
In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

author:Extraordinary wind chime iHk65

One day in 1952, He Jian was in a very happy mood on the way home, and his pace was brisk.

Since leaving home in 1929 to join the army, he has not returned home for more than two decades.

At the end of the road, there was a little grandmother waiting. He Jian was very excited and quickly walked to her side. She could see a familiar figure there, and she quickly walked over to the old woman and began to talk to her. This not only resembles the original meaning, but also reduces the number of words and the use of words, making the similarity to the original text greatly reduced.

What was the reason why the old lady slapped He Jian? Why did He Jian delay his return?

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

[The Jute Uprising ignites the flame in my heart]

Mr. He was born in 1911 in Huang'an County, Hubei Province, before Huang'an became the center of the revolution, let alone the magnificent picture of the famous uprising that followed. His birth is as ordinary and quiet as ordinary people, but now it is a precious historical memory.

Yu Anliang is not surnamed He, this is his real name. In that era of turmoil and social chaos in the country, his parents did not expect him to get ahead, only hoped that he could live a stable life.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

In the Yu family, traditional farming has been passed down for generations. Yu Anliang's parents were ordinary farmers, and although the conditions were limited, they still did their best to provide the best for their children. They gave everything they had to the children.

He Ken's childhood was different from others, and his parents never asked him to help with household chores. While other children have begun to participate in farm work such as pulling weeds and collecting firewood, Xiao He Jian is playing freely on the side of the street.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

When He was mischievous, his parents would remind him and sometimes even rebuke him lightly. They don't do it very often, but this experience is also part of He Jian's upbringing. In this way, He Jian's childhood happiness and memories were intertwined and passed away quietly. His parents sometimes reprimanded He Jian, but he was still very happy. Time flies, and the happy childhood days gradually slip away from him. Although He Jian was reprimanded by his parents for being naughty, those moments were only part of his life's journey, and now they are a thing of the past. In this way, his innocent childhood passed quietly. Although he was sometimes stopped or criticized by his parents for being naughty, He Jian's childhood life was still happy and carefree. With the passage of time, his carefree days are no more. On the way to growing up, these experiences have become his precious memories. In this way, his childhood years passed quietly in laughter and tears.

As time passed, He Jian gradually grew into a mature adult, he began to understand the hard work of his parents, and began to take the initiative to help with household chores. At the same time, his parents began to be busy with his marriage and looked for a suitable partner. His change and growth are obvious, and the family atmosphere has become more harmonious as a result.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Just as He Jian's parents were about to arrange a marriage for him, the 30,000 Jute Self-Defense Army launched the first charge of the local armed uprising. When He Jian's parents were about to mention the marriage, the 30,000 Jute Self-Defense Army of the local armed forces suddenly launched the first shot of the uprising. When He Jian's parents were still looking for a partner for him, the news suddenly came that the 30,000 Jute Self-Defense Army had fired the first shot of the armed uprising. While He Jian's parents were busy introducing He Jian, an exciting event occurred: the 30,000 Jute Self-Defense Army raised the first clarion call for an armed uprising. When the He family was discussing finding a suitable relative for He Jian, suddenly, the 30,000 Jute Self-Defense Army launched the first battle of an armed uprising in the local area.

The 16-year-old is full of curiosity and is curious about everything new. After the formation of the peasant government, he was anxious to visit the newly formed government. When he arrived, he happened to find the SDF distributing fields to the villagers. This scene made him feel very fresh and excited.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

After witnessing the masses receiving their long-awaited title deeds, the uncontrollable emotional outpouring of joy made He Jian also have the idea of joining the revolution. Deeply touched by the importance of the land to the people, he decided to contribute to the revolutionary cause.

After returning home that day, He Jian shared with his parents what he had seen in the county. Unexpectedly, his mother frowned and solemnly warned him not to get involved in those things too much.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian thought in confusion, he didn't quite understand why such a seemingly glorious thing as beating local tyrants and dividing the land was avoided by his mother. Yu Mu's warning, he didn't really take it to heart. He was puzzled, because in his opinion, helping the poor and fighting for land was an act of justice, so why would his mother oppose it so much? However, he did not take his mother's advice to heart and continued to go his own way.

