
The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping



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Edited by Peng Peng

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping


"Secondary school students won the 12th place in the global mathematics competition? It's not scientific! This is probably the first reaction of many people when they hear about the Jiang Ping incident. However, dear audience friends, let's press down on that anxious heart to question for a while, and listen to the story of this 17-year-old girl from Lianshui, Jiangsu.

Because, I bet, this story will make you rethink what is "science" and what is "possible". In this dramatic stage, we will see how an ordinary girl uses her strength to fight prejudice and challenges her fate with hard work.

What's even more interesting is that in this big play, there is also a hostess with a strong sense of justice who makes a cameo appearance in the role of "Messenger of Justice". Well, let's kick off the curtain and enjoy this absurd yet real modern version of Cinderella fairy tale!

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

The perfect combination of talent and hard work

Jiang Ping, whose name was originally unknown, has now caused an uproar on the Internet. She, a 17-year-old girl from Lianshui Secondary Vocational School in Jiangsu Province, won the 12th place in the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition with her amazing mathematical talent and unremitting efforts, and became the focus of public opinion in one fell swoop.

Let's focus on this protagonist first.

Jiang Ping was born in an ordinary peasant family in Lianshui County, Jiangsu Province, and her family is not wealthy. Perhaps it was a trick of fate that this clever girl did not enter a regular high school, but chose a secondary specialized school.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

However, please don't underestimate this choice! Because it was here that Jiang Ping showed her amazing talent for mathematics and perseverance in learning.

Imagine that when we are still struggling with the difficulty of choosing, this little girl is already working on those complicated math problems alone in the middle of the night.

And while we are still scratching our ears and cheeks about the "chickens and rabbits in the same cage" problem, she has already made a name for herself in the global mathematics competition. This can't help but make people sigh: talent is important, but hard work is the key to success or failure.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

Persistence in the midst of doubt

However, success is never easy. Just when Jiang Ping should enjoy the fruits of victory, the voice of doubt followed. "Why does a secondary school student win the 12th place in the global mathematics competition?" Such doubts pervade every corner of the Internet.

But, dear viewers, let's pause and think: Are we too easily bound by preconceived notions? Is it true that secondary school students are not as good as students in key high schools? Don't children from poor families have a chance to get ahead?

In this storm of public opinion, Jiang Ping showed maturity and firmness beyond her years. She said in an interview:

"I know that only strength can silence doubters. I will continue to work hard and prove myself with better results. "

These words not only show her self-confidence, but also show her calmness in the face of doubt. This can't help but remind people of the old saying: real gold is not afraid of fire.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

The appearance of unexpected "allies".

Just as the storm of public opinion intensified, an unexpected "ally" appeared. She is the well-known host Wang Yang with 300,000 fans.

Wang Yang broke the news in a program that someone tried to fund Jiang Ping in the form of advertisements through her, but the publicity draft implied that Jiang Ping's achievements were questioned. In the face of this kind of overt praise and depreciation, Wang Yang decisively revised the propaganda draft and deleted the questioning part. However, the other party insisted on restoring these contents, which made Wang Yang resolutely terminate the cooperation.

Wang Yang's behavior undoubtedly gave Jiang Ping a reassurance. She publicly stated on social media:

"I don't accept any form of smear and questioning, this is not only an injustice to Jiang Ping, but also an insult to all young people who work hard."

This remark immediately sparked enthusiastic support from netizens. Everyone has called for exposing the true identity of the person who tried to discredit Jiang Ping, and hoped that the relevant departments would intervene in the investigation and give Jiang Ping justice.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

Netizens are hotly discussed: support and doubts coexist

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believe that Jiang Ping's success is an incentive for all poor students, and she has proved with practical actions that "a poor family can also produce a noble son".

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. Why is it impossible for children to work so hard? "
"Noble son of a poor family, there are many! Jiang Ping is the best example of this, her success has given hope to those of us ordinary families. "
The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

Some netizens also said that Jiang Ping's success is not only a personal victory, but also a strong proof of educational fairness.

"This case shows us that every child has the potential to become a genius if given the opportunity. Our education system should provide a platform for more children like Jiang Ping. "

However, doubts are also heard. Some netizens believe that it is indeed unbelievable that a secondary school student has achieved such results in such a high-level competition.

"It's not that I don't believe in Jiang Ping, I just think this achievement is too amazing. Is there something we don't know? "
The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping
"If it's really so powerful, why didn't you get admitted to a key high school in the first place? Is there a story in this that we don't know? "

Some netizens have taken a neutral attitude and called on everyone to look at this matter rationally.

"Instead of arguing here, it is better to wait for more facts and evidence. Regardless of the outcome, we should respect Jiang Ping's efforts. "
The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

Whether for it or for it, this discussion is undoubtedly a wake-up call for our society: Are we giving every child a fair chance? Do we have biases against certain groups? These questions deserve deep thought by each of us.

Revelation and reflection

Jiang Ping's story is not only an inspirational tale of an ordinary girl's counterattack and success, but also a mirror of our society. It reflects the problems we have in terms of educational equity, social bias, etc.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

First of all, it reminds us not to label people lightly. Whether it is a secondary school student or a key high school student, everyone should have the right to pursue their dreams. Second, it also warns us to improve media literacy, not to be fooled by false statements, to speak up for justice, and to resist bad public opinion.

Finally, let's hope that more ordinary people like Jiang Ping can change their fate through their own efforts. At the same time, we also hope that the society can provide more opportunities and platforms for such talents.

After all, every Jiang Ping's success is the best spur and incentive for this society.

The Jiang Ping incident continues to escalate! The 300,000 fan hostess revealed that someone paid her to smear Jiang Ping

So, dear readers and friends, how do you feel about Jiang Ping's story? What obstacles do you think still exist in our society that prevent talents from coming to the fore? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!

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