
China announced the sentencing standards for "Taiwan independence" convictions: half of Taiwan is angry, and half of the people are frightened

author:Camouflage Tiger said

The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the "Opinions on Punishing the Crimes of Separatism and Inciting Secession by 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards in Accordance with Law" and its related judicial interpretations.

From now on, any attempt to separate Taiwan from China will have a clear standard for determining the crime and sentencing.

China announced the sentencing standards for "Taiwan independence" convictions: half of Taiwan is angry, and half of the people are frightened

There are five kinds of behavior, which have been accurately identified as "Taiwan independence" behaviors.

They are those who initiated and established "Taiwan independence" organizations and planned and formulated a program of action

Those who try to change Taiwan's legal status under China through Taiwanese laws and Taiwanese referendums

By promoting Taiwan's accession to international organizations that are limited to sovereign states

By distorting history, culture, and news, tampering with the fact that Taiwan is part of China, or smearing those who promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and national reunification

and other actions that push Taiwan to separate from China.

Among them, those who played a role in organizing, planning, and directing the "Taiwan independence" separatist group were designated as "ringleaders."

Where direct participation has a major role and causes a heinous impact, it is found to be a major crime.

The death penalty may be imposed where the circumstances are particularly heinous.

Active participants can enjoy 10 years in prison, and other participants can start with 3 years.

This regulation is not only the will of the Chinese state, but also the thinking of the vast majority of the Chinese people. Some people in Taiwan have been spoiled so well by China that they have forgotten who they really are and how many pounds and taels they have.

At present, our side does not intend to make a false deal with the "Taiwan independence" elements, but directly plays the cards openly. In the past, we mainly focused on the Huairou policy, but now we want to suppress and press step by step. This is to remind the Taiwan people with practical actions that the last sentence of our cross-strait policy is: We will not give up the use of force to reunify Taiwan.

After the introduction of this bill, what is the reaction of the Taiwanese people, the answer is that half of them are angry, and half of them are frightened.

China announced the sentencing standards for "Taiwan independence" convictions: half of Taiwan is angry, and half of the people are frightened

The 10 "Taiwan independence" elements who were previously sanctioned by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

At present, what Taiwan's so-called blue camp has been doing is covert independence, that is, nominally supporting reunification, but secretly pushing Taiwan to join an international organization that is limited to sovereign states. and official and military contacts with other countries. In the past, when the mainland was advocating peaceful reunification, it turned a blind eye to this kind of behavior, and as long as you are willing to reunify, we can pretend not to see this kind of small action.

However, now that the promulgation of this law on the mainland has directly reached the "Taiwan independence" elements in the blue camp, they are now angry and have no room for maneuver. However, this group of people themselves is the cowards of who wins and helps whom, and they are not a big deal, and they are probably the most honest after reunification. So it's not a big problem.

Then there are the frightened people, who are embodied in the hope that China will give them a chance to reply.

Recently, Taiwan's back-backed brother Wang Yichuan is the executive director of the DPP Policy Council who said that the mainland's high-speed rail has no back, and his performance in a certain program in Taiwan is like this. As an important participant in Taiwan's promotion of Taiwan independence, the group of people who can be sentenced to death in the law, the Taiwanese host asked him jokingly: Your current state is very dangerous, are you afraid? Are you afraid?

China announced the sentencing standards for "Taiwan independence" convictions: half of Taiwan is angry, and half of the people are frightened

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council announced sanctions against the "five famous mouths"

His answer was to talk to him, first of all, what did China have to notify me first, have to try it first, and then have to allow me to hire a lawyer, and what Taiwan compatriot permit should be issued to let me enter the country, and then complete this procedure before I can be arrested?

In the end, he said that he was serious.

The host began to laugh: he was serious! He also asked to send him a Taiwan compatriot permit?

Obviously, he ignored a question: once the mainland initiates the military reunification procedure, then there will be only liquidation, and what kind of Taiwan compatriot certificate will there be? At that time, Taiwan will be a province of China, and it will absolutely impossible to divide it into special administrative regions. Surely, do you want a notification letter? Of course, it will be issued to you after the arrest. Want a lawyer? No problem, in mainland law, anyone can hire a lawyer, and even if you can't hire a lawyer, there is an officially assigned lawyer who will definitely let you reply.

Do you want a fair judicial process? China will definitely give you justice in the judicial process, and you had better recall what you have done, think about how to defend yourself, and see if you can commute the death sentence to life imprisonment or 10 years in prison. This is already the best outcome for the important promoters of "Taiwan independence", as for evading accountability? Hehe, don't even think about it.

Obviously, these people in the so-called Taiwan green camp also know that they can't escape, can't run, and have no one to save them, so they can only hope that China can raise their noble hand.

At present, China's side has already given a signal, and if the "Taiwan independence" elements still delusionally believe that China will save their face as before, or even raise their noble hands and turn a blind eye, then they will go out without an umbrella, and God will give you all the signals, and you should not be able to see them. Then you can't blame God for raining you!

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