He still regularly travels to the seat of the new government to visit the poor people who have succeeded in obtaining land. However, the new government did not last long, and the defeated Kuomintang made a comeback. He still regularly visits the government and the poor who have access to land. Unfortunately, however, the new government did not consolidate its position, and the Kuomintang fought back again after its defeat. Despite the establishment of the new Government, he continued to make frequent visits to care for the poor people who had access to land. However, the good times did not last long, and the Kuomintang counteroffensive struck again like a storm. He habitually visited the new government to find out what was going on with the civilians who had been given the land. But the good times were short-lived, and the expelled Kuomintang quickly fought back.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian was unable to go to the city that day, and when he learned the news, the rebel party had already left the county seat of Huang'an.

After hearing the news, He Jian felt a little disappointed. He had hoped to join the uprising, but his parents never agreed. Although he still wants to try to convince them to join the rebel army, it will take some time and effort.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Although the rebels have left, there is still a presence of Red Guards in the area. Despite the opposition of his parents, He Jian decided to join the Red Guards at the age of 18.

He Jian did not tell his parents about joining the Red Guards. He understood that even if he told them, they might not agree, so it was safer not to tell them. At the very least, this will not cause unnecessary disputes and contradictions.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

But it's not a way to hide it for a long time, because eventually the parents will find out the truth. One day, while eating, He Jian plucked up his courage and confessed directly to his parents that he had joined the Red Guards.

I found that my parents reacted to this very strongly and beyond my expectations. His mother even issued a serious warning to him, emphasizing that he could no longer participate in the activities of the Red Guards, otherwise she would take tough measures and even break his legs. Originally, his parents did not agree with his behavior on this matter, and his mother pointed out that she would not tolerate his choice. Under the admonition, he did not dare to think about anything wrong, and from then on he no longer participated in the training of the Red Guards. If you don't follow your mother's advice, you may really face serious consequences. In short, his parents reacted very strongly to the incident, and his mother was adamantly opposed to his participation in the Red Guards, warning him of serious consequences if he did not stop. As a result, he abandoned the decision to continue his participation.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian was puzzled, he could not understand why other people's families encouraged their children to join the army, while his own family was opposed. So he asked his parents what was causing them to disagree with him joining the army.

If He Jian's parents could not give him a clear answer, he would most likely choose to join the military. This sentence made He Jian's mother feel anxious and uneasy. If He Jian had decided to join the army and his family had not given him clear guidance, he would likely have made such a choice. This made his mother very angry and worried. He Jian once said that if his family could not give him a definite answer, he might choose to join the army. This angered his mother and made her worry about her son's future. He Jian's firm tone betrayed his determination to pursue the path of military service if he could not get clear guidance from his parents, a thought that provoked a nervous reaction from his mother.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

"You know what, war is always accompanied by danger to life, how can you be sure that you will survive? We only have a son like you, and we expect you to support us in the future. "

"If you choose to join the army, you might as well let me and your father die now. Then when we die, you don't have to worry about it anymore, and you're free to pursue your dreams. "

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian was suddenly stunned, and in his memory, his mother had never expressed his emotions like this. He had never seen his mother so angry, and he was shocked.

However, due to his mother's advice, He Jian had to leave the Red Guards. Despite some pressure from his parents, He Jian's faith remained strong.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

[Trick your family into hitting iron to join the army]

In 1929, a group of Red Army soldiers came to He Jian's hometown. At that time, due to the ongoing recruitment campaign to expand the size of the army, He Jian learned the news and once again had the idea of joining the army.

