
If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

author:Strive for ABC

If the parents had a vision, they would not have become in-laws with these three kinds of people

Dear friends, today we are going to talk about a topic that everyone cares about - how parents show their vision when they get married. Parents want their children's marriages to be happy, so when choosing a family, you must keep your eyes open.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

1. Snobbish

Dear friends, do you know the saying "poor friends see the truth"? When it comes to snobs, this couldn't be more apt. Snobbish people often only look at the other party's family background and ignore the examination of character. If parents have foresight, they will know that marriage is not a simple material exchange, but an encounter between two souls. Snobbish people are prone to losing their principles in the face of money and status, and such in-laws may find it difficult to give real support and help to their children when they encounter difficulties in marriage. Therefore, in the face of snobs, we must be wise to keep a clear head and not be deceived by superficial phenomena.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

2. Narrow-minded and calculating people

"The sea is tolerant of all rivers, and tolerance is great." This quote tells us that a person's heart should be as big as the sea. People who are narrow-minded and calculating can easily cause conflicts and conflicts in married life. When parents choose their in-laws, they must observe whether the other party has a broad mind. If both parties are narrow-minded and calculating, then the married life of the children may be mired in endless quarrels and strife. Smart parents will not let this kind of in-laws become a stumbling block for their children, but will be a gatekeeper for their children's happiness.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

3. People who do not have a sense of responsibility and responsibility

"People have no foresight, but they must have near-term worries." If a person does not have a sense of responsibility and a spirit of responsibility, then his life may be like a plate of sand. Married life requires both parties to share responsibilities and obligations, and it is difficult for people without a sense of responsibility and responsibility to provide a solid support for the family. When parents choose their in-laws, they must observe whether the other party has a sense of responsibility and a spirit of responsibility. Otherwise, the children may face more stress and challenges in their marriage. Smart parents will choose a responsible and responsible family for their children, and work together for their children's happiness.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

So, what kind of parents are visionary? In fact, far-sighted parents are like a proverb: "Father is kind to son, filial piety and family prosperity". They are able to see farther, deeper, and wider. In the face of the above three potential problems, you can keep a vigilant eye. See through the potential risks and challenges behind it.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

Let's take a look at the following characteristics: First, they respect their children's choices, but do not blindly support them, and will give their children full support and guidance. help them make informed decisions; Secondly, they have a broad mind, know how to respect each other, understand and accept each other's differences; Finally, they have a wealth of social experience and wisdom to give their children the right advice and guidance at critical moments to help them get through difficult times.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

Smart parents will not let their children regret their lives because of blind choices, they will guide their children to the other side of happiness like a beacon! Let's take a look at the selection process of this smart mother through an interesting case: this mother not only examined Xiao Li and Xiao Zhang's academic performance and living habits, but also paid great attention to each other's family background and family atmosphere, and asked her children to understand the core values and future plans of each other's families. For example, for Xiao Li's parents, the mother found that they always did things submissively and without a sense of responsibility, so after in-depth understanding, the mother decided not to let them become in-laws, so as not to affect the children's future married life.

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people

In short, far-sighted parents will pay attention to the choice of each other's personality and family background when choosing an in-law for their children, so as to ensure that their children's future married life can be happy and stable, so if parents have foresight, they will not become in-laws with the above three people. Let's praise our parents for their wisdom and dedication!

If parents have a vision, they will not become in-laws with three types of people