
Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

author:Autumn water chops the wild goose

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

No matter how you think about it, it seems difficult to assess what position the Chinese men's basketball team wants to pursue in the world. But if you want to reach the top in Asia, it should be more realistic. However, in recent years, this goal has become out of reach.

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

Why? The nine-catty old lady said: One generation is not as good as the next! Isn't it? After Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian, after Yi Jianlian, Zhou Qi! It is said that although Zhou Qi signed a contract this week, despite the upside down, people still live in peace on Ping 5th Road, next to the quiet desk of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and take photos with fans! Awesome, right? See you on August 21.

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

What do you mean? Despite the hustle and bustle of this online self-media, what signed in Guangdong and transferred to Liaoning, the content is rich and varied. But what if they haven't decided yet? Like a treasure gourd, people haven't shaken it yet!

Let's look up again, does Yi Jianlian have this limelight? Further up, does Wang Zhizhi have this strength? Further up, don't mention Yao Ming, what about people in the NBA? What Liu Yudong, Battle. Okay? It doesn't work, the limelight still can't be reached.

Why? This treatment is reversed, and one generation is stronger than the next. They don't have the scenery of Zhou Qi today, everyone is looking for him thousands of times, and he is in the lamplight. The more noisy it is, the happier it is, and there is also a signing fee, which means that you have to get money for signing, and there are not a few.

The sorrow of Chinese basketball!

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

There is a saying: the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold! Curry's infinite running, Rose's recovery from a major injury, and after scoring 50 points, tears flowed. Aren't they all the ends after going through hardships and paying a huge price? What basketball superstar isn't the result of hard work? Kobe Bryant is always the first player to the court, Yao Ming's bench press keeps him on the basket, and O'Neal can't hold it. Isn't it? Fierce competition and hard self-discipline have achieved one brilliant star after another.

However, our stars, especially in recent years, have become more talented. Just a few, from Li Muhao to Shen Zijie, from Wang Zhelin to today's Yang Hansen. That one is not as dazzling as being born when it debuts, the conditions are excellent, and the state is bursting. All mouths praised: the hope of Chinese basketball!

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

Where is the hope? Including today's Yang Hansen, watching him fight with the black bear can make people's hearts pull out the cold, pull out the cold.

There is only one big demon king left who is not up or down, and he was as famous as Jokic back then. It's just that this debut is so high, big, and up. But the more mixed up the more cringe, the more cringed he became, not only could he not go to the NBA, but he became Poland or something?

And what about the others? Shen Zijie is famous: Big Bird, but he flew around, didn't fly to the NBA, and didn't fly to any height in Asia. On the contrary, he became the overlord in Shenzhen, and he became the natural overlord in his nest.

Of course, Yang Hansen is not yet conclusive. You can see his training, as well as his on-the-spot performance. There is really no hope for the possibility, movement is the problem, and the lack of eyes is the biggest problem. Where is God? The desire to win, the desire to progress, the desire to improve oneself. NBA scouts were evaluated for a while, and the ranking fell again and again, until it disappeared. It is the most scientific and accurate scout, and the data is meticulous from the field to life and then to the family. Reasoned and convincing.

And Yang Hansen faced the black bear battle, and his effect was not as good as Yu Jiahao's, let alone Jiao Boqiao.

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

By the way, I really should talk about Jiao Boqiao. Looking at his footsteps, his resoluteness in impacting the basket, as well as the control of timing, and more importantly, the awareness of fighting and the desire to win, are definitely a few grades more than Yang Hansen. Over time, still under Guo Shiqiang, Jiao Boqiao surpasses Yang Hansen, no problem!

Talking and talking, he came to Guo Shiqiang. Recently, there was news that caused an uproar, and that Lin Wei was fired by Guo Shiqiang.

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

This is CBA! A young player who has a good performance and doesn't know what his last name is? It's not a trivial matter to confront the manager, and if you connive at it, a team will lose its combat effectiveness. This player will never be successful. For example, Guo Haowen, who is also talented.

This is also the epitome and common problem of several stars who are at the peak of our debut! Therefore, one by one, the ball skills are not promising, and the problems are promising. Don't say anything about Guo Haowen, everyone knows that he doesn't seek progress in basketball, but he finds himself in Gentle Township. Even Lin Wei, like this, is definitely not a good sign. Look at it!

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

That is, Guo Shiqiang, who brought out Cui Yongxi, Li Yanzhe, and Jiao Boqiao. Not to mention skills and tactics, at least I have a love for basketball from the bottom of my heart and a persistent pursuit of the future. Such as Choi Yong-hee, on the other side of the ocean, sweating and crying, still pursuing his dreams.

That's what a player is, that's how a young person approaches his career. Professional players, the profession is to play, if you want to play well, what should you do? It's simple: endure hardship, endure hardship, and endure hardship again! Otherwise, the debut is the peak, and then, it is all the way downhill. Look at the players I said with good conditions and full of talent, which one is out of the picture? The more you fight, the more you spin!

Soul torture: The Chinese men's basketball team has five Cui Yongxi, can Asia reach the top

Modest, low-key, silent pursuit, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tiredness, a hard work and a harvest.

If there are five Cui Yongxi in the Chinese team, I dare say that there should be no problem for Asia to reach the top. At the very least, a few years is a step.

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