
Huating: The watermelon in the greenhouse is growing gratifying and is about to mature and go on the market

author:Pingliang release

Industrial prosperity is the basis for the masses to increase their income and become rich and realize rural revitalization. In recent years, Ankou Town, Huating City, relying on its resource advantages, has taken "one village, one product" as the key to adjusting the structure of agricultural industry and promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside, developing characteristic industries according to local conditions, adding vitality to the people's income increase and agricultural transformation and upgrading, and continuing to promote rural revitalization.

Huating: The watermelon in the greenhouse is growing gratifying and is about to mature and go on the market

Nowadays, when I walked into the watermelon planting greenhouse in Zhujiapo Village, Ankou Town, my eyes were full of greenery, and there were big round watermelons hidden between the melon vines, and the shed was filled with the unique sweet smell of watermelons. Grower Lu Zhigang is busy weeding, picking melons, and watering with the workers, looking at the big watermelons that are about to mature and go on the market, everyone's faces are filled with the joy of a bumper harvest.

Lu Zhigang, a grower in Zhujiapo Village, Ankou Town, said: "I have been planting watermelons for three years, and this year I have planted 10 sheds of watermelons, including sweet kings, gift watermelons, Yellow River honey, cantaloupe and other varieties. I believe that these watermelons will be welcomed by the market. ”

Huating: The watermelon in the greenhouse is growing gratifying and is about to mature and go on the market

In order to ensure the quality of watermelons, grower Lu Zhigang strictly follows the scientific management of planting standards from seed selection, seedling raising, transplanting to field management. At the same time, watering facilities are installed in all watermelon sheds to ensure that water and fertilizer are sufficient, so that the watermelons produced are thin, red, and sweet, and deeply loved by consumers.

Huating: The watermelon in the greenhouse is growing gratifying and is about to mature and go on the market

Li Caihong, a greenhouse worker in Zhujiapo Village, Ankou Town: "In the past few days, we have to look at each watermelon vine, and only one big melon can be left in a watermelon vine, and the small melons must be removed, otherwise it will affect the watermelon to absorb nutrients and grow small." ”

This year, Zhujiapo Village, Ankou Town, closely focused on the rural revitalization strategy, adjusted the agricultural industry structure according to geographical and climatic conditions, guided the masses to actively carry out watermelon and melon planting, continuously cultivated and expanded the agricultural industry, promoted farmers' income, and empowered rural revitalization.

Yang Xinglong, deputy director of the Ankou Town Agricultural Service Center, said: "Rural revitalization depends on industry, and industrial development depends on characteristics. We have always taken industrial development and strengthening villages and enriching the people as the goal, based on environmental conditions and resource endowments, mobilizing villages to develop watermelon, melon and other characteristic industries according to local conditions, and promoting rural revitalization with industrial revitalization, so as to make agriculture stronger, rural areas more beautiful, and the people richer. ”

In recent years, Ankou Town has fully excavated the location characteristics of each village in combination with the local reality, implemented the economic development model of "one village, one product, one village, one industry" according to local conditions, transformed resource advantages into economic advantages, and encouraged villagers to change the idea of "waiting for the need", join the team of industrial development, and be the practitioners and leaders of getting rich. Up to now, there are 276 vegetable arch sheds and 40 solar greenhouses in the town, and 600 acres of fruits and vegetables such as watermelons are planted in greenhouses. This year, while operating the existing vegetable greenhouses, Ankou Town will enable intelligent sunlight linkage greenhouses, and strive to reach 4,000 acres of fruit and vegetable planting area within the year, strive to become bigger, more refined and better characteristic industries, and inject more momentum into rural revitalization. (Wang Huan, Wang Hongbo)

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