
Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

author:Lao Xu's medical science

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"Uncle Li, in your edema condition, you should eat more diuretic food." The doctor's voice on the TV was loud and firm, which directly attracted the attention of Aunt Wang, who was busy folding clothes.

She stopped what she was doing and stared at the TV screen, as if she could learn some secret recipe from there.

Aunt Wang, 65 years old, is a retired teacher; Her wife, Uncle Li, is 68 years old and a retired worker.

Uncle Li's body has been a little weak in recent years, especially when summer arrives and the weather is hot, his legs and feet begin to swell. Every time Aunt Wang saw his swollen legs, she was always anxious and didn't know what to do.

"Edema in the summer is really a troublesome thing," Aunt Wang said to herself, "but what the doctor said makes sense, maybe there is some good way." ”

The doctor on TV continued: "Edema is mainly due to water retention in the body and inability to pass it properly. To alleviate edema, try the following foods that are both delicious and healthy. ”

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

Aunt Wang's eyes widened, for fear of missing a word. She quickly took out her notebook and prepared to write down the doctor's "secret recipe". "First of all, you can eat more watermelon.

Watermelon is not only sweet and juicy, but it also contains a lot of water and potassium, which can help remove excess water from the body. ”

The doctor said it vividly, as if watermelon was an elixir that could cure all diseases. Aunt Wang hurriedly wrote "watermelon" in her notebook. ”

"And cucumbers," the doctor continued, "also have a diuretic effect, and are low in calories, suitable for summer consumption." The potassium and vitamin C in cucumbers can help detoxify the body and reduce edema. ”

Aunt Wang wrote down the "cucumber" again. "Next is winter melon," the doctor's voice was still loud, "the diuretic effect of winter melon is more significant."

It is rich in fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and help eliminate waste products from the body. "What else?" Aunt Wang thought silently in her heart. "Except for this

There are also mung beans and red beans. The doctor said this almost in one breath, "Mung bean soup and red bean soup are drunk in summer, which not only clears away heat and detoxifies, but also diuretics and reduces swelling. ”

Aunt Wang felt like she had obtained a treasure trove, and she quickly kept these in her heart, preparing to buy these foods when Uncle Li came back.

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

The TV show ended, and Aunt Wang fell into thought again. She suddenly thought that it was better to surprise Uncle Li and make a watermelon meal today. She smiled and said to herself: "Uncle Li came back and saw so many watermelons, I guess I was very happy." ”

In the afternoon, Aunt Wang went to the market and bought a big bag of watermelon, cucumber, winter melon, as well as mung beans and red beans. She is determined to put the doctor's advice into practice and give Uncle Li a good condition.

At dinner time, Uncle Li came home and saw that the table was full of these cool foods, and asked in surprise, "What kind of name is this?" ”

Aunt Wang smiled and said, "Uncle Li, don't you often say that your legs are swollen badly?" Today I watched a health program, and the doctor said that these foods are very good for reducing edema, let's try it. ”

Uncle Li nodded movingly, secretly admiring his wife's carefulness.

Dinner was held in laughter, and Aunt Wang explained the doctor's advice while eating.

Uncle Li was fascinated by what he heard, and nodded his head from time to time. While eating the refreshing watermelon, he sighed: "This watermelon is really a good thing, not only to quench thirst, but also to cure edema." ”

After dinner, Uncle Li felt warm in his stomach, and his legs and feet seemed to be a lot easier. He was secretly happy in his heart, and it seemed that the doctor's advice was really reasonable.

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

In the next few days, Aunt Wang changed her tricks every day to make these diuretic and swelling foods. Uncle Li's legs and feet have indeed improved significantly, and the swelling has gradually decreased. He was grateful to Aunt Wang for her intentions, and even more grateful to the doctor on TV.

That night, Uncle Li suddenly asked, "Auntie, why do these foods reduce edema?" ”

Aunt Wang was thinking about this question curiously and decided to look it up. She took out her phone, searched for it, and found a lot of interesting information.

It turns out that watermelon is rich in water and potassium, which can promote urine production and help to eliminate excess water from the body. The potassium and vitamin C in cucumbers are able to balance electrolytes in the body and reduce edema.

Winter melon is rich in fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help detoxification. Mung beans and red beans also have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling.

The common feature of these foods is that they contain a lot of water and potassium, which can help the body to remove excess water and reduce edema.

Aunt Wang proudly said to Uncle Li: "Uncle Li, you see, eating these things is really useful. In the future, we will follow this method and eat more of these diuretic foods, and your edema problem will definitely improve. ”

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

Uncle Li nodded with satisfaction, feeling that his body was indeed a lot lighter. They decided to eat some of these foods every day to keep them healthy.

At this time, Aunt Wang suddenly thought of a question: "Uncle Li, if we usually eat so much diuretic food, will it have any effect on the body?" ”

Uncle Li was also a little worried: "Yes, auntie, do we have to consult a doctor to see if there will be any side effects from eating these foods for a long time." ”

Aunt Wang nodded and decided to go to the hospital for consultation the next day.

The next day, Aunt Wang and Uncle Li came to the hospital together and found the doctor they had seen on TV. The doctor patiently listened to their questions and said with a smile, "Your worries are justified.

Although these foods are good for reducing edema, they should not be consumed in excess. Long-term consumption of large amounts of diuretic foods may lead to electrolyte imbalances, especially excessive potassium intake, which may have an impact on the heart and kidneys. ”

Aunt Wang and Uncle Li glanced at each other, and they were a little apprehensive. The doctor continued, "But don't worry too much.

As long as you maintain a balanced diet, do not overeat diuretic foods, drink plenty of water, and pay attention to rest, there will not be much of a problem. ”

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

Aunt Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Uncle Li with a smile: "Uncle Li, we have to pay attention in the future, and we can't be greedy." ”

Uncle Li nodded, and his heart was also relaxed.

The doctor adds, "Actually, there are other ways to help relieve edema besides food, such as proper exercise, elevating the legs, wearing loose clothing, etc. These methods will be more effective when combined with dietary therapy. ”

Aunt Wang and Uncle Li thanked the doctor gratefully, and they both felt that they had a complete set of coping plans.

After returning home, Aunt Wang took these suggestions to heart, and urged Uncle Li to exercise moderately, pay attention to rest, and continue to maintain a healthy diet every day.

Uncle Li's physical condition is also getting better day by day, and the swelling of his legs and feet has basically been solved.

At the end of the story, Aunt Wang and Uncle Li were very satisfied. Uncle Li said happily: "Auntie, you are really my good doctor!" ”

Aunt Wang replied with a smile: "This is thanks to the doctors on TV and those healthy foods!" ”

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


[1] Zhu Gangyi. Gastrodin's mechanism of action on miR-181b on behavior and cerebral edema in rats with traumatic head injury, Guangdong Medicine, 2024-06-21

Watermelon is a "sharp weapon" to reduce edema? The doctor's advice: hot and swollen, eat 5 kinds of food

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