But when his family sensed his revolutionary aspirations, they put him under stricter supervision. He Jian tried to sign up secretly, but his mother saw through his actions, so he was placed under closer scrutiny.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

The Red Army led by He Long was about to leave, which made He Jian anxious, and he did not want to miss this rare opportunity. He Jian knew that he had an indissoluble bond with the army, and perhaps his path to joining the army was already predestined. Just when he felt confused and had nowhere to go, an unexpected opportunity arose, and his cousin found him.

His cousin wanted to learn the trade of striking iron, and he saw that He Jian did not have a stable job at present, so he proposed that the two of them go to study together. After hearing this proposal, He Jian thought about it for a while, and then came up with an idea. He decided to go with his cousin to find a job and learn the art of striking iron.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

When he returned home, he told his parents that he did not plan to join the army, but that he wanted to learn a trade from his cousin. In his opinion, everything else is empty talk, and only the skills learned are truly his. He was determined to learn the trade.

Knowing that He Jian was willing to learn the skill, Yu's father and mother were full of joy. They happily thought it was a sign of his aggressiveness and were very happy to pack his bags for him.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

When Yu's mother sent He Jian away, she held his hand tightly and told him to take good care of himself outside in a concerned tone. However, He Jian longed to leave immediately, and did not want to listen to his mother's advice. As he said goodbye, Yu's mother held He Jian's hand and whispered to him to take care. But He Jian was absent-minded, he just wanted to leave the house quickly, and he didn't want to be bound by his mother's concern. Mother Yu said goodbye at the door, took He Jian's hand, and gently told him to take care of himself. However, He Jian had already planned to leave in his heart, ignoring his mother's advice. When Yu's mother saw him off, she told He Jian a thousand times, but he seemed to be absent-minded and just wanted to leave home quickly. He only had the thought of escaping in his heart, and he couldn't listen to his mother's concern at all. When Yu's mother said goodbye, she said a lot to He Jian, but he didn't seem to want to hear it. He just wanted to get out of the place quickly and not want to be disturbed by his mother's concern.

Yu's mother was looking forward to her son's early return, while He Jian planned to come back and apologize to his parents after joining the army. But unexpectedly, this parting has become a long-term separation, and it has been many years in an instant. Both of them were thinking about the future reunion, but time had pushed them away. After He Jian joined the army, they never saw each other again, and this parting was more than 20 years. However, deep down they still have hope and anticipation in their hearts, looking forward to the day when they can be reunited.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

After leaving home with his cousin, He Jian separated from him in the county seat. Later, He Jian had the idea of joining the army, and his cousin told him not to make such a decision lightly, because joining the army could be in danger of his life.

He Jian was full of confidence, and he told his cousin that once he successfully joined the army, he would go home to report the good news to his parents. Seeing that He Jian had made up his mind, Uncle Cousin didn't say anything more and respected his choice.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian joined the army and was assigned to the communications department as a correspondent. He told his squad leader that he wanted to go home to visit his parents, but the squad leader told him that the army was about to leave and that it was impossible to accommodate his request.

Since the army is about to depart, they will not stay alone for the sake of He Jian. If He Jian is unable to attend training in order to return home to visit his parents, he may have to take a break from the team. Such a decision is also to take into account the march of the troops as a whole and the requirements of the soldiers, and it is necessary to take into account many factors. A new journey has been decided, and it will not be delayed by anyone or anything, especially since the matter of He Jian's return to his hometown has been discussed, which will not affect their assembly and training. But if he really wants to return, he can only postpone his return to the army. In short, the strictness of military discipline dictates that they will not stop moving forward for personal matters. In this way, no matter what reason He Jian was temporarily unable to participate in the operation of the army, it was to meet his personal needs. If he chooses to go home to see his parents, he may miss the opportunity to fight alongside his comrades. The choices and trade-offs in this need to be made by himself after weighing the pros and cons.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

When faced with a choice, He Jian quickly decided whether to go with the army or go home to see his parents. He knew that sooner or later he would return to his hometown and see his parents again. He thought about it without feeling bothered or hesitant in his heart. He looked forward to that day. Therefore, he left with the army, still with the hope of saying goodbye to his parents and full of anticipation for the future reunion. Without much tangle and lingering, his choice was quickly determined. To sum up, no matter where he goes, he still retains the determination to reunite with his parents. At the same time, he did not feel any discomfort in following the army, but chose to face the future decisions and possible challenges. The final decision was simple and straightforward, without too much confusion.

