
【Health】This summer vegetable is appetizing and sleep-inducing!

author:Shanghai Changning

In summer, the weather is hot, which makes people lose their appetite and lose sleep. At this time, it is especially suitable to eat a kind of vegetable - oily wheat cabbage.

Eat it for insomnia in the summer

Oily wheat cabbage is also known as "phoenix tail", which resembles lettuce leaves.

It has a slightly sweet and slightly bitter taste, and the lettuce contained in it has the effect of calming the nerves and helping to change sleep.

In addition, the folic acid in it can improve the nerve function of the brain, and it can also make it easier to sleep into a deep state.

It has a good improvement effect on insomnia and dreams caused by heat and restlessness during the dog days.

In addition, lettuce is rich in vitamins and many nutrients such as calcium, iron, protein, and carotene.

In addition, it is super low in calories, containing only 15 kcal per 100 grams of oily lettuce, so it is also a very good diet vegetable.

Not only that, traditional Chinese medicine believes that oily wheat cabbage is cool and has the effects of clearing heat, dissolving phlegm, and relieving cough, so people with chronic pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, and smoking and phlegm often eat some oily wheat cabbage, which also has the effect of protecting the respiratory tract.

Small recipes with lettuce

01 tempeh, dace oil, wheat cabbage

Wash the lettuce and cut it into 2-inch long pieces, open the canned dace with tempeh, cut the fish pieces into small pieces (of course, if you want to eat it in a big bite, it doesn't hurt if you don't cut it), cut the green onion and garlic into minced rice, and light the fire. When the oil is hot, stir-fry the minced chives and garlic, add the oil and wheat cabbage, and stir-fry evenly. Add the chopped black bean sauce dace, stir-fry quickly and evenly, add a little chicken essence and remove from the pan. Finally, thicken with a little water starch to wrap the soup and the dish is ready to come out of the pan.

02 garlic and oily lettuce

Finely chop the garlic, wash the lettuce and fold it into small pieces for later use. Turn on the heat and boil the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the garlic until fragrant, add the sliced wheat cabbage stalks over high heat and fry them slightly until soft (but they do not need to be cooked), and then add the drained leaves. When the leaves are ripe, add oyster sauce and a small amount of light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly~

【Health】This summer vegetable is appetizing and sleep-inducing!
【Health】This summer vegetable is appetizing and sleep-inducing!

Source: Wellness China

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

【Health】This summer vegetable is appetizing and sleep-inducing!

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