
With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

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On the screen, a shocking rendition is quietly making waves.

When "staring at the whole process and having a hideous expression" becomes an evaluation of an actress's performance, is this the ultimate explosion of acting skills or an alternative breakthrough in character building? In "Executive Judge", the heroine Yang Zishan challenges the boundaries of traditional aesthetics with her unique performance style, bringing an unprecedented visual and emotional double impact to the audience.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

This is not only a maximum excavation of the depth of the role, but also a subversive exploration of the definition of acting skills.

What is it that drives her to perform at such a "textbook" level? What are the untold stories and emotional entanglements behind them? As the plot progresses, every detail seems to tell a legend of acting beyond the conventional.

Yang Zishan's performance in "The Executive Judge" undoubtedly opened a movie-watching journey full of suspense and explosive points for the audience, waiting for every soul who has the courage to explore to unveil its mystery.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

In this era of costume dramas sweeping the screen, CCTV went the opposite way and launched a heavyweight rule of law-themed drama - "Executive Judge", and confidently placed it in the prime time of Central 8.

This drama not only has a luxurious lineup, led by the powerful Xiaosheng Luo Jin and the acting beauty Yang Zishan, but also has a number of old drama bones such as Sarina, Ding Jiali, Zhao Jun, etc., which should have been scheduled for a bumper harvest of word-of-mouth and ratings, but it encountered an embarrassing cold scene two days after it was broadcast, and even many viewers were confused: "This drama has already been broadcast?" ”

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

The focus of the problem seems to be focused on our heroine Yang Zishan.

This time, she changed the image of a sweet goddess in the past, and challenged to play a resolute "big heroine" - the director Chu Yun, a character who combines ability and responsibility, but has a strict style that is almost impersonal.

It is said that such a character setting should be eye-catching, but the audience's feedback is embarrassing.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

The audience pointed out that Yang Zishan's performance was "too violent", and the round eyes and flying emojis in the play, coupled with the lines that were so stiff that people played, made people wonder if she had strayed into the "crash course in exaggerated acting".

Especially in the first confrontation with the male protagonist, Director Chu Yun's reaction was criticized as "one point will blow up", obviously the male protagonist did not do anything illegal, but she was like a second kick that was ignited, which made people scratch their heads, and they couldn't feel the depth and level that the role should have.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

What makes netizens even more hotly discussed is that although Yang Zishan's appearance in the play is very close to the identity of the female president, her face has become the focus of heated discussions.

Thinking back to her in "20 Years Old Again", she was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it, and today's decline in appearance also made the audience sigh that "the years are unforgiving".

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

When it comes to Yang Zishan, I have to mention her cleanliness performance in "The Man Who Does Housework Season 2", the scenes of disinfection madness made the audience tired and helpless, and directly labeled her as "hypocritical".

These past "black histories" also seem to have affected her audience popularity in the new drama to a certain extent.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

However, having said that, Yang Zishan's acting career is not all smooth sailing, but it is by no means without highlights.

In "A City in the City", Shen Jing played by her became popular with her excellent acting skills and online appearance, especially when challenging the villain, the "bad" that is just right is addictive.

This can't help but make people think, maybe it's not that Yang Zishan is not suitable for the "big heroine", but the role of Chu Yun in "Executive Judge", whether it is the character setting or the way of interpretation, she has failed to find a perfect fit with her personal charm.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

Since her debut, Yang Zishan has tried a variety of roles, from the young and simple Zheng Wei in the early youth film "To Our Dying Youth", to Shen Mengjun who regained her youth with an adventure in "Return to 20 Years Old", the success of these roles allowed her to quickly accumulate popularity and also laid her fresh and natural screen image.

Especially in "20 Years Old Again", she not only showed the invincible charm of youth, but also made the characters rich in layers through delicate emotional processing.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

An actor's artistic career is always full of challenges, and trying to break through the original image and explore more possibilities is often the only way to go.

The role of Director Chu Yun in "Executive Judge" is a bold attempt by Yang Zishan on his career path.

Although the audience received mixed feedback, this is undoubtedly a step for her to broaden her acting career and show diversity.

The "excessive" controversy in character creation may reflect the gap between the audience's expectations of the characters and the actual performance, and also suggest that actors need to grasp and understand the character traits of the characters more delicately.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

It is worth mentioning that Shen Jing, played by Yang Zishan in "A City in the City", successfully won the love of the audience with her superb acting skills and the unique charm of the role.

The success of this role lies not only in her external performance, but also in the deep excavation of the complex psychology behind the role, showing her maturity and transformation as an actor.

The versatility and depth of this role is the key to an actor's long-term artistic life.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

In the fast-paced and iterative environment of the entertainment industry, the public's evaluation of celebrities often fluctuates with the change of works.

Through the portrayal of different roles, Yang Zishan has not only received praise, but also encountered criticism.

In the face of controversy, she chose to use her works to speak and continue to explore her own boundaries, and this courage and persistence are the qualities that an excellent actor should have.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

Yang Zishan's acting career is a process of continuous attempts and self-breakthroughs.

The presentation of each character, whether successful or not, is part of her artistic exploration.

For the audience, keeping an open mind and rationally looking at the growth and change of actors is also a kind of respect for film and television art.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills

After all, every attempt of every actor is to bring a richer visual experience to the audience and promote the development of the industry.

In this process, Yang Zishan is undoubtedly a name worth looking forward to, and her future works will undoubtedly continue to surprise and think for us.

With a hideous expression and staring eyes throughout the whole process, Yang Zishan, the heroine of "Executive Judge", brought "textbook" acting skills
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