
Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

author:Coke says things
Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

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On June 28, Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Chinese Understanding Association, made a speech at the forum, which attracted widespread attention from netizens. In impassioned terms, he pointed out that the Philippines is gradually evolving into a strategic fulcrum of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, and the nine US military bases in the Philippines may become the fuse of future battlefields. The remarks revealed the risk that the Philippines could become a battlefield due to the presence of U.S. troops, and hinted at the complexity of the U.S.-China relationship.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

At the press conference, Lambino's emotions were unusually emotional. He said frankly that there are nine US military bases in the Philippines, which means that the Philippines will be deeply involved in the regional security situation, and it is more likely that the country will inadvertently become a battlefield. His rhetoric was fraught and apprehensive, and at the heart of it was the erosion of the Philippines' neutrality as the United States deployed military forces in the Philippines. If left unchecked, this trend could have serious consequences, including regional conflicts and even wars.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

Lambino's statement is not groundless. In recent years, the relationship between the Philippines and the United States has indeed become closer and closer, and the cooperation between the two sides in the military, economic and other fields has been deepening. This close tie has also put the Philippines in an awkward position of wanting to remain neutral while having to face the risk of being drawn into great power competition.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

He emphasized that the Americans were driven out in the 90s, and now the Americans are back, and nine bases for the US military have been built. What does all this mean? What did the older generation do so many pictures before? Now the Americans are back in our country, constantly eroding our country, and constantly encouraging us to stir up trouble.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

Lambino's remarks also raised concerns about the current relationship between China and the Philippines. As an important neighbor, the relationship between China and the Philippines has always been in the spotlight. Although the two sides have differences on some issues, the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries have also deepened. However, Lambino's remarks seem to suggest that there is some tension between the Philippine government's attitude towards China and the positions of both sides in the South China Sea.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

It is worth noting that China has always emphasized the peaceful settlement of disputes and advocated the use of multilateral mechanisms to maintain regional stability and prosperity. At the same time, China is also actively promoting economic cooperation and cultural exchanges with the Philippines and other neighboring countries to enhance mutual understanding and trust.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

It cannot be ignored that the United States has played an important role in the problems revealed by Lambino. As the world's largest military power, the deployment of US military bases in the Philippines will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the regional security landscape. On the one hand, it could be seen as a move by the United States to strengthen its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region in order to safeguard its own global interests. On the other hand, it could also exacerbate tensions and potential conflict risks in the region.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

In the face of such challenges, the Philippine government needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons. How to effectively deal with the interference and influence of external forces while maintaining national neutrality will become an important test for the Philippines' future foreign policy.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

In response to Rambino's speech, a number of experts and scholars in the field of international relations and geopolitics expressed their views. Some scholars believe that the Philippines does face the risk of becoming a battlefield due to US military bases, but at the same time, it should be noted that the Philippines has a certain degree of autonomy in safeguarding its national interests. The key lies in balancing internal and external factors and formulating a foreign policy that is in line with the national interest without losing its neutral status.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

Lambino also said that he will come to China many times a year, and now the Philippine media are very repulsive to China, but most Filipinos still like China very much, and the Chinese are warm, kind and sincere.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

Lamino's remarks unveiled the current situation in the Philippines, he does not want his country to be reduced to Ukraine, he does not want his country to be instigated by external forces to frequently provoke incidents without reason, he hopes to maintain good diplomatic relations and close cooperation with us. As he spoke, Lambino choked up, tears wetting his eyes.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

We should also recognize that no country exists in isolation, and that its foreign policy is influenced by a variety of factors. When dealing with international relations, we should look at each other's interests and development needs more rationally, and seek a mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation model. Only in this way can we build a harmonious and stable international order and environment.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

For the Philippines, Lambino's remarks are undoubtedly an important reminder and an opportunity for reflection. The Philippines needs to find a balance between safeguarding its own interests and maintaining neutrality, and at the same time, it needs to strengthen communication and understanding with all parties to avoid the potential risks of misunderstanding and miscalculation. This is a challenging task, but it is also a problem that the Philippines must face and solve.

Filipinos choked up: Now that the Philippines has nine US military bases, it does not want its country to become a battlefield

In the end, we need to be clear that any external force can have disastrous effects and consequences. Therefore, when handling international relations, we should always adhere to the concepts of peace, cooperation and development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This is not only in line with the common interests of all countries, but also an inevitable requirement for the progress and development of the times.

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