
"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

author:Hua Yuhan

It is said that Chu Yun, played by Yang Zishan, has a bitter face, and he almost doesn't see a few smiles during the whole process, and his facial muscles are so stiff that he can't get it anymore.

But isn't this kind of Chu Yun the true colors and actual appearance of the judges in reality?

Or, in the entire "Executive Judge", only Chu Yun, the president of the enforcement court, is the judge in most people's minds, imaginations, and even stereotypes?

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

As an ordinary person, I believe that in most cases, many people will not have any intersection and contact with the profession of judge in their lives.

Aside from the occasional judge sitting in the courtroom on the news, as an ordinary person who never steps through the door of a courthouse, I can't imagine what a judge looks like in an office or in my spare time.

Perhaps it was for this reason that I had an inexplicable sense of affection and identification with Chu Yun, the female president.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Although Judge Chu Yun played by Yang Zishan is not a country or a city in terms of appearance, fortunately, her appearance and face are still clean.

Although such a judge Chu Yun almost never smiles when facing colleagues and the person subject to execution, fortunately, when she comes home from work, she will still swipe her mobile phone for entertainment.

Although Chu Yun is so rigid in her work that she looks like a printing board, fortunately, when she treats the person subject to execution, she does not bring her own subjective impression to examine the person subject to execution.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

This is Chu Yun, a young woman who does not have a smiling face, but is also a young woman who can make people look more and more pleasing to the eye.

Being a judge is a noble and great cause for Chu Yun, but for me it is just a profession or a coat for her.

Chu Yun in her bones may be gentle, maybe lively, and even have a chivalrous and tender heart, but all this only belongs to her subjective memory, because she can't show anything that doesn't belong to the profession of a judge from the outside.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Perhaps it was Chu Yun's deliberate coldness and alienation that made her and her second enforcement court become god-like beings with the lowest case completion rate and the highest complaint rate in the whole court.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that the leaders of the court moved the idea of using the second court as a pilot to use the second court as a pilot, and the rotation system was activated, and the best judges of the court were sent to the second court to help the second court.

It is also the story of Qi Lin, the judge of the criminal court who has the highest rate of case completion in three consecutive years, who was forcibly assigned to the second court to work.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

In order to highlight or create the incompatibility and contradiction between Qi Lin and Chu Yun, in order to show the degree to which Qi Lin is valued and trusted in the eyes of the leaders of the hospital, and in order to explain why Qi Lin can steadily hold the top spot in the number one case closure rate every year.

"Executive Judge" not only tailored the "rebellious cousin mortgage case" for Qi Lin, but also designed an embarrassing scene for Qi Lin who was speechless because he was not formal.

Later, Qi Lin relied on his brilliant achievements in the criminal court, not only did he disobey Chu Yun's leadership and management, but even acted without authorization when he was out on duty, which almost caused a bad impact.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Perhaps it was Qi Lin's outrageous behavior, or perhaps it was Qi Lin of the Second Enforcement Division and Qi Lin of the Criminal Court that led to the result that the leaders of the court took the initiative to agree not to include the complaint rate in the evaluation of the Second Enforcement Division within three months.

Perhaps in the eyes of the leaders of the hospital, Qi Lin at this time is no longer the Qi Lin they are familiar with.

At this time, Qi Lin was more like a wild horse in the eyes of the leaders of the hospital, and no one could have expected him to make any outrageous moves next.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Under such an expectation, Qi Lin really started the dangerous operation of exploring the racecourse at night in order to prove to Chu Yun that he was the best judge in the criminal court.

Not only did he not inform anyone of his thoughts on his behavior and actions, but after being recognized by Ouyang Lulu, he also took her to the horse farm where there were dogs and people in the middle of the night.

Maybe it was to make Qi Lin's behavior look less unexpected, or maybe it was to make Chu Yun worry less about Qi Lin.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Zhang Qing, who almost regards her mother as her lifelong enemy, Zhang Qing, who almost never looks at her father squarely, doesn't know when she treats her brother as an enemy.

After Qi Lin took the initiative to come to the door, after Qi Lin bought Qingti and installed windows, after Qi Lin and his brother staged a seafood porridge drama together, and after Qi Lin lectured Zhang Qing alone.

This daughter and sister, who have been rebellious almost all their lives, repented after their father decided to move in with her brother.

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

Sure enough, those who can subdue the wild horses are not ordinary people, and sure enough, in the face of the wild horses, ordinary knights and horse trainers are at a loss.

Perhaps in the near future, President Chu Yun, who executes the Second Tribunal, will be able to become the one who tames Qi Lin, a wild horse that has escaped.

What is confusing is that Qi Lin, who once shined in the criminal court, what kind of president is he facing? And how did the president tame Qi Lin, a wild horse that had escaped?

"Executive Judge" faced Luo Jin, who was like a wild horse, should he sympathize with Chu Yun, or should he let Qi Lin go

The interpretation of "Executive Judge" is written here for the time being, and more wonderful interpretations will be listened to next time.

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