
Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

author:Möngke talks about health

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"Well, is watermelon really inedible?" Li Huan helped her husband Zhang Qiang in a wheelchair into the hospital while thinking about this question. On this day, she went to school to pick up her youngest daughter from school, and happened to hear several parents discussing the relationship between coronary heart disease and watermelon. She heard that eating watermelon might have a bad effect on heart disease, which worried her.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

The sun is still gentle in the morning, but the corridors of the hospital always feel a little cool. Zhang Qiang accidentally slipped and his leg needed to be removed from the plaster, and Li Huan accompanied him to the hospital, hoping to consult a doctor by the way. After all, there was still watermelon at home that she hadn't finished eating, and she didn't want Zhang Qiang to be affected by her ignorance.

Walking into the waiting room of the orthopedic department, Li Huan noticed a heart health poster hanging on the wall, and couldn't help but feel a tightening heart, and she was even more eager to know the truth. Soon, a doctor in a white lab coat walked out of the consultation room, and it was Dr. Zheng who they were looking for.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Dr. Zheng is an experienced cardiologist and the person in charge of the follow-up examination after Zhang Qiang's surgery. Seeing Li Huan and Zhang Qiang, Dr. Zheng greeted him with a smile and asked Zhang Qiang about his recovery. Li Huan took the opportunity to raise her doubts: "Dr. Zheng, we heard that patients with coronary heart disease can't eat watermelon?" ”

After hearing this, Dr. Zheng smiled and did not answer the question directly, but guided them to sit down in the office and prepared to explain the question carefully. He grabbed a few books on heart health from the shelves and began to explain.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

"Watermelon itself is a very healthy fruit, rich in vitamin C and some trace elements, which can effectively replenish the water needed by the human body in summer. But for patients with coronary heart disease, the problem is not the watermelon itself, but the amount and way of eating watermelon. ”

Dr Cheng went on to point out that patients with coronary heart disease do need to pay special attention to their diet as certain foods may affect heart function and the effectiveness of medications. Although watermelon is healthy, due to its high sugar content, excessive consumption may cause blood sugar fluctuations, which can increase the burden on the heart.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

He explained in detail the pathological process of coronary heart disease and the importance of dietary conditioning, emphasizing the need for a balanced diet and the principle of moderation. Subsequently, Dr. Cheng also mentioned some specific recommendations, such as limiting the amount of watermelon consumed at a time, preferably no more than two small slices, to avoid causing sharp fluctuations in blood sugar and blood pressure.

Li Huan listened very carefully, nodding her head from time to time, she finally understood the relationship between watermelon and coronary heart disease, and learned how to create a healthier eating plan for her family. This trip to the hospital not only brought good news to Zhang Qiang's leg recovery, but also gave Li Huan a deeper understanding and grasp of family dietary health.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

People with coronary heart disease do need to pay more attention to their diet, especially those foods that may seem harmless but may cause potential risks, such as watermelon. Although watermelon is widely loved for its high water content and vitamin-rich properties, for people with coronary heart disease, there is indeed a risk of eating too much watermelon that cannot be ignored.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Although watermelon is well hydrated and has a sweet taste, it actually contains quite a bit of sugar. For most people, this may not be a big deal, but for people with coronary heart disease, it is very important to manage blood sugar well.

Hyperglycemic status can increase the risk of cardiovascular events, especially in patients with diabetes. Therefore, excessive intake of watermelon may cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels in a short period of time, which can cause an additional burden on the heart.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Although watermelon has a moderate glycemic load (GL value), even a moderate GL value is enough for those with coronary heart disease who have poor glycemic control, especially if the amount of food consumption is not controlled.

In addition, patients with coronary heart disease often have high blood pressure problems, and although watermelon contains potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, excessive consumption may also cause blood sugar fluctuations due to its high water and sugar content, which indirectly affects blood pressure stability. Fluctuations in blood sugar and blood pressure are a double strain on the heart, which can increase the burden on the heart and increase the risk of angina or other cardiovascular diseases.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Nutritionally, watermelon is indeed rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and vitamin C, which are beneficial for heart health. However, this is often overshadowed by the potential risks of excessive consumption of watermelon.

More importantly, patients with coronary heart disease should take into account the individual's condition and constitution when formulating a diet plan, and work with a dietitian or doctor to adjust the choice and amount of food according to the individual's health status. Each person's physical condition and response to food is unique, so creating a personalized diet plan is a key part of managing coronary heart disease.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Although watermelon is safe for most people as a delicious and healthy fruit, it is important for people with coronary heart disease to control their intake reasonably and avoid excessive intake. By understanding the nutritional content of watermelon and its possible effects on people with heart disease, patients can better manage their diet and avoid unnecessary health risks.

When discussing heart health, the focus is often on high-fat, high-cholesterol foods that should be avoided. For patients with coronary heart disease, the choice of fruit and vegetable intake is not a simple decision, and needs to be appropriately adjusted according to their individual health status.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

Let's talk about yuzu. Although grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, and is often considered a health food, it contains a special chemical that can affect the metabolism of many heart medications, especially those that lower blood pressure and regulate heart rhythm.

Secondly, let's look at kiwi. Kiwi is known as a super source of vitamin C, which is very good for boosting immunity and maintaining skin health. But for heart disease patients taking anticoagulant drugs, the high content of vitamin K in kiwifruit can interfere with the effect of the drug, which may lead to erratic blood clotting time and increase the risk of bleeding or blood clots.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

In addition, pickled vegetables are also noteworthy. While they can add flavor to dishes, these foods are often high in sodium, which is bad for the heart. Foods high in sodium can cause water retention in the body, increase the burden on the heart, and in patients with high blood pressure or heart disease, may cause increased blood pressure or other complications.

By understanding the specific risks and benefits that may come with each food, patients can better manage their diet to support their heart health. This requires close collaboration between patients, doctors, and dietitians to ensure that the diet plan is both safe and helps maintain or improve the overall health of people with heart disease.

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

(The names in the article are pseudonyms) #头条首发大赛#

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Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things


[1] Chang Weihua, Effect of Cardiac Exercise Rehabilitation Program Based on HAPA Theory on Cardiopulmonary Function and Self-Management Ability of Elderly Patients with Coronary Artery Disease After PCI Weakness, General Practice Nursing, 2024-06-15

Can't eat a mouthful of watermelon with coronary heart disease? The doctor advised: If you don't want to have physical problems, don't talk about these things

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