
After the delivery rider was stopped

After the delivery rider was stopped

People of the Day

2024-06-29 19:32Daily People official account

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01 In order to solve the difficulties encountered by takeaway riders in the delivery process, such as being stopped by security guards and not being able to find the correct floor, etc., various localities have gradually formed a mechanism led by local competent departments and negotiated and cooperated by property companies, platforms and riders.

02Improve the overall governance level of the community and achieve the goal of a rider-friendly community by signing normative documents such as management agreements and behavior conventions.

03 Among them, some communities have taken measures, such as setting up special parking spaces for riders, battery swapping cabinets, and post stations in business districts to facilitate delivery of orders.

04On the other hand, the riders also actively participate in community governance, such as participating in the "Shoot with Your Hand" public welfare project, discovering and reporting community problems, and contributing to the community.

05Through this multi-party cooperation, the relationship between the riders and the community has gradually become harmonious, the sense of belonging has been enhanced, and the work life has become more stable.

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After the delivery rider was stopped

Riders can't enter the community, often sharpened into a contradiction between the rider and the security guard, Xiao Ke once discussed with the rider friends around him, "bear with it" when encountering trouble, so as not to intensify the conflict, "really can't run away first, don't be ashamed." But at this moment, Xiao Ke suddenly realized that the obstacle to delivering the order was not caused by the security guard in front of him. So, who exactly can really solve this problem?

Text: Yellow dots

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The moment of being stopped

After six years of delivering takeaways, only once, Xiao Ke felt wronged.

It was the summer of 2019, and Xiao Ke received an order from an upscale community, and was about to park to enter the door, but was stopped by the security guard and refused to enter. The security guard said that he was not embarrassed by Xiao Ke, but the community had long had a rule that he could only leave takeaway at the door and wait for the residents to come out to pick up the food. Strive for a long time, but the security guard still won't let go.

Xiao Ke was helpless, took out his mobile phone to call the customer, but the other party's words were more fierce than the security guard, and he accused loudly: "Everyone else can send it in, why can't you?" Xiao Ke explained in a good voice that he was wearing a rider's clothes and was recognized by the security guards, so he was not allowed to enter.

Faced with his embarrassment, the customer on the other end of the phone didn't understand at all, and not only proposed to complain to the platform, but also logically proposed: "Then you take off your clothes and walk in again?" ”

The moment he heard this request, Xiao Ke was stunned, the grievance was only part of it, and the source of the more discomfort was the loss of dignity. It was a big summer, and his clothes were so wet with sweat that fine salt particles had precipitated. Wearing only this short-sleeved overalls, he said, it was equivalent to asking himself to walk into the community topless.

Xiao Ke is not good at words, and often would rather suffer a loss than have an argument with the other party. On the phone, he didn't quarrel with the customer, but he broke down emotionally and shouted: "I'll return the money to you, you take this meal, don't talk about me anymore." ”

When this happened, Xiao Ke was 18 years old, new to society, and food delivery was the first job he found in Beijing. He always thought that food delivery was a "needed job", and in the streets and alleys, delivery people in overalls shuttled back and forth, "as free as a boy in the wind", but he never thought that as a delivery driver, he would encounter such direct discrimination - this was the first time he experienced the feeling of "being looked down upon", and after the order was over, he almost didn't want to do it.

Later, after a long time of delivering food, Xiao Ke became "accustomed" to this, and rarely felt aggrieved as he did at that time, because similar things happened from time to time over the years.

For example, some communities have strict elevator management, and delivery workers are not allowed to take passenger elevators, and if they want to deliver orders, they must either climb the stairs or take freight elevators. He can also see similar cases when he swipes his mobile phone during breaks, after Beijing SKP Mall once caused public opinion because it did not allow riders wearing delivery clothes to enter the business district; There are many such things around, and several times, Xiao Ke bumped into a rider who had a fierce dispute with the security guard because he couldn't enter the community, so he put down what he was doing and rushed up to persuade him.

For riders, some communities and business districts can be described as "extremely unfriendly", and they often have several characteristics: high-end residences, large communities, and the implementation of pedestrian and vehicle separation. Riders are familiar with the characteristics of each area, and once they encounter such an order, they are often reluctant to accept it.

The challenges faced by riders have sparked a lot of discussion and attention. Many community workers need to deal with the disagreements and conflicts between riders, businesses and properties on a daily basis.

