
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

author:Yunnan Armed Police
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

In order to further promote the discussion on the "Concept of Struggle in the New Era," we will deepen and down-to-earth the discussion, and at the same time, let the officers and men experience the unique charm of the national culture in the area where they are stationed at close range, and further strengthen their ideals and beliefs in taking root in the Red Clay Plateau and making meritorious contributions to the barracks. Recently, the Honghe Detachment of the Armed Police stationed in the hot land of southern Yunnan has strictly organized officers and soldiers to visit the Honghe Prefecture Museum and carry out special party day activities, and experienced the strong national history and culture of the station through immersive and interactive activities, effectively deepening the practical results of the "New Era Concept of Struggle".

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

Under the guidance of the docent, the officers and soldiers entered the museum in an orderly manner, and from the beginning of entering the hall of the exhibition hall, everyone felt as if they had traveled through a time tunnel, and through the close experience of cultural relics and exhibits and historical stories, from history to humanities, the officers and soldiers had a clearer understanding of the land they were stationed on day and night, and their pride arose spontaneously.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

"The flowers reflect the fields, and the clouds spring on the green hills...... The Yuanyang terraced fields under the morning sun are graceful and affectionate, poetic and picturesque, and contain far-reaching history and heavy farming culture. In the exhibition hall on the first floor of the History Museum, the commentator patiently and meticulously explained the rich and beautiful multiculturalism, geographic information, historical evolution, tourism resources, cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage of Honghe Prefecture, and helped the officers and soldiers understand the long history and unique regional culture of the station.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

"Jianshui County, Honghe Prefecture is the hometown of Jianshui Purple Pottery, one of China's four famous pottery, and the production of Jianshui Purple Pottery must go through one hundred and eight tempers before it can become a work of art......" In the national culture exhibition hall on the second floor, Honghe Prefecture's colorful national costumes, residential buildings, folk crafts, folk customs, Tusi culture, national musical instruments, terraced farming culture and other contents are like windows, showing the officers and soldiers the gorgeous and colorful national culture of the station.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

In the historical and cultural exhibition hall on the third floor with the theme of "Ancient and Magical Red River", prehistoric human and animal skeleton fossils and primitive tools quietly tell the origin and evolution of human civilization; Exquisite bronze and ceramic cultural relics, accumulating the outstanding achievements of the station's traditional handicrafts; The calligraphy and painting works that exude an elegant artistic atmosphere contain the breadth and profundity of Chinese culture. The officers and men sometimes stopped to watch, sometimes exchanged and discussed, and touched the historical situation in reality.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

"Locomotives, Tickets, Ancient Hoof Prints, Meter Gauges, etc." The officers and men stopped to gaze at the historical photos and modern cultural relics related to the caravan transportation, the Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, the Gejashi Railway, and the Yunnan tin industry, and felt the spirit and patriotic feelings of the revolutionaries of the older generation, and subtly strengthened their ideals and beliefs and strengthened their determination to struggle.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

Soldier Xiao Cai sighed: "Through the visit to study, the heart really felt the legendary charm of the national culture of the station, as a revolutionary soldier in the new era, with the responsibility and mission of building a second hometown on my shoulders, in the next step, I want to resolutely obey the party's command, hard work, for the strong military cause and unremitting struggle, courage and perseverance." ”

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

During this "time trip," the officers and men felt the development and changes of the Red River from the vicissitudes of life to the beautiful, united, and harmonious development of the Red River, and were infected by the spirit of the Red River's arduous struggle and national unity, which further stimulated the sense of responsibility and mission of the officers and men to love the Red River, take root in the Red River, and build a second hometown.

Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army
Discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era丨Visit and study, feel the charm of the national culture of the second hometown, and absorb the strength of forging ahead and strengthening the army

The journey is long, and the struggle is not endless. After the visit, the detachment promptly organized officers and men to discuss and exchange ideas on "how to look at hard work, what is the state of struggle, and how to do to strengthen the army"; the officers and men talked about their experiences and experiences one by one, further deepened their ideological understanding, and turned their love for the second hometown of the station and their admiration for the revolutionary martyrs into the spiritual motivation to perform their duties on the post, and thought about it from the perspectives of their own posts, military training, and personal growth, and set goals for future development. (Author: Luo Haonan, Wang Yewei, Xiong Zhenghao)

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Planning: Wang Zhiping Producer: Dong Zhaoxin Editor-in-Chief: Ruan Xueliang Reviewer: Liu Zhenggang Editor: Sun Jiekang Issue: 2549 Submission Email: [email protected]

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