

author:Sumi Shizukawa

After a day of exhaustion and hustle and bustle, taking a shower became the moment I was most looking forward to. When the warm water glides over the skin, it is as if all the stress and worries are washed away.


After taking a shower, I spread my arms and felt every subtle sensation transmitted by my body. The bulging lower abdomen seems to speak of the indulgence of eating and drinking in recent days, and the stomach has taken an unbearable weight, and it is protesting against the excessive load. And even when I was lying on the bed, my sore legs still reminded me that the rush never stopped.

At this time, the dryer made the same sound as the fan, and the whirring rhythm made me mistakenly think that I had entered the summer of my childhood. At that time, the fan was the most loyal companion in the summer, and its rotation brought a slight coolness and dispelled the boredom of the heat. But now, it's just a misunderstanding of the rainy season, and the humid air still permeates every corner.


I closed my eyes and my mind began to wander. I think of the young and frivolous self I used to have, tirelessly chasing my dreams, and squandering the energy of my body. And now, the traces of time are gradually showing up on the body, and every discomfort is like a wake-up call, ringing the importance of health.

The bulge of the lower abdomen is a call for self-discipline; The heaviness of the stomach is the thirst for a balanced diet; The soreness of my legs is the expectation of a moderate rest. These bodily signals are no longer simple physiological feelings, but lifestyle feedback.


In this fast-paced era, we are always lost in the hustle and bustle, ignoring the sound of our bodies. However, the body is our most faithful companion, and it bears everything in silence until it can no longer bear it. Perhaps, it is time to stop the hurried footsteps, listen to the body, and give it the love and care it deserves.

When I opened my eyes, I decided to make some changes starting tomorrow. Increase the amount of exercise to regain strength in sore legs; Eat a reasonable diet to reduce the burden on the stomach and flatten the lower abdomen; Learn to relax and give your body plenty of rest so that your mind can be nourished.


Because I know that only by taking care of my body can I better embrace the beauty of life and chase those unfulfilled dreams.