
It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


No, there was a big incident in our community a while ago! A family of three poisoned the food, which frightened the people in our community. As you all know, young people nowadays are busy at work, how can they have time to do housework? No, in order to surprise the child, the daughter-in-law decided to cook a big meal herself. Who knew that her craft could poison the whole family, what a curse!

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Here's what happened: That day, the little couple led the child back from work, and the daughter-in-law watched the child get older and bigger, and it was not good for her to eat takeout, so she planned to cook a home-cooked meal for her family. She bought fresh vegetables at the market, including purslane. As you all know, although purslane is a wild vegetable, its nutritional value is not low, and as long as it is handled properly, it is delicious.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

But who knows, the little daughter-in-law's skills really need to be improved. After she washed the purslane, she fried it directly in the pot, without blanching the water to remove the toxic substances. Not long after the family of three ate it, they began to vomit and have diarrhea, and the situation was very serious. Seeing this, the family rushed them to the hospital, where the doctor diagnosed that it was food poisoning, which turned out to be caused by the residual oxalic acid in purslane.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

You guys are making a fuss about it, and it's terrifying the people in our community. Some people say that this daughter-in-law is so reckless that she can't even cook a homely meal, which is really terrible. Some people also said that she did bad things with good intentions, originally for the sake of her children, but she harmed the whole family. I see, of course, there is the problem of improper operation of daughters-in-law, but more importantly, young people nowadays generally lack basic life knowledge and skills.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Today's young people are busy with work and housework, how can they have time to learn this? They have been pampered by their parents since they were young, and when they grow up, they rely on take-out restaurants to provide food and clothing, and they have no chance to exercise their skills in this area. Besides, the current education does not pay much attention to the cultivation of these life skills, from primary school to university, how can such courses be offered?

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I see, although this incident caused a catastrophe of human life, it also made us reflect on some problems. As a parent, should you teach your children some basic life skills from an early age, so that they can have a basic guarantee for independent life in the future? As a school, shouldn't we also offer some life skills courses so that students have the opportunity to master this knowledge from an early age?

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

That junior in my family is very bad, he can't do any housework, and he relies on me and his father to serve. I am an old-fashioned person, and I was taught from a young age to be diligent and thrifty in the house, and to be able to do housework, so that I can be a good wife and mother in the future. But these stereotypes and bad habits have gradually been forgotten in modern society. You see, the ancients said it well: "Freezing three feet is not a day's cold." "It's not an overnight thing to focus on life skills.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

In fact, purslane is not a rare wild vegetable, in our hometown, purslane is a common home-cooked wild vegetable. When we were children, our mothers used to cook often, as long as we blanched the water to remove the oxalic acid, and then fried and eaten, the taste was delicious. Later, when our hometown became rich, people didn't eat this wild vegetable anymore, thinking that it was too dirty and too poor. Who knows, now people in the city regard it as an organic vegetable, and the price is quite expensive.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I think that today's young people are too far away from their homeland, and they know too little about these basic life senses. Those of us in the older generation grew up in the fields and knew all about these wild plants and game. However, our life was too hard at that time, so our knowledge was relatively narrow. Now that the conditions are good, we should combine the life experience of the older generation with modern knowledge and train a new generation of talented people who have modern cultural accomplishments and have mastered some basic life skills.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

