
"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

Ning Ma Wuyu

2024-06-29 17:10Creators in the field of parenting

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01 Zhu Yetian, the grandson of Chinese arts and crafts master Zhu Bingren, scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, aiming for Peking University.

02 Zhu Yetian was born with a golden key, and his father Zhu Junmin developed a bronze carving business kingdom from elementary school copper art.

03 Although Zhu Yetian's family is superior, he doesn't like the title of "Young Master Maybach" and hopes to prove his worth through hard work.

04 Zhu Yetian said that his grandfather's education has always been a way of teaching him by word and deed, which has affected his spirit of hard work and enterprising.

05 Due to the blessing of good genes and educational resources, Zhu Yetian stands out in an environment full of top students.

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Text: Ning Ma Wuyu

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University!

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

Seeing this news, many netizens who used to have a lot of complaints were also completely convinced, and sighed: It turns out that there are really people who have 7 million and 700 points at the same time!

Who is "Young Master Maybach"? It turned out to be Zhu Yetian, the grandson of Zhu Bingren, a master of Chinese arts and crafts.

Zhu Bingren, 80 years old, is known as the "Three Elders of the Canal" along with the famous urban planning expert Zheng Xiaoxie and the ancient architect Luo Zhewen, and is the representative inheritor of the bronze carving skills of the national intangible cultural heritage. Some people say that grandpa's fame is no less than Ma Yun in the eyes of Hangzhou people.

His father, Zhu Junmin, was not simple, and developed a bronze carving business kingdom from a primary school in copper art. The efforts of his ancestors and fathers have created a wealthy family for Zhu Yetian. It can be said that Zhu Yetian was born with a golden key.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

When Zhu Yetian went to the college entrance examination, he was photographed driving a Maybach to see him off, and his father got out of the car and patted his back and whispered, which caused heated discussions for a while.

Many friends can't figure it out: what exam should the young master take in person?

There are also people who assert: If you don't pass the exam, you will inherit the family business!

There is a hint in the words that it is impossible for a rich young master to have good grades, and he calls "Young Master Maybach".

Zhu Yetian doesn't like the title of "Young Master Maybach", he thinks that he is suspected of showing off his wealth, he wants to prove his worth through personal efforts, and tear off the label of "no learning and no skills" on his body.

Zhu Yetian said that 700 points is not a very high score, and the target is Peking University. This achievement and goal are enough to prove that he is a well-known student in Hangzhou.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

The announcement of the results of the college entrance examination slapped many people in the face at once. Zhu Yetian proved that not only the poor family has a noble son, but also a rich family.

Good genes

According to an article published by a research project called "Genotype-Tissue Expression", the genetic similarity between humans is as high as 99.9%, and the unique genes account for only 0.1%.

However, it is this 0.1% difference that creates unique individuals and widens the gap between people.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

We have to admit that with the same learning time, the same learning content, and the same background knowledge, some learn quickly, some learn slowly, some learn well, and some learn poorly.

is like Jiang Ping, a secondary school girl, she has no resources and background, but she is extremely talented in learning mathematics. At the same time, she felt that the questions she was doing were too simple and that it was worthless to do. It only took two years to gnaw on university mathematics courses such as advanced mathematics, participate in the Ali Mathematics Competition, and enter the finals with a good score of 12.

After reading the competition questions, many people said, let alone doing the questions, they can't understand the questions, and they don't know how to write the symbols. College students who have studied advanced mathematics should be deeply touched, like a book from heaven, after studying and taking the exam, they have already returned all their knowledge to the teacher.

That's the difference between people.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

The wealth of Zhu Yetian's family is not a day of getting rich and making money from outside the world, but the wealth accumulated by his grandfather and father with their own craftsmanship. Their craft is not something that ordinary people can learn, and there are not many in the country.

The hand is the second brain of human beings, and good craftsmanship stimulates the brain, and the brain in turn promotes craftsmanship, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are smart.

It is not surprising that such good genes can be passed on to future generations, but to plant melons and get melons, and sow beans and get beans.

Zhu Yetian is fortunate to have inherited good genes, so that he can stand out through hard work on this basis.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

practice what you preach

Zhu Yetian said that his grandfather has always taught his education by word and deed, and he will not deliberately say "how do you want to do it, how to do it", or make a lot of requests, but more often work day after day, and devote his efforts to copper-related artistic creation with the spirit of decades of dedication.

Grandpa is 80 years old, and he is still climbing higher peaks on the road of art, and this spirit of perseverance has influenced Zhu Yetian.

Zhu Yetian said that he has no idea of inheriting the family business at present, and may try to connect his major with art-related knowledge.

It can be seen that the tall image of his grandfather has been deeply rooted in Zhu Yetian's heart, and the power of words and deeds has prompted him to strive for excellence and forge ahead in what he should do.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

Teaching by word and deed is the best family style, and the wealth of a rich family is the wealth won by one's own hands, not pie in the sky. Diligent and diligent, coupled with ingenuity, encounters good opportunities and environment, takes root, sprouts, blossoms and bears fruit.

We have the impression that some rich children are the children of gentlemen, who enjoy themselves all day long, do not learn and have no skills, and most of them are the result of their parents' doting, and do not create a good learning atmosphere for their children.

There is an entrepreneur, both husband and wife are Peking University, they are very busy with work, but they push their children to the nanny, and replace father's and mother's love with material things. When the children were young, the husband and wife often quarreled over trivial matters, and never let the children see their efforts.

The child did not study well since he was a child, and he got along well with some young people in society, and was dropped out of junior high school.

Therefore, what kind of environment you create for your children can shape what kind of children you have. If you want your child to become a talent in the future, you should leave a hard-working and enterprising image to your child.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

There are better educational resources

Good genes and love of learning are also inseparable from the blessing of educational resources. A good educational environment can better tap children's potential.

For example, some good high schools will have innovative classes, and they are equipped with stronger teachers and higher quality teaching. At the same time, the learning content is much higher than that of ordinary class students, and when other children are studying high school content, these children have already learned college content, and they are better at solving problems, and it is easy to get high scores in exams.

Zhu Yetian's Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School is one of the first-class middle schools in the country, and there were 91 students in Tsinghua University and Nanjing University in the college entrance examination last year. In this year's college entrance examination, the results are quite impressive. There are 5 people in the top 50 in the province and 13 people in the top 100 in the province, and 25 people have been pre-admitted to Peking University and Tsinghua University before the college entrance examination.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

In an environment full of top students, the atmosphere of children catching up with each other will also make children's grades go to the next level.

Zhu Yetian won the gold medal in the Chemistry Olympiad, and to achieve such results is not all due to intelligence, but after a long period of training. It is necessary to find a good coach, invest a certain amount of training funds, the output ratio is not necessarily large, and families with good economic conditions dare to enter this track.

Today's exams are not only about books, but also about practical applications, and those children who have multi-faceted contact with society and understand the world are more advantageous. And to do this, economic investment is also indispensable.

Therefore, for children who have a good foundation, with the blessing of educational resources, children are more likely to become outstanding.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

Written at the end: Zhu Yetian used his own efforts to prove that he is not the unlearned young master Maybach in people's prejudices, but an outstanding young man with real talent and hard work. The rich will also produce noble sons, which are also worthy of recognition and learning.

I'm @Ning Ma Wuyu

Mother of two boys, more than 10 years of parenting experience

Accompany children to read, English and science

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Welcome to pay attention and move forward together on the road of parenting

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  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, and the goal is Peking University, taking off the label of "no learning and no skills".

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