
36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

author:Trail chatter

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and give tens of millions of alimony every year? In last night's Magnolia, there were many stars, and the two stars who had just been rumored to have marital problems by the paparazzi felt completely different in Magnolia, and the mood of the two was very different, the bald Chen Xiao didn't seem to be in high spirits, and there was no smile on his face, but Wan Qian was full of smiles, not caring about the hot search just now, and even highlighted her green hair, and responded to the paparazzi with humor, feeling that there was no problem with her marriage.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage rumors, almost every year, there is movement, and the parties do not respond, in the past two years, it is rare to see the two in the same frame, and there is no interaction on social platforms, the two fell in love vigorously back then, and they are considered to be the representatives of the entertainment industry because of the drama, at that time, when Yu was about to shoot "The Condor Heroes", after the male protagonist decided on Chen Xiao, the heroine had not been decided, and Chen Xiao recommended Chen Yanxi, the two actually didn't know each other, but Chen Xiao had seen each other's works and felt that she was suitable for this work, Chen Yanxi also wanted to have a good development in the mainland, so she took on this role.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

Chen Yanxi is known as the goddess of first love in the school circle, her image is relatively pure and sweet, and she is the little princess in the minds of many boys, but her little dragon girl appearance is too inconsistent with the public aesthetics, it can be said that she avoids her advantages and shows her shortcomings, Xiaolongbao has become her nickname, and has been ridiculed by netizens for many years, Chen Yanxi is black and red, but it is not much benefit to career development, at least there are very few costume dramas looking for her, and then she has made a few modern dramas and some movies.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

"The Condor Heroes" is a very magical drama, it seems that every pair of aunts and Guo'er, the relationship outside the play is quite good, and even became two couples, Fan Wenfang's version later got married, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi were not together when they were filming, nearly a year later, when they were running publicity, the two had a scandal, Chen Xiao was obviously very active, and the two did not shy away from suspicion on the show, and soon talked about marriage, and also made their relationship public, Chen Xiao's opposite sex relationship is very good, plus he is popular, no one expected him to enter marriage so early, This decision made him miss the possibility of being promoted to a large traffic.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

The wedding of the two people is also a sensation, mainly because it can be seen that it is very attentive, not only Chen Xiaoxin designed the process, but also deliberately did a water ceremony in Yanqi Lake, and made a very beautiful wedding boat, Yanqi Lake homonym means Yan Xifu, I hope the woman is happy, the wedding can be said to be particularly romantic and warm, the appearance of the two loving husband and wife is impressive, and then gave birth to a son, it can be said that it was originally a pair that everyone is very optimistic about, Chen Yanxi moved to Beijing to live, and the husband and wife took root, After the two got married, they looked very warm, and there was a feeling of quiet years.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leaving the house to give up the custody of his son, tens of millions of alimony per year? The rumors of the marriage change between the two started about three years ago, and many netizens said that Chen Xiao's state was not good, and he looked like he had been hit by something, but there was nothing wrong with his career, but he always felt sad, and netizens also said that there was no light in his eyes. The famous entertainment in the circle said bluntly in his live broadcast room that the relationship between the two was not good, and he did not return to Chen Xiao's hometown during the Chinese New Year, Chen Yanxi did not work, and generally took care of the children at home alone, which is normal, but Chen Xiao returned to Beijing after work, and after participating in the event, he did not go home after the dinner, and he has been in the situation of gathering less and leaving more, and there are other entertainment records that have not photographed the two walking together for at least half a year.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

The paparazzi said that after Chen Xiao returned to Beijing, Chen Yanxi's birthday was not gone, there was a conflict between the two parties, unlike the mode of getting along with husband and wife, even if a married actor is filming all year round, he will definitely go home immediately after the finale, many couples are actors, and they usually take turns to go out to film, in this case, they will try to arrange time to get along and take their children to travel together. Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi must have been in true love, the two were actually very selective at the beginning, and they could find someone with better conditions than each other, but they firmly chose each other.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

For this marriage, the woman married far away to live in Beijing, and the man's career has also been affected by some factors, it can be said that both parties have paid a lot, although the man does not have any bad habits, and he does not mess around outside, but his emotions have been very unstable, and his heart is very sensitive, the woman is quite tolerant, can be regarded as gentle and considerate, plus there are children, the marriage is actually quite stable, but in the mouth of the paparazzi, he is really not optimistic about this marriage, and even directly said that Chen Xiao feels that he is determined to leave, and it is even possible to leave the house. I don't care anymore.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

There were many scandals about Chen Yanxi on the Internet before, when she usually interacted with the opposite sex, she had no sense of boundaries, she was a gossip queen, and she had a lot of friends of the opposite sex after marriage, and Chen Xiao was withdrawn and didn't like to socialize, and the two didn't have many hobbies in common. Some entertainment notes said that Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's personal accounts could not be searched for each other at all, and they no longer sent blessings even on their birthdays, plus they did not fit and did not interact in recent months, which is really abnormal, and there was such a big public opinion, and none of the staff on both sides responded.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

It is rumored on the Internet that 36-year-old Chen Xiao has already made up his mind to divorce, not only has he blocked the other party, but the woman has to go through the staff to find him, the man is willing to leave the house, give all the marital property to the other party, and is even willing to give up the custody of his son, and even willing to pay tens of millions of alimony every year, which can be said to be irretrievable, even his family has given up persuasion, Chen Xiao's temperament is very strong, and he is not a person who listens to persuasion, as for the public opinion of the outside world, he doesn't care about it, he doesn't explain it, he doesn't pay attention to it, and still goes his own way. Now that both sides are not responding to the rumors and allowing public opinion to ferment, this is actually not a good sign.

36-year-old Chen Xiaotie is determined to divorce? Leave the house and give up the custody of his son, and pay tens of millions of alimony every year

In fact, there are some netizens who think that the two couples have no marital problems, and they may just use this matter to hype up the new drama. However, using marriage to hype up the career is not worth the loss, and it is easy to cause the public's rebellious psychology, which has a bad impact on the image of the star himself. Even if celebrity couples are not in harmony, even if they are really divorced, they will not be too ugly, after all, they are public figures, and they still have to consider the influence and career development. As for whether the divorce is real, it is estimated that the result will come out this year, and at least one of the two will come out to respond to this matter.

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