute winner in the game between major powers, and every push and pull is accompanied by unknowns and risks.

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