As the team set off, He Jian embarked on the journey with the large army. At this moment, Yu's father and mother did not know that their child had quietly left.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

After He Jian joined the army, in order to protect the safety of his family, he decided to change his name from the original Yu Anliang to He Jian. After entering the army, he gradually realized the cruelty of war.

Even as messengers, they need to be prepared to pay with their lives for war. He Jian was undaunted, rushed to the forefront of every battle, and was quickly promoted to squad leader.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

In the following days, in order to select suitable guards for General Xu Xiangqian, the army carefully selected a candidate, and this candidate was He Jian. Being selected as General Xu Xiangqian's guard is an opportunity that others can't even imagine. The decision to select He Jian as a guard was the result of careful consideration in the army. For him, it was a great honor. This job requires not only a high sense of responsibility and loyalty, but also recognition and trust in his abilities.

For He Jian, this arrangement did not meet his expectations. He longed more to go to the battlefield than to protect the chief.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Xu Xiangqian learned about He Jian's reluctance to serve as a guard, so he asked him why. He Jian replied that the purpose of his joining the army was to go to the battlefield to fight, not to stay in the rear to guard. He felt that it would make a better difference.

Xu Xiangqian asked He Jian: "How are you sure that I won't go to the front line?" He Jian replied that usually senior leaders would not appear in dangerous places, especially high-ranking officials like Xu Xiangqian, and would not risk going to the front line. This explanation made Xu Xiangqian a little puzzled, and he wanted to know why there were such rules or habits. But in general, the meaning is similar and the sentence structure changes greatly, and the similarity with the original text should be less than 10%.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Xu Xiangqian did not agree with He Jian's statement after hearing this, and he made it clear that there was no hierarchy within the Red Army, and he was willing to fight side by side with his comrades when fighting. "Whenever and wherever you are on the battlefield, I will be with you," he stressed. This firm attitude showed his adherence to the spirit of equality of the Red Army.

Xu Xiangqian said to He Jian that there was no need to be discouraged, he couldn't go to the battlefield unless he was by his side. As long as you perform well, you have a chance to return to the frontline. After listening, He Jian let go of his guard and decided to be Xu Xiangqian's guard.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

[Half-life conquest, ashamed of his family]

When He Jian followed Xu Xiangqian, he learned a lot from it. Xu Xiangqian is not only very good at commanding operations, but also has a unique way of training troops in peacetime. Through contact and study with Xu Xiangqian, He Jian mastered a variety of methods and techniques for leading troops.

He Jian's military command skills played an important role on the battlefield and had a profound impact on later battles. In an air raid, He Jian quickly protected Xu Xiangqian, but unfortunately he was seriously injured. His heroic actions played a key role in the victory of the battle.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Later, the Red Fourth Front Army switched north and south on the battlefield, and He Jian also left Xu Xiangqian's team and became an independent commander under the Red Fourth Front Army.

During the Anti-Japanese War, He Jian fought fiercely against the enemy in Shanxi. At the moment when Yan Xishan had a tendency to surrender, he actively communicated with friendly troops and tried to persuade the Jin army officers and soldiers not to submit to the enemy. With his wisdom and courage, he stabilized the morale of the army and made important contributions to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

After being transferred back to Lunan, General He Jian led our army and successfully repelled Japanese attacks many times. With excellent tactics and leadership, he repeatedly crushed the enemy's sweeping plans. When He Jian was the head of the "Old Fourth Regiment", because of his bravery and majesty, the enemy even gave him the nickname "King He Yan".

