
The situation has deteriorated! The United States urgently dispatched warships

author:Nakahara shield
The situation has deteriorated! The United States urgently dispatched warships

US official: Fearing the escalation of tensions between Israel and Allah, the United States urgently deployed warships to the Mediterranean.

Due to the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East, the United States is increasing its forces closer to Israel and Lebanon. According to a report by CNN on the 27th, the 26th Marine Corps Expeditionary Force of the US Army has been deployed in the Mediterranean Sea with the "Wasp" amphibious combat group on the 26th.

CNN, citing a U.S. military official, said the deployment was "part of a long-term plan." Another official said the U.S. warship had moved further to the eastern Mediterranean amid fears of escalating tensions between Israel and Allah Lebanon.

The situation has deteriorated! The United States urgently dispatched warships

"Wasp"-class amphibious assault ship Data map Source: Popular Mechanics website in the United States

According to US media reports, since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict on October 7 last year, the Lebanese Allah armed forces and Israeli forces have exchanged fire across the border between the two countries, and this exchange of fire has recently intensified. Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was ready to take "very drastic action" against Allah in the north.

CNN said that due to concerns about the escalation of cross-border firefighting between the two sides, the United States has deployed additional military forces to ensure that it has the ability to evacuate American citizens. The United States has not yet ordered the evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon, but the White House is ready for such a possibility, the report said.

The situation has deteriorated! The United States urgently dispatched warships

Source: Global Times

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