At the beginning of 2024, some streets and communities began to take the initiative to explore and solve problems. At the suggestion of the local authorities, Meituan has set up a "Rider-friendly Community" project team, hoping to provide process optimization to help riders deliver meals more easily by cooperating with the construction of friendly communities, and at the same time create an atmosphere in which the whole society cares for the growth of new employment groups.

After the delivery rider was stopped

▲ Meituan's "rider-friendly community". Photo / Courtesy of the interviewee

Liu Wei is one of the members of the project team. It was almost a new endeavor, and at the beginning of the project, what bothered her and her team the most was, "What does it mean to be rider-friendly?" "Unlike age-friendly communities and child-friendly communities, there are already universal construction standards in the world, and they can be implemented one by one according to the requirements, and "rider friendly" is a new concept that requires all parties to take the first step to explore and give the reforms that the riders really need in order to be truly recognized by them.

During the investigation, the riders reported that being stopped by the security guards was just one of the many "unfriendly" encounters in the delivery process.

In some old neighborhoods, it can be a hassle just to find the right building number unit door. Xiao Ke remembers that when he first started delivering food, he didn't know much about the terrain of the area, and the riders had to help each other to help the new riders find the location of the order. Xiao Ke said that he relied on the distribution map of the residential buildings shared by his master when he entered the industry, and he could only become familiar with it after studying it for a while.

When it was his turn to bring the newcomers, Xiao Ke simply drew a "road map for a rider-friendly community", which marked the gate of the complex community, the nearby rider station and the battery swapping cabinet, "Which gate can be entered by bicycle?" Which gate is only walkable? Where there is a toilet where you can go to the toilet, you will know it at a glance". These are the most needed aids for riders to run singles, but they are often not visible on commonly used maps.

Another rider, stationmaster Li Chengnan, also had a similar approach. If the newcomer doesn't find his way for a minute, he will make a video call directly to the other party and guide the food delivery one-on-one, "It must be simple and clear". Before becoming the stationmaster, Li Chengnan also delivered takeaway for a few years, he is very direct, in the eyes of the delivery staff, time is money - the five or six minutes saved when looking for the way is the money to send an extra order, which can meet this demand and is also the key to "friendliness".

The real situation and voices of the riders have been valued and responded to by the community and the platform, and have also become the key to solving the problem. Among them, the most direct measure is the update of hardware.

In Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the street took the lead in coordinating the management of the community property and business district, and set up a special parking area for riders in the community and shopping mall, and convenient service facilities such as exclusive parking spaces for riders, battery swapping cabinets, and business district stations were activated. In Chongqing, the sidewalks in the community are often blocked by motor vehicles, and Chenjiaqiao Street in Shapingba District has launched a special rectification, and the delivery of orders by delivery people is no longer blocked. For example, in Huangshi, Hubei Province, some riders reported that there was a shortage of battery swapping cabinets, and the community and platform quickly increased the delivery.

The deeper change is to achieve multi-party negotiation and reduce the number of times delivery workers are blocked by the gate – almost everyone knows that this is the core of the problem and the subtleties of achieving "rider friendliness".

Behind the door, human nature is complicated

In the various experiences of being stopped, in addition to grievances, Xiao Ke also had a sad heart.

Once, he was stopped by security guards in a mid-to-high-end residential area because riders were not allowed to enter by bicycle, and the huge community could only walk. When he went out after delivering the order, the security guard actually accosted him, this time, not "embarrassed", but beckoned him to "take a break". Xiao Ke stopped his pace and chatted with the security guard, and learned that the other party was in his 60s, and the people of Hebei, like himself, were all North Drifters.

During the interval of the conversation, Xiao Ke talked about the difficulty of delivering orders, and he was often stopped by the gate, and he was too tired to walk. After hearing this, the security guard also sighed: "I let you in once, and if you are caught, you will be fined 100 yuan, and I can earn more than 100 yuan a day." ”

Xiao Ke has previously swiped a lot of short videos, the rider can not enter the community, often sharpened into a contradiction between the rider and the security guard, he once discussed with the riders around him, "bear with it" when encountering trouble, so as not to intensify the contradiction, "It's really not good to run away first, don't be ashamed". But at this moment, Xiao Ke suddenly realized that the obstacle to delivering the order was not caused by the security guard in front of him. So, who exactly can really solve this problem?

Everyone wants answers. At the beginning of this year, all localities gradually formed a mechanism led by the local competent authorities, and the multi-party consultation and cooperation of property companies, platforms and riders, and improved the overall governance level of the community by signing management agreements, behavioral conventions and other normative documents.