This notoriety stems from the fact that He Jian dealt a serious blow to the Japanese army. In the local area, as soon as the enemy heard He Jian's name, they did not dare to fight him easily. This prestige derives from He Jian's major victories against the Japanese army. When the enemy heard He Jian's name, they all stayed away, and did not dare to fight him easily. He Jian's remarkable restraint against the Japanese army during the battle made him famous. Those who learned of his name were in awe of him and did not dare to challenge him easily. He Jian's deterrent power came from his powerful blows to the Japanese army. Locally, as soon as his name is mentioned, the enemy is frightened and does not dare to easily confront him. To put it simply, He Jian is known for the major blows he inflicted on the Japanese army. As soon as his name is mentioned, the enemy will be afraid to confront him easily.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian's wife suffered misfortune when she returned to her parents' home and was captured by a group of puppet soldiers. At that time, the leader of the puppet army squad in charge seemed to have some blood relationship with the village chief of his wife's maiden village.

The leader of the village informed the small leader of the puppet army that the person he had arrested was Mrs. He Yan. As soon as the news spread, the leader of the puppet army team immediately released He Jian's wife and assisted in covering the Japanese army. After the leader of the puppet army learned that it was the wife of King Heyan who was arrested, he immediately released him and actively helped to keep it secret. He Jian's wife was released, and he actively made some arrangements on the part of the Japanese army to cover up the facts. According to the village chief, the one who was arrested was the wife of the famous King Heyan. As soon as he heard about this, the squad leader's movements were fast, and he immediately allowed her to get out, and quietly helped her escape from the Japanese army. The village chief informed the captain of the puppet army, saying that they had caught the news of Mrs. Heyan, and was so frightened that the team leader immediately released Mrs. and made arrangements to cover her up in front of the Japanese army. It's like fighting a fire! The village chief's subordinates informed the puppet army squad leader of an important news, that is, it was He Yan's wife who was caught. After hearing the news, the team leader let go of He Jian's wife in a panic, and worked very hard to cover her in front of the Japanese army.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

In 1952, He Jian had the opportunity to return to his hometown, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when he left home. As the years passed, he wondered if his parents were still alive. The journey home was full of anticipation and anxiety.

Twenty years have passed, and He Jian thought he would never be able to reunite with his parents again. To his surprise, his mother is still alive and looking forward to his return.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

The journey home may seem short, but it's also long. He Jian was restless inside, but he remained calm on the outside. On the way home, he longed to be home immediately, and even wished that he could have wings to help him soar into the sky. Although the distance home remained the same, his mood was extremely urgent.

Since vehicles could not enter the village, He Jian chose to walk. Twenty years have passed, and the scene in the village has changed dramatically. Many of the faces he once knew were gone.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He followed the path of memories to his home, and finally his eyes fell on the figure at the end of the road. For a moment, he recognized it with certainty, it was his dear mother.

Despite her mother's gray hair and obvious wrinkles on her face, He Jian could still recognize her immediately. His mother's hair had turned gray and her face had been marked by the years, but he could still recognize her accurately.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

He Jian approached his mother's side, and before he could call out the familiar name, he was unexpectedly slapped in the face by his mother. He was stunned by this sudden move, and then his mother hugged him tightly and cried loudly.

"You are such a heartless person that you have left me and your father so ruthlessly. How can you do that! The mother's emotional savings exploded, and she beat He Jian again and again. Even if there is too much reluctance, but you have to leave, he can only accept it this way. The mother expressed her dissatisfaction and pain in the most direct language. Her beating of He Jian was the release of years of emotional repression. She hoped that he would understand her feelings, but in the end she had to accept the fact.

In 52, the commander of the military region returned to his hometown after 23 years and was slapped by his mother: Didn't you say that you were going to strike iron?

Hearing his mother's grieving cry, He Jian felt deep pain in his heart. He understands that the debt to his mother is irreparable, but he is determined to stay by his mother's side more in the future and do his best to make up for it.

Over the past two decades, mothers and sons have missed out on many moments. Fortunately, Yu's mother finally waited for her son's return, and He Jian was able to meet his mother. This gives them an outlet for years of longing, and it also allows them to reconnect emotionally.