
Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

In recent years, Fufeng County has deeply studied the experience of the "Ten Million Project", taken the improvement of the rural living environment as an important starting point for promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and focused on the goal of "four beauties and one strong" (environmental beauty, industrial beauty, life beauty, governance beauty, and party building), highlighting the key points of "three governance and one clean" (toilet control, pollution control, garbage control, and cleaning three piles and four messes), and innovated the implementation of the "fighting ring" mechanism. The good situation of every household working together and towns and villages fighting in the ring has significantly improved the living environment in rural areas and enhanced the sense of gain, happiness and security of the peasant masses.

Guided by the "Ten Million Project", Fufeng County has carried out the improvement and improvement of the rural living environment, focused on the key points of rectification in accordance with the requirements of "Eight Cleanups and One Reform", implemented the "Ten Villages Demonstration and One Hundred Villages Purification" project, and strived to build a livable, workable and beautiful village with Fufeng characteristics.

Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

On the same stage, they competed in the "ring". Innovate and implement the "fighting ring" activity, tighten the chain of responsibility, strengthen assessment and evaluation, and promote the improvement of the rural living environment at a high level. The first is to establish a ring mechanism. Formulated and issued the "Fufeng County Rural Human Settlements Environment Improvement Work Competition Management Measures", from the scope, form, content, rewards and punishments and other aspects of the development of the relevant mechanism. The second is strict assessment and evaluation. By widely absorbing opinions from all walks of life, formulating scoring rules, and carrying out a ring competition every two months, each time in two towns (streets) randomly selected 5 villages for on-site observation, scoring, and ranking. At the end of June and the end of December, the county's human settlements were held for half a year and a year, and a number of villages were randomly selected in all towns for on-site observation, scoring and ranking. The third is to implement rewards and punishments in the ring. The top three villages will be rewarded with 2 yuan, 10,000 yuan, and 5,000 yuan respectively, and the bottom two villages will make statements; The half-year summary takes the town as the unit to "fight the ring", randomly selects the village, and conducts a notification and evaluation around the "four beauties and one strong", and the top three towns (streets) are rewarded with 5 yuan, 30,000 yuan, and 20,000 yuan respectively, and the last two towns (streets) make statements.

Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

Governance is a common practice of "governance style". The first is to steadily promote the "toilet revolution". The implementation of the "first toilet clearance system", the classification of the implementation of the "three formats" and "centralized sewage" toilet reform mode, the town of the tent to explore the formation of a complete water and sewer type + large three grid fecal harmless treatment of toilet mode in the city toilet competition was commended. Invest 3.6 million yuan to establish 8 rural household toilet management and maintenance service stations, 2 large three-grid septic tanks, and 34 fecal pumping trucks. Second, the disposal of domestic waste is effective, and we will continue to deepen the centralized incineration mode of "household classification, village collection, town management, county cleaning and transportation, and enterprise disposal", and regularly clean and transport domestic waste in each village, so that Nissan Nissan can achieve an effective treatment rate of 95%. Third, the domestic sewage treatment is strong, strive for provincial environmental protection funds of 5 million yuan, build 2 rural domestic sewage treatment facilities, and treat the domestic sewage of 2 provincial black and odorous water bodies and 3 villages. At the same time, for the county's 8 towns and streets, 116 administrative villages to purchase a total of 8 dust suppression vehicles, 8 road sweepers, 16 garbage collection kiosks, 116 small garbage transfer vehicles, 4640 classified garbage cans, the construction of Xinglin Town Yangjiagou, Jiangjiao Town Xiqu Village and other four villages of sewage pipe network, built 3 sewage treatment stations, 1 garbage compression station, the county's sewage treatment rate reached 38%. Fourth, the innovation carrier governs the countryside. In-depth implementation of the construction of "beautiful countryside and civilized homeland", commend 1,744 "ten-star civilized households" and 10 "most beautiful families", make full use of the new era of civilization practice positions, village broadcasts, and propaganda columns, and actively promote activities such as "Lao Luo Says Things" and "Lao Duan Says" to change customs and customs, promote new mechanisms such as red and black lists, and point systems, promote the change of customs and customs, promote the formation of civilized rural customs, good family customs, and simple folk customs, and condense a strong endogenous driving force for rural construction.

Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

The village households are beautiful and "improve their appearance". Combined with local conditions, we should actively innovate the concept and working methods of rural construction, promote the improvement of rural human settlements, and continuously extend the breadth and depth of the improvement of the rural living environment, so as to realize the cleanliness of villages and households, and the beauty of all villages. The first is to carry out village clean-up operations. Continue to carry out the "100 village purification, 10 village demonstration" project, around the requirements of "eight cleanups and one reform", solidly carry out the village cleaning action, the "100 days" attack, and the "three demolitions" special action, focusing on the "three piles and four messes" and "demolition and demolition of illegal demolition". Make full use of the idle land, corner land, front and back of the house, etc., organize and mobilize the peasant masses to plant flowers and grasses, plant economic forest fruits, and flower seedlings according to local conditions, and form an idyllic scenery of the village in the forest, the house in the garden, and the people in the scenery. The second is to promote the creation of demonstrations. Through the organization of on-site observation and study of human settlements improvement, a series of demonstration activities such as "Ten Million Project" demonstration villages, "beautiful courtyards", "civilized villages and towns" and "healthy villages" have been carried out, and 5 provincial-level beautiful and livable demonstration villages have been created; 1 municipal-level beautiful rural demonstration town and 6 beautiful and livable demonstration villages; 211 municipal-level beautiful courtyards and 1,495 county-level beautiful courtyards; The formation of a good atmosphere of demonstration and guidance, typical drive, has injected a strong impetus into the in-depth promotion of the improvement of the rural living environment.

Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

Industrial integration "rejuvenates the economy". Adhere to the development of rural living environment, rural industry revitalization, and rural tourism, deeply tap characteristic resources, accelerate the integrated development of industries, and promote the speed and efficiency of the beautiful economy. First, a beautiful environment makes a beautiful industry. With the theme of agricultural tourism, agricultural experience, ecological leisure, and study tour, we have created "Shengli Fungi Industry-University Tour", "Fengci Courtyard", "Yeheshan Starry Sky Camp", "Langdian River Beach" and other Internet celebrity spots, and explored a new model of beautiful economic transformation such as "ecological products + farming experience + folk culture + leisure and vacation". Second, a beautiful environment empowers a beautiful economy. "Planting the Sycamore Tree and Recalling the Golden Phoenix" Zhang Bin of Bacha Village, Chengguan Street, Fufeng County, returned to his hometown to create "Zaoweiju" bean curd steamed buns with an annual output of 5 million copies, an annual turnover of nearly 6.5 million yuan, directly providing more than 30 jobs, indirectly driving the employment of more than 200 people in the upstream and downstream of the industry, and effectively driving the villagers to achieve industrial employment and entrepreneurship of more than 40 households. The beautiful environment activates the "sleeping" resources in the countryside, and also mobilizes the enthusiasm of rural enterprises to "feed" the countryside and all walks of life to support the improvement of the rural living environment.

Fufeng County: "Ten Million Project" paints a new landscape and shows a new look for the human settlements

The party and the masses jointly build "activation force". Adhering to the concept of "rural construction is built for farmers", we will fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the peasant masses, guide the masses to discuss together, build and share, and form a good situation in which the party and the masses are concentric, the cadres and the masses are in the same direction, and work together to promote the improvement of the rural living environment. The first is to highlight demonstration and guidance. Give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members and cadres, wealthy people, volunteers, etc., adhere to the "party building + micro-grid", and lead the party and the masses to work together. The second is to give prominence to the main body of the masses. Extensively mobilize the masses to participate in village-level public affairs, promote the realization of the masses' ideological consciousness and action consciousness of "doing their own things" and "building their own homes", and explore the formation of a three-self model of "self-raising, self-construction, and self-management" by the masses, and the appearance of villages has been significantly improved.

Since the start of the work, Fufeng County has solidly promoted the improvement of the rural living environment, leveraged the simultaneous improvement of industrial development and rural civilization, and realized the comprehensive improvement of both the outside and the inside, both physical and spiritual.

First, the living environment is more "beautiful". Fufeng County has carried out the improvement of the rural living environment, from the point to the surface, and the whole area has been promoted, reversing the long-standing dirty and messy situation in the countryside, the dirty and smelly dry toilet has become a clean toilet, and the grass pile that can be seen everywhere has been changed into a regular small vegetable garden, bidding farewell to sewage and garbage, breaking the disorderly construction, and the quality of life of the peasant masses has been significantly improved, and the sense of happiness has been increasingly enhanced.

Second, the rural industry is more "strong". The improvement of the rural living environment has led to the development of rural tourism, leisure agriculture, characteristic planting and breeding industries, and the situation of "village beauty and people's wealth" is accelerating the formation of a benign mutual promotion of environmental beautification and industrial development.

Third, the rural customs and civilization are more "harmonious". Through the demonstration of party members and cadres, the evaluation activities to catch up and surpass, and the comparison of environmental changes, the enthusiasm of the peasant masses to participate has been effectively mobilized, the endogenous motivation has been stimulated, the awareness of civilization has been enhanced, and a good rural style has been formed.

Fourth, the relationship between cadres and the masses is more "smooth". Through the improvement of rural human settlements, the people have witnessed the style and deeds of party members and cadres, experienced the great changes in the appearance of the countryside, further enhanced their sense of identity with the party and the government, and further improved their trust in party members and cadres, effectively consolidating the cornerstone of the party's governance in rural areas, and laying a solid foundation for building a livable, workable and beautiful countryside. (Correspondent Yan Yongli)

Editor-in-charge: Ren Xing Review: Yang Yong

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