
Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

author:Deer Brother Movie
Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, look at who the sky spares!

On June 27, some media broke out that Wu Xiubo was listed as a lai, and 750 million was enforced!

As soon as this news appeared on the hot search, netizens said that they were "very happy"!

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Who would have thought that now everyone is shouting and beating him on the street.

used to be in the entertainment industry, and with his unique "uncle" temperament, he got out of the circle and gained a large number of female fans.

Later, with his superb acting skills in "The Alliance of Military Divisions", he became one of the first-line powerful actors.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

So what happened to him to get to this point, where a good hand was played to pieces?

He has loved singing since he was a child

Wu Xiubo was born in Beijing in 1968 into a restructured family with an older brother.

Since he was a child, Wu Xiubo has shown a great interest in acting.

At the age of 16, he was admitted to the Railway Art Troupe as he wished.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

At the same time, he also harvested his ignorant first love.

He often leads his little girlfriend to "press the road", and at that young age, he seems to be very innocent in everything he does.

The 80s was the era when song and dance halls were all the rage, and Wu Xiubo often went up to host or sing.

It was also during that time that he harvested the first pot of gold in his life.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

And then he did a lot of other business.

opened a restaurant, engaged in beauty and haircuts, and turned clothes upside down, but they all ended dismally.

Just when he was at a loss, he finally ushered in a turning point in his life.

started acting at the age of 30, and finally exploded at the age of 45

Because of repeated entrepreneurial failures, there is no savings left at this time.

He often goes to the crew to pay off his debts.

At this time, he filmed a TV series "Case Filing and Investigation".

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Since it was his first time acting, he was nervous.

But he performed very well, and gradually he became famous in the dragon ring.

It didn't take long for him to usher in his first starring role.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

At that time, filming "Wedding Dress", the originally scheduled Sun Honglei did not come because of the schedule.

At this time, the director saw Wu Xiubo in the corner and said to him, "You will play the leading role."

This was his screen starring debut, and after that, his resources began to increase.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

In 2013, a movie "Beijing Meets Seattle" became popular all over the country.

With his outstanding performance in the play, Wu Xiubo became an instant hit and became the "uncle male god" in the hearts of the people.

At this time, he did not stop his steps and devoted his time and energy to the next work.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

In 2017, Wu Xiubo filmed a TV series of "Military Division Alliance", which caused great repercussions as soon as it was broadcast.

The popularity remains high, and the Sima Yi he plays in the play is very outstanding.

With his excellent acting skills and deep-rooted character creation, he has won wide acclaim in the industry.

As a result, he is among the representatives of powerful actors.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

At this moment, Wu Xiubo's life seems to be open.

Just when everyone thought that Wu Xiubo's career would continue to advance like this.

As everyone knows, the "point of no return" that belongs to him was planted as early as the beginning!

was romantic and sent the mistress to prison

Let's go back in time to 2011, when Wu Xiubo met a girl on the set - 23-year-old Chen Yulin.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

At that time, Chen Yulin was still a fledgling little girl who was not deeply involved in the world, with a vision and love for her acting career.

At this time, Wu Xiubo, although he is almost 40 years old, is already famous with his outstanding performance in "Before Dawn".

Facing the young and beautiful Chen Yulin, Wu Xiubo did not care about his family background, and had thoughts of indifference.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Chen Yulin may also see the opportunity of "shortcuts", regardless of ethics and morality.

The two hit it off and started this "despicable" underground romance.

In fact, this is indeed a shortcut, and under Wu Xiubo's support, Chen Yulin has obtained a lot of good resources.

She has acted in many TV series, and even played the heroine in "Auspicious Sky" with Zhao Liying.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Chen Yulin also bet on the right treasure, but he didn't expect Wu Xiubo, who was a late bloomer, to become more and more popular in middle age.

With "Beijing Meets Seattle", he killed a "charming uncle" track.

captured the hearts of girls of different ages, and was a veritable "woman killer" at that time.

However, the relationship was not destined to last.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Wu Xiubo, who is a master of clearing the field, will not just hang himself on this crooked-necked tree, but will encounter new prey when he turns around.

Gradually, Chen Yulin began to feel uneasy, and she suspected that Wu Xiubo had other "little four" around her.

She secretly followed Wu Xiubo's every move, and really discovered Wu Xiubo's ambiguous interaction with another actress

(Afterwards, the actress clarified that Wu Xiubo was harassing her).

