
"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

Ning Ma Wuyu

2024-06-29 17:22Creators in the field of parenting

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01 Zhu Yetian, a wealthy young master, scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, breaking people's perception that children from wealthy families have poor academic performance.

02 Zhu Junmin said that families with good economic conditions are more qualified to cultivate children, and parents now attach great importance to the education of their children.

03 Zhu Junmin shared his educational philosophy, emphasizing the use of the overall situation to stimulate children's internal motivation and let children connect with the destiny of the country.

04 He believes that high-quality companionship is communication rather than supervision, giving children enough freedom to learn with internal drive.

05 Zhu Junmin leads by example, asking children to do it, he does it first, and creates a good growth atmosphere for children.

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Text: Ning Ma Wuyu

In people's previous perception, children from wealthy families seem to be children of gentlemen, and it seems that they have poor academic performance.

"Young Master Maybach" Zhu Yetian scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, breaking people's cognition. Not only does he have a good family background, but his grades are so good, he is handsome and does not wear glasses, he talks generously, and he is confident and sunny.

A rich family produces a noble son, and he has made the best interpretation.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

Zhu Yetian's father, Zhu Junmin, the representative inheritor of intangible cultural heritage bronze carving skills in Zhejiang Province, said that families with good economic conditions will not let their children go, and those with good family backgrounds are more qualified to train their children. In the more than 40 years since reform and opening up, it is impossible to obtain wealth by relying on some of the original means, but also by relying on one's own strong quality and strong personal ability to obtain wealth. Today's parents are qualified and cultivated, and they attach great importance to their children's education.

If the predecessors planted trees and the later generations enjoyed the shade, they thought that the family was good and chose to lie flat and squander the wealth accumulated by their ancestors, they would jump into the curse of being rich for three generations. Today's parents have long seen this fact, and if they want to live a good life, they must work hard for generations.

When asked how to educate children, Zhu Junmin generously shared: It may be different from many people, it is really ideal and belief education, you might as well listen to it. Netizens listened to his sharing and said: The pattern is big.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

Indeed, his sharing session allowed us to look at education from a new perspective, and summarized the following points for reference.

Use the overall picture to stimulate internal drive

Zhu Junmin believes that children receive very orthodox patriotism, collective outlook, and ideals at school from an early age, and parents can give him a little help in the back.

Zhu Junmin has told his children since he was a child: You are born for the country, you are a child of the country, the country has spent a lot of energy on cultivating you, and you will serve the country in the future. Now that the country is in such a difficult situation and science and technology are suppressed, it is up to your generation of people who are good at reading, who can read, and who can make contributions to the country.

In the case of good grades, if you are satisfied with the current grades, you can read casually. Only by giving him a greater direction and giving him some kind of strength to support him, can he rush in the direction of the top.

This stimulates the internal drive of children, which is really rare now, not to mention the father's pattern!

There are several common ways for children to learn well:

Take your child to a certain university, let the child like it, so as to set a goal of being admitted to a certain university in the future.

Talk to your child about your dreams, what career you want to do in the future, and work hard to pursue a certain career.

Talk to your child about reality, let him break the limitations of the family, and change his destiny.

The core of it is all about the child himself, which is separated from the overall situation. Therefore, many children are easily satisfied with the status quo, or compare themselves, have no momentum, and get by.

Seeing the method shared by Zhu Junmin, I feel that it is easier for children to have fighting spirit, to link children with the destiny of the country, children's goals will be firmer, their horizons will be broader, not only to excel in a small circle, but to look at the whole country and the future, so that they can really find that learning is endless.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

High-quality companionship is communication rather than supervision

Zhu Junmin said frankly that he is usually very busy at work, and it is true that like many fathers, he does not have a lot of time to spend with his children, and it is the children's mothers who take care of and nurture their children. However, he gave the child high-quality companionship in his own way.

When his children were in elementary and junior high school, he would drop them off every morning and listen to their ideas and communicate with them during the 20 minutes on the way to school.

For example, emotional problems, getting along with children, etc., will be positively guided or pointed.

In terms of learning, they don't pay much attention to it, and they have always instilled in their children that reading is their own business, and they should figure it out in school.

Their family never asks about their children's grades, believing that the teachers are well educated. When your child is doing his homework, he will not be watched from the sidelines. Give children the greatest independence and autonomy, and they have the final say in their studies and school choices, and their parents do not interfere.

For children who have good academic performance and love to learn, parents really don't need to add to it, give their children enough freedom, let them learn with internal drive, and their grades will definitely not disappoint. If the tube is too wide, the child will feel suppressed, cause rebellious emotions, and be unwilling to learn more troublesomely.

Parents use some more mature experience to help their children resolve them, clear their worries, and let them have a good mood, which is to ensure their children's academic performance.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

Lead by example and ask your children to do the same

Zhu Junmin also talked about the issue of leading by example, the appearance of parents is the appearance of children.

Many parents will have a headache about their children's watching TV, and Zhu Yetian will not watch TV. Because when Zhu Yetian was at home, they never turned on the TV.

Generally speaking, in every family, the TV turn on rate is already very low, and it is common not to watch TV, maybe you don't think it's very powerful. However, the seductive mobile phone has more children who can't quit.

As for the problem of playing mobile phones and games, Zhu Yetian doesn't have to worry about his parents.

It's not that Zhu doesn't like it every day, he also likes to play games, but he will watch others play games within the specified time, and then put down his mobile phone to study. Because his parents will limit the time he uses his mobile phone, and he will not play with his mobile phone every day in front of Zhu Yetian.

Not only did his parents do well, but his grandfather Zhu Bingren was a role model, he was still working at the age of 80, and Zhu Yetian was also infected by his grandfather's non-stop fighting spirit.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

For successful people, work is very busy, and there are higher pursuits, and they really don't just go to the mobile phone to watch the excitement. If you have this time, you might as well go to the gym, read a book, or study your profession.

It is precisely because parents have pursuits and will not be idle that they have set the best example for their children, created a good atmosphere, and created excellent children.

Before envying other children's excellent learning, first examine yourself, whether you are good enough, whether you use your time effectively, and whether you have done a good job in what you ask your children to do.

"Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

Written at the end: "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, the educational experience shared by the father is different, it turns out that the internal drive is considered from the overall situation, it turns out that there is not much time to spend with the child can also achieve high quality, and the magic of leading by example is so great. There are traces to follow, whether it is rich or poor, it is worth thinking about.

I'm @Ning Ma Wuyu

Mother of two boys, more than 10 years of parenting experience

Accompany children to read, English and science

Share parenting insights and land parenting dry goods

Welcome to pay attention and move forward together on the road of parenting

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  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big
  • "Young Master Maybach" scored 700 points in the college entrance examination, the goal is Peking University, his father talks about education, netizens: The pattern is big

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