
The score line of the college entrance examination in 31 provinces is here!

author:Love to be calm

As of now

The score lines of the college entrance examination in 31 provinces have been announced


01 Sichuan

The first batch of liberal arts undergraduates: 529 points;

The second batch of undergraduates: 457 points;

Specialist batch: 150 points.

The first batch of science undergraduates: 539 points;

The second batch of undergraduates: 459 points;

Specialist batch: 150 points.

02 Chongqing

General Class History:

428 points for undergraduates, 180 points for junior colleges;

506 points for the special type qualification line.

General Class Physics:

427 points for undergraduates, 180 points for junior colleges;

499 points for the special type qualification line.

03 Shaanxi

Undergraduate batch:

488 points in literature and history, 475 points in science and engineering.

Second batch of undergraduates:

397 points in literature and history, 372 points in science and engineering.

04 Hunan

438 points in the General History category,

422 points in the General Physics category.

Special Type Admissions Admission Control Score Cut-off:

496 points for History and 481 points for Physics.

05 Hebei

General undergraduate batch score line:

449 points in the history subject combination,

448 points for the Physics subject combination.

Special Type Admissions Admission Control Score Cut-off:

506 points in the history subject combination,

484 points in the Physics subject combination.

06 Fujian

General Undergraduate Batch:

449 points in the Physics subject group,

431 points in the history subject group.

Special Type Admissions Admission Control Score Cut-off:

538 points in the Physics subject group,

519 points in the history subject group.

07 Jiangsu

478 points in general undergraduate history and other subjects,

462 points in physics and other subjects;

Special Recruit Type:

530 points in history and other subjects,

516 points in physics and other subjects.

08 Liaoning

General Undergraduate Control Score Line:

400 points in History,

368 points in Physics.

Special Type Enrollment Control Cut-off Score:

510 points in History,

510 points in Physics.

09 Qinghai

Undergraduate 1st Section:

411 points in literature and history, 343 points in science and engineering.

Special Types:

440 points in literature and history, 398 points in science and engineering.

Undergraduate 2nd Section:

382 points in literature and history, 325 points in science and engineering.

10 Henan

A batch of general undergraduates:

Humanities 521 minutes, Science 511 minutes.

The second batch of general undergraduates:

Humanities 428 minutes, Science 396 minutes.

11 Tianjin

Cut-off score for general undergraduate admission: 475 points;

The minimum admission control reference line for candidates with special types of qualifications in colleges and universities: 563 points.

12 Shanxi

Minimum control score for general undergraduate admission:

516 points in the first batch of literature and history,

446 points in the second batch;

506 points in the first batch of science and engineering,

The second batch is 418 points.


Undergraduate General History Section:

The minimum control line is 369 points,

The minimum control line for special types is 479 points.

Undergraduate General Physics Section:

The minimum control line is 345 points,

The minimum control line for special types is 483 points.

14 Shanghai

Undergraduate admission control score line: 403 points;

Special Enrollment Control Cut-off Score: 503 points.

15 宁夏

General literature and history (including national special plans, special plans for colleges and universities, local special plans, and military and public security colleges or majors).

The first batch of undergraduate colleges and universities have an admission control score of 496 points;

The admission control score of the second batch of undergraduate colleges and universities is 419 points;

The admission control score of higher vocational (junior college) is 200 points.

General science and engineering (including national special plans, special plans for universities, local special plans, military and public security colleges or majors).

The first batch of undergraduate colleges and universities have an admission control score of 432 points;

The admission control score of the second batch of undergraduate colleges is 371 points;

The admission control score of higher vocational (junior college) is 200 points.

16 Inner Mongolia

The score line of a batch of liberal arts undergraduates is 478 points,

The score line of the second batch of liberal arts undergraduates is 381 points;

The score line of the first batch of science undergraduates is 471 points,

The score line of the second batch of science undergraduates is 360 points.

17 Yunnan

One piece:

550 points for general literature and history,

505 points in general science and engineering;


480 points for general literature and history,

420 points in general science and engineering.

18 Beijing


The control score for general undergraduate admission: 434 points

Special type enrollment control score cut-off: 523 points

19 Jiangxi

General History:

The minimum control line for special types is 532 points.

The minimum control line for undergraduate students is 463 points.

General Physics Category:

The minimum control line for special types is 520 points.

The minimum score of the undergraduate control line is 448.

20 Gansu


488 points for special types,

370 points for undergraduate batch,

Higher vocational (junior college) 160 points


502 points for special types,

421 points for undergraduate batch,

Higher vocational (junior college) 160 points

21 Anhui


History Subject Portfolio 462,

Physics subject combination 465.

Special Types:

History Subject Combinations 512,

Physics subject combination 514.

Higher Vocational (Junior):

History Subject Portfolio 200,

Physics subject combination 200.

22 Hainan

The minimum control score for undergraduate batch (general category) admission: 483

The minimum control score for admission to the National Special Program (General Category): 483

The minimum control score for some special types of enrollment is 568

23 Guangdong


General (History): 428 points overall.

General (Physics): 442 points overall.

Special Type Enrollment Admission Control Line:

General (History): 539 points overall.

General (Physics): 532 points overall.


General (History): 200 points overall.

General (Physics): 200 points overall.

24 Guizhou

Physical combinations

Undergraduate admission control score: 380 points;

Special type admission qualification line: 482 points;

Higher vocational (junior college) admission control score line: 180 points;

Historical combinations

Undergraduate admission control score line: 442 points;

Special type admission qualification line: 505 points;

Higher vocational (junior college) admission control score line: 180 points.

25 Guangxi

Minimum control score for undergraduate batch admission:

400 points in history and 371 points in physics are preferred;

Minimum control score for admission to special types of admissions:

519 points in history and 501 points in physics are preferred;

The minimum control score for admission to the batch of higher vocational colleges:

200 points in History and 200 points in Physics are preferred.

26 Zhejiang

492 points in the first stage of the general category

269 points in the second stage of the general category

The special category enrollment control line is 595 points

27 Hubei


Preferred Physics 437 points,

Preferred History 432 points.

Undergraduate Special Enrollment Line:

Preferred Physics 525 points,

Preferred history 530 points.

28 Shandong

One stage: 444 points

Two-dash line: 150 points

Special Enrollment Control Line: 521 points

29 Heilongjiang

General undergraduate: 410 points in history and 360 points in physics

General Special Category: 486 points for History, 480 points for Physics

30 Xinjiang

Undergraduate batch: 425 points in liberal arts, 390 points in science

The second batch of undergraduates: 304 points in liberal arts and 262 points in science

31 Tibet

(1) Literature and history

Undergraduate batch: 335 points for Category A candidates, 410 points for Category B candidates

The second batch of undergraduates: 301 points for Category A candidates, 315 points for Category B candidates

Specialist batch: 238 points for Category A candidates, 238 points for Category B candidates

(2) Science and engineering

Undergraduate batch: 305 points for Category A candidates, 400 points for Category B candidates

The second batch of undergraduates: 265 points for Category A candidates, 310 points for Category B candidates

Specialist batch: 214 points for Category A candidates, 214 points for Category B candidates

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