
State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company: Zero Point Action Ring Main Unit Replacement to Ensure Power Supply

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

In order to improve the reliability of power supply to the power grid, at 0:30 on June 28, the State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company launched the replacement of the ring main unit in the middle of the night. In order to reduce the scope of power outages as much as possible and reduce the impact of power outages on residents' lives, Xunyang Company adopted the method of "zero point maintenance + load transfer" to carry out operations during the trough period of electricity consumption at night, and make every effort to achieve "zero perception" of power outages for users.

State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company: Zero Point Action Ring Main Unit Replacement to Ensure Power Supply

It is reported that the replacement of the ring main unit is located in the important power supply node in the urban area, undertaking the power supply task of large communities, merchants and important units, due to its long operation time, aging equipment, load side switch has potential safety hazards. After discovering the problem, Xunyang Company took the practice of "double satisfaction" as the goal, attached great importance to it, and carried out on-site surveys for many times in accordance with the principles of advanced layout, advance planning and careful deployment, checked the operation of lines and equipment, formulated a detailed construction plan, and carefully planned and implemented the zero-point operation. At the same time, the company also arranged special safety measures for night construction, and configured emergency lighting equipment in advance to ensure the safety and controllability of the operation site.

State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company: Zero Point Action Ring Main Unit Replacement to Ensure Power Supply

"Each special guardian should perform supervision duties, and it is strictly forbidden for personnel to stay under the crane arm during the crane lifting process, and keep a safe distance...... "At 0:30, after the person in charge of the on-site work clarified the operation tasks, personnel responsibilities and work danger points, the operators acted quickly. Under the reflection of emergency lighting, the on-site operators have a clear division of labor and close cooperation, strictly follow the requirements of the "ten nos" on the production site, resolutely implement the "six measures" and life-saving measures, and carry out the operation nervously and attentively under the condition of ensuring that all safety measures are complete.

State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company: Zero Point Action Ring Main Unit Replacement to Ensure Power Supply

"Ensuring the safety and stability of residents' electricity is our top priority, and our hard work is worth it in exchange for users to enjoy the cool in the hot summer." The on-site staff said. Although it was late at night, the sweltering weather and complicated work tasks made the repair personnel sweat and wet their clothes. After several hours of hard work, the new ring main unit was successfully replaced, and the replacement of the ring main unit will further improve the power supply reliability of Xunyang urban area and provide more powerful power guarantee for residents and enterprises.

State Grid Xunyang Power Supply Company: Zero Point Action Ring Main Unit Replacement to Ensure Power Supply

In the next step, Xunyang Company will continue to uphold the corporate tenet of "people's electricity industry for the people", continuously optimize power supply services, strengthen the construction and operation and maintenance of distribution network, and go all out to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the power grid in the jurisdiction, so that customers can use comfortable electricity and rest assured electricity.

Editor-in-charge: Ren Xing Review: Yang Yong

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