The first step is to convene a "Friendly Consultation Mechanism - Rider Meeting", led by the street and community, with security guards, delivery workers, residents, community workers, property owners, and members of the Meituan project team ...... Sit around a round table and talk about your ideas, find someone who can really solve the problem, and talk about specific solutions: Why are some neighborhoods not allowed to open? Which neighborhoods can be considered opening? What are the requirements after opening? How to solve the problem of sending orders if it is not open?

Previously, different roles were divided by macro nouns, often clinging to their own positions, but in the face-to-face moment, everyone is reduced to people who can communicate with each other and make concessions, and all people need is an opportunity to sit down and talk.

As a veteran rider, Xiao Ke has been invited to participate in several multi-party meetings. He said that when everyone clearly states their considerations, everyone is not unreasonable, and the positions of all parties can be understood. Everyone admits that the situation is too complicated, such as schools and hospitals, where there are many people and the elevator is difficult to operate, and even if the rider enters, the efficiency is not necessarily higher.

For example, there are difficulties in property management, after all, the situation in the community is mostly complicated. For example, in a community that has been closed before, the special situation is that there are many children in the community, and at night, adults take their children out for a walk, and the owners are worried that there are more takeaways in and out, which will affect the safety of the children, so there are restrictions.

Speaking of which, the people on the property side showed that the decision was not in their hands, and if the security guards let the rider into the community, they would sometimes be complained by residents. Among them, many of the complainants are elderly, unlike young people, who usually do not have the need to order takeout, and it is difficult to understand the importance of delivery riders.

After the delivery rider was stopped

▲ Representatives of property and riders negotiated and communicated in the Yellowstone Bridge community. Photo / Courtesy of the interviewee

After many consultations, a consensus was finally formed that the key to a friendly community is not "whether every community can enter", but to negotiate together, "not to say that every community must go in, but to find a compromise solution", otherwise, the unclear pressure and consequences can often only be borne by the end of the distribution chain, that is, the rider and the security guard.

Understanding each other is only the first step, and the next step is to solve the problem. Some unexpected ideas burst out in the discussion. Some communities were worried that the speed of the delivery riders was too fast, and after communication, the property chose to add bicycles to allow the riders to use bicycles for delivery in the community to reduce the speed. However, after proposing this plan, at the round table, the property and other parties had troubles, and they did not know how to ensure that the rider returned the limited bicycle keys in time to prevent the loss of the keys or the low efficiency of circulation.

At this time, it was the delivery rider sitting on the other side, waving his hand: "Those are useless, it is stipulated that the rider must leave the electric car key, and we will definitely guarantee to return the car first." In this way, a more concrete and feasible plan was decided.

The new changes were quickly implemented. Mr. Shaw found that many communities were different. Originally, some villas that did not allow electric vehicles to enter arranged supermarket shopping carts, love ferries, etc., to facilitate delivery of orders. At the beginning of January this year, Xiao Ke happened to receive a water delivery order, carrying two boxes of water, and after registering at the gate of the community, he borrowed a small cart and went inside, and then took the elevator directly to the customer's door, saving a lot of trouble.

In the past six months, friendly communities have been set up one after another, such as Huangshi, Hubei Province, where there are already 21 "rider-friendly communities", basically covering the main distribution areas in the city. Not only that, under the joint promotion of many parties, it has also launched "Rider-friendly Campus" and "Rider-friendly Business" to improve the delivery experience of riders from different dimensions.

Each case is unique. Among them, there is a community in Beijing, there is a comprehensive office building, which belongs to the office community, and documents are required to go upstairs, but at the same time, there are several catering businesses in the office building, and the riders usually need to wait downstairs, and the merchants deliver the food downstairs. When it comes to meals, the orders are non-stop, the merchants are busy, and there are not enough people, so the riders wait longer downstairs.

After the negotiation, the merchants came up with a flexible and flexible solution. Let the property provide 10 passes for the stationed riders, which can ensure that the stationed riders can go upstairs to pick up their meals. Another business, which does not have a rider on site, provides some subsidies to the security guard, and during peak hours, the security guard can help deliver the meal downstairs for the rider to pick up.

Today, taking Shanghai as an example, more than 100 restaurants have become the first batch of "rider-friendly businesses" in the country, providing riders with amenities such as receiving water, charging, and resting, and also setting up clear guidelines for picking up food and food racks. In addition, Peking University's "South Gate Station" has become the country's first "friendly campus", making it more convenient for riders to deliver orders.