When I was a child, although my family was poor, my mother's home-cooked food was delicious. She is good at craftsmanship and can cook a lot of nutritious and cheap game vegetables. For example, rape, dandelion, bean sprouts and the like, which are nutritious and cheap. Where can children eat these nowadays? It's all about eating takeaway fast food, and the nutrition can't keep up. If you want me to say, children should be trained from an early age to eat these home-cooked game meat, which is good for the body and good for the pocket.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I have an old fellow who comes from the countryside. His daughter-in-law is very skilled, and she can do any housework. Their children have been taught many life skills from an early age under the influence of their mother. Now that the children have grown up, there is no problem in living independently. No, I heard that their child has just been promoted and raised recently, and it seems that this life skill is also good for career development.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Once, I talked about it with my old buddy over a drink. He said that the children in his hometown have to help their parents with household chores since they were young, so they naturally have mastered a lot of skills in this area. He said that today's education places too much emphasis on academic performance and neglects the development of children's life skills, which is not good. A person, in addition to studying well, must also have good life ability, so that he can adapt to society and live independently in the future.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I feel the same way! You see, the accident in our community is the best example of this. Although the daughter-in-law is a high-achieving student and has a high level of education, she just lacks common sense in this regard. Therefore, education should not only impart knowledge, but also cultivate students' life skills, so that they can develop holistically in the future.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Today's education also pays too much attention to exam-oriented education, and trains children to become "nerds" who are icing on the cake. When I was a child, although I didn't have a high level of education, I had strong life skills. At that time, our family was poor, and since we were young, we had to do housework and help our parents with farm work. Although I don't read much, I have a lot of skills in this area.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I have a distant relative who has an only child who has been pampered since childhood. My grades in reading are pretty good, but I can't do any work. Later, his mother became seriously ill, and it became a problem for him to cook a homely meal at home alone. Fortunately, I have a distant relative to help take care of it, otherwise the child would have starved to death.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

From this incident, I deeply feel that in addition to learning well, a person's ability to survive is also essential. Today's education is too focused on academic performance and neglects the development of students' life skills. I think that both parents and schools should pay attention to this point so that children can survive independently in the future.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Otherwise, when these children grow up in the future, if they encounter something like ours in our community, won't it be too big? So, life skills are important to everyone, young and old. Who says men don't have to be able to do housework? If you are single in the future, it will be miserable.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

You see, that incident in our community is the best lesson. Although the daughter-in-law has a high level of education, she just lacks basic common sense of life. If someone had taught him this knowledge since childhood, he would not have made such a low-level mistake. Therefore, both schools and families should pay attention to the development of children's life skills so that they can develop holistically in the future.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I have a friend who owns a small restaurant at his house. He always said that today's young people are reckless and lack basic life experience. For example, he said, an intern who worked in his shop didn't even know how to make an omelette, and just cracked the egg shell into the pot. What do you think is this?

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

But I also understand young people. Now that society is changing so fast and technology is changing with each passing day, they are naturally attracted to new things and ignore these most basic life skills. Although the level of education of our generation is not high, it has a strong ability to survive. Let's take the incident in our community as an example, if we were the older generation, we would never make such a low-level mistake.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

Actually, although this incident is funny, it also caused me to think deeply. We should take this as a warning and pay attention to the development of life skills so that children can live independently and live a decent and dignified life in the future. After all, self-reliance is the most basic way to survive.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

If you want me to say, schools should introduce life skills as a compulsory subject, so that children have the opportunity to acquire this knowledge from an early age. Parents should also start from an early age and cultivate their children's life ability from daily life, so that they can live independently without worries in the future.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

At the same time, all sectors of society should also increase publicity efforts in this regard, so that everyone pays attention to the importance of life skills. Just like in our community, if everyone had basic cooking knowledge, this kind of low-level mistake would not have happened.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

I believe that the development of life skills should be carried out throughout the entire education process from primary school to university. In elementary school, you can teach some basic skills of daily life, and in middle school, you can learn more specialized things in college, such as cooking, home appliance maintenance, and so on.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

In short, whoever has mastered these basic life skills will be able to live a decent and dignified life in the future, and will not be like the young couple in our community, who can't even cook a homely meal. Life skills, although seemingly trivial, are related to a person's survival and development.

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

So, let's start with ourselves and start from a young age, so that children can take charge of themselves and live a happy life in the future. At the same time, schools and society should also pay attention to this to create a good environment for the all-round development of children. Only by working together can our next generation truly grow into the pillars of the motherland!

It's scary! The daughter-in-law cooks and shows her hand, and the family of three all goes to the hospital, is this dark cuisine?

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