
Promote learning by examination and use by examination - Xian'an Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carries out a knowledge test of management services for state-owned property enterprises

author:Xiangcheng Metropolis Daily

Reporter Ge Jianwei Correspondent Peng Fangyang

In order to effectively improve the management service awareness and ability level of the staff of property enterprises in the district, and establish a new image of "red property" in Xian'an. On the afternoon of June 28, the Xian'an District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized more than 30 people from Anyuan Property, a state-owned enterprise platform company, to carry out a theoretical knowledge test of comprehensive property business.

Promote learning by examination and use by examination - Xian'an Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carries out a knowledge test of management services for state-owned property enterprises

During the test, the bureau unified the establishment of comprehensive theoretical knowledge of property services should know 320 questions, the question type is divided into single (multiple) choice questions, true or false questions, short-answer questions and analytical questions, the knowledge mainly involves the construction of the "four first good districts" and "breaking the three ice" spiritual points, property management service professional knowledge, community governance policies and regulations and other related content, the form is diverse, the test is comprehensive.

Prior to this, the staff of Anyuan Property had a question bank for each person, and used holidays and rest time to concentrate on self-study. The main person in charge of the bureau said at the pre-exam mobilization meeting that as long as he studied carefully, this test should not be bad; The exam is not the goal, but the goal is to improve the business ability and service level.

Promote learning by examination and use by examination - Xian'an Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carries out a knowledge test of management services for state-owned property enterprises

At 4:30 p.m. on the same day, the test officially began, in the form of a closed book, and the whole test process was well organized, strictly invigilated and disciplined. "The test is rich in content and diverse in question shapes, which further improves our knowledge and professional knowledge of laws and regulations, spurs us to compare, learn, catch up and surpass, and truly achieves the purpose of promoting learning by examination, promoting application by learning, and combining learning with application, which will effectively promote the company's property management service level to be greatly improved." After the exam, a reference Anyuan property staff said with deep feelings.

Promote learning by examination and use by examination - Xian'an Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau carries out a knowledge test of management services for state-owned property enterprises

In recent years, the bureau has continued to do a good job in tackling the "red property" in the urban area, starting from the most concerning, direct and realistic interests of the majority of residents, and guiding Anyuan Property to organize business training 5 times in batches, with more than 150 trainees.

In the next step, the bureau will be problem-oriented, constantly enrich the learning content, adopt a variety of learning forms, increase the coverage of promotion and testing, continue to improve the modernization level of grassroots governance and property management services, and build high-quality properties that are satisfactory to the people.

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