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

This discovery made Chen Yulin unacceptable, and she made a fuss on the set.

At this time, Wu Xiubo had no feelings for her for a long time, and when she made such a fuss, Wu Xiubo took advantage of the situation to propose to break up.

Chen Yulin is not a good stubble, and immediately posted a complaint on the Internet.

exposed this seven-year-long underground affair and angrily reprimanded Wu Xiubo for stepping on many boats.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

For the sake of his reputation, Wu Xiubo signed an agreement with her to gag her mouth with tens of millions of compensation.

Everyone thought that the matter had settled down, and Chen Yulin thought so too.

However, when he saw Wu Xiubo's backhand, he sued Chen Yulin for "exposing privacy and extorting money".

In the end, with the testimony of his wife, Chen Yulin was sentenced to three years in prison for extortion.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Wu Xiubo's repeated operations immediately caused an uproar on the Internet, and many well-known people also severely condemned it.

Wang Sicong, who was named the "Internal Entertainment Discipline Inspection Commission" by netizens, spoke out first, and he mercilessly criticized Wu Xiubo's behavior.

bluntly said that he was too ruthless and insidious.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Venus, who is known for his "poisonous tongue", is even more full of firepower, and has severely criticized Wu Xiubo in public many times.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Amid the many accusations, Wu Xiubo's career has also suffered an unprecedented blow.

His image has also plummeted, and his acting career, which was originally in full swing, has also fallen to the bottom.

At the same time, he also ushered in his own retribution!

was calculated and went bankrupt

Isn't it mentioned above, "Sima Yi" starring Wu Xiubo is popular on the whole network, with 7 billion views on the whole network.

And Wu Xiubo is not only the starring actor in this drama, but also the producer, agent, and proper "biggest winner".

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

Just when he thought he could make a lot of money with this drama.

The investment company "Jiangsu Huali", which had withdrawn in the early stage, suddenly jumped out and proposed to share half of the profits.

This was something Wu Xiubo didn't expect, but Wu Xiubo didn't panic.

Because he had the transfer agreement signed with Jiangsu Huali at that time.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

The agreement states that Jiangsu Huali will transfer 45% of the investment income rights to Wu Xiubo.

But who would have thought that Jiangsu Huali said that the "transfer agreement" was forged.

It turned out that it was all an elaborate hoax.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

A person named Zhang used to be the deputy general manager of Jiangsu Huali, but later became the legal person of Wu Xiubo's "Fuji Culture".

He used his dual identity to mediate back and forth between Wu Xiubo and Jiangsu Huali.

It not only helped Jiangsu Huali embezzle funds, but also forged the official seal of "Fuji Culture" and signed two "overlord articles" with Jiangsu Huali


Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

As a result, the scam was exposed, Zhang was imprisoned, and Jiangsu Huali became the biggest winner.

And Wu Xiubo became a victim of this scam.

Wu Xiubo not only had to pay 50% of the profits to Jiangsu Huali, but also had to bear the bank's high liquidated damages, totaling up to 500 million yuan.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

To add insult to injury, the movie "Love Saint" was withdrawn at the same time.

Because of the "derailment" scandal, Wu Xiubo's show was censored throughout the whole process, and his career almost completely collapsed.

Owed 750 million to run abroad to avoid debts

On June 25, 2024, Wu Xiubo was listed as a dishonest person subject to execution.

The amount of execution of "Fuji Culture Media", which it holds, is nearly 800 million.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

This former film and television superstar has now become an "old man" and has lost his former glory.

The aura of the past no longer exists, replaced by the condemnation of public opinion and the sanction of law.

Wu Xiubo's debts did not accumulate in a day.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

As early as the beginning of 2014, his company was enforced to pay 290 million, and then he was also restricted by the court from high consumption.

He lost his reputation at home and ran abroad early.


Netizens commented: "Wu Xiubo, Zhou Libo, Huang Haibo, it's really a wave of unsettled, wave after wave." ”

This sentence is not only a ridicule of Wu Xiubo and others.

It is also a warning to those stars in the entertainment industry who have forgotten their original intentions and deviated from the bottom line of morality.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million

In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, only by sticking to the moral bottom line can we win the respect and support of the audience.

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Good and evil will be rewarded! Wu Xiubo, who personally sent Xiao San to prison, was recently executed for 750 million
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