After the delivery rider was stopped

▲Meituan takeaway cabinet on campus. Photo / Courtesy of the interviewee

Push open the closed door

After the establishment of a rider-friendly community, Li Chengnan, as the station manager, was the most able to observe the changes.

The complaint rate of running orders has decreased. With clearer routes and better infrastructure, it has become easier for riders to run orders, and out of 1,000 orders, there would have been about 30 orders that could not be completed on time, but now it has been reduced to 10 orders. Tiantongyuan, which is known as one of the largest communities in Asia, takes Zhongyuan District 2 as an example, and the average time for riders to send 1 order is 15 minutes compared with half a year ago.

Not only that, but he also had a clear feeling that the relationship between the riders and the community was becoming harmonious.

In the afternoon, it is the hottest time, and the riders gather in the community to sit in the station, which is almost full - the station has air conditioning, drinks, and when there is no list, it becomes the best choice for riders to rest here. Li Chengnan's site is in Tiantongyuan, a large community, and the riders rent a nearby village, and if they want to go back, it will be delayed a lot, and everyone was making do in the mall before. Li Chengnan said, not to mention that a few years earlier, when he delivered the order, a group of people gathered under the bridge to hide from the sun.

The new additions from the community are still being delivered. The weather has become hot these days, and there are herbal tea, sour plum soup, and Huoxiang Zhengqi water to prevent heatstroke in the post station. There is also a book called "Golden Ideas", on which the riders' suggestions and what they need can be written. A young rider picked up a notebook and wanted bruise medicine, and asked Li Chengnan before writing, "Can I send it if I write it?" He wrote the letter suspiciously, and within a few days, the medicine appeared in the community station.

Being cared for is one thing, and riders are also giving to the community. For example, many riders have participated in a public welfare project called "Shoot with Your Hand", and in the process of delivering orders, they found that the lights were broken. Where did the tree fall? Where are the big pits? You can report directly to the community and let them deal with it in time.

This is also the part that touches the station manager Li Chengnan the most among the various new changes, he said, riders are often mobile, and the relationship with the community and the people around them is not close, which will lead to a lack of stability. To solve this problem, he thought of many ways: gather the riders to eat together; Let the riders deal with an order that no one answers, without the tone of command, and a small red envelope will be sent after the order is delivered; Or, Li Chengnan will secretly memorize the names and faces of the 180 riders in the station, ensuring that their names can be accurately called out during the morning meeting, so that the riders feel respected and seen.

Now, as riders become more involved in community governance, a sense of belonging is unconsciously generated. Li Chengnan has calculated that 40% of the young people in the site are only 18 to 25 years old, active, cheerful, fresh out of school, and willing to participate in various community activities.

In the project team's visit and research, it was found that the riders' sense of achievement may come from their income and ability to deliver orders, but their happiness comes more from blending with people in the city, so that riders are willing to take order delivery as a more stable career. Just like the site where Li Chengnan is located, the attrition rate of new riders within a month is greatly reduced.

For riders, after establishing a smooth communication mechanism in the street, community, property, and platform, the moment of grievance is indeed decreasing, and the moving is more and more, and there are more and more reasons to choose to stay.

Six years after delivering orders, Xiao Ke also remembers many moments of connecting with people and "being noticed and cared for". Some customers will give him some cakes for their birthdays; In the summer, few people will make an unreasonable request to "take off the rider's uniform and send the order", but will hand themselves a bottle of water; During the Chinese New Year, customers will take out a red envelope and say "Happy New Year"; In the event of bad weather and rain, there are fewer people urging orders a few years ago, and the other party will send a message instead, "Little brother, pay attention to safety, take your time." ”

He also often goes to volunteer, cleaning and promoting safety with uncles and aunts in the community, chatting a lot, getting to know each other more and more, and the old people will happily praise, "The takeaway guys are actually quite cute."

And on the "Golden Idea" book, Li Chengnan also wrote a suggestion, "I hope to be able to carry out social activities", he said, in the site, there are many reasons for the resignation of riders, are to go home on a blind date, he thinks, if this problem can be solved, the riders' work and life will be more stable.

These moments mean that this is no longer an enclave for them to work, and the door that was once closed has slowly opened.

The article is the original work of Daily People, and infringement must be investigated

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  • After the delivery rider was stopped
  • After the delivery rider was stopped
  • After the delivery rider was stopped
  • After the delivery rider was stopped

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