
Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

author:Big talk about entertainment

On the campus of the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, two high-ranking intellectuals busily shuttled between the teaching building and the television station. They are Meng Fei's parents, and while fighting for their careers, they have to make a difficult decision.

In this way, the young Meng Fei became a "left-behind child", growing up in the sunshine of the countryside under the care of his grandparents. The laughter of running in the fields and the sound of crickets in the old house constitute the background sound of his childhood.

However, deep down there is always a longing for the company of parents, and a little rebellion that comes with it. Time flies, Meng Fei moved to Nanjing with his parents. The bustle and hustle and bustle of the city came to his face, making this rural teenager feel uncomfortable.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

At school, the topics that his classmates talked about were unfamiliar to him; In class, the knowledge taught by the teacher made him a little overwhelmed. "I can't keep up," Meng muttered to himself very often, but his face was forcefully calm.

The gap between basic education in rural schools and in urban areas made it difficult for him to learn. However, Meng Fei has the strength to not admit defeat in his bones. He gritted his teeth and silently redoubled his efforts.

Slowly, this teenager from the countryside began to adapt to the rhythm of the city and integrate into the school community. His eyes grew confident and his smile widened. From the countryside to the city, Meng Fei completed the first transformation of his life, laying the groundwork for the future wonderful.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

On the college entrance examination transcript, Meng Fei's language score was almost the top score, but his science score was less than 100 points. He looked at this "partial subject" report card with a wry smile, and his heart was mixed.

"It seems that I am destined to miss out on science," Meng Fei laughed at himself. However, life's twists often come unexpectedly. The divorce of his parents was like a bolt from the blue, which made Meng Fei lose the motivation to continue his studies.

He decided to go straight into society and began a long and difficult part-time job. From setting up a stall to being a porter, Meng Fei has tasted the ups and downs of life. Every day accompanies him with a tired body and confusion about the future.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

"Can I really find my own way?" He often asks himself questions in the dead of night. Just when his will was about to be depressed, the god of fate favored this stubborn young man.

Through the relationship between his parents, Meng Fei entered the TV station. Although he started out as a chore, his diligence and talent were soon recognized. "I'm going to start over!" Meng Fei secretly made up his mind and began to study on his own while working.

The hard work paid off, and he was finally admitted to Nanjing Normal University, winning a new starting point for his life. On the TV station, Meng Fei gradually emerged. He hosted "Nanjing Zero Distance" with its humorous style and down-to-earth affinity, which won the love of the audience, and the ratings continued to rise.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

However, what really made Meng Fei a "national elder" was the show "If You Are Honest, Do Not Disturb". His unique hosting style, which is both humorous and witty, has deeply attracted audiences across the country.

"I just made myself," Meng Fei said modestly. But in fact, he put in unimaginable efforts. Finally, he won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Host and stood at the pinnacle of his career.

From a teenager with learning difficulties to a well-known "national elder", Meng Fei used his persistence and talent to compose an inspirational music of life. Meng Fei, who is standing at the peak of his career, has not stopped exploring.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

His eyes are on the business world and he is looking forward to creating new glories in this new world. "Huang Liang Yi Meng", a name full of cultural heritage, is a hot pot restaurant opened by Meng Fei and his friend Huang Lei.

Meng Fei said with great interest: "This is the 'dream linkage' between the two of us!" However, reality gave him a blow in the face. The market was sluggish, coupled with poor management, this hot pot restaurant with high hopes for two stars finally closed its doors.

The setback did not bring down Meng Fei. He soon introduced "Meng Fei's small noodles", a name that sounded quite familiar. "I want to bring the most authentic taste to everyone," Meng Fei confidently announced.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

Unfortunately, the high price discourages many consumers. In the end, Meng Fei had to announce his resignation as executive director of the noodle restaurant, and another business venture ended in failure. Driven by the tide of the Internet economy, Meng Fei decided to try live streaming.

However, when he stood in front of the camera, facing a dazzling array of goods and complicated marketing routines, a strong sense of discomfort suddenly rose in his heart. "This is not what I want," Meng Fei shook his head secretly, and resolutely withdrew from the live broadcast world.

This series of business explorations made Meng Fei deeply realize that not all cross-border attempts can be successful. He took his failures at ease, saying in an interview: "Every attempt is an opportunity to learn.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

Although the results were not satisfactory, I have no regrets. This experience made Meng Fei more aware of his strengths and limitations. He began to think about what he really wanted to pursue in life.

It was these seemingly failed attempts that laid the groundwork for Meng Fei's later transformation and made him begin to re-examine his life values and pursuits. The setbacks of business exploration did not defeat Meng Fei, but made him begin to re-examine the value of his life.

In this process, he gradually found the true call in his heart - to return to his original heart, pay attention to public welfare, and improve the quality of life. "I want to do something for this society," Meng Fei said with a smile, a determined glint in his eyes.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

He set up the "Meng Xiang Extraordinary" trust, which donations every year to support poor students in Yunnan until they graduated. This decision was not a whim, but the result of his deliberation.

In 2021, Henan was hit by heavy rainstorms, and the disaster affected the hearts of people across the country. Meng Fei didn't say a word, and immediately donated 1 million yuan to help the victims. "We're all family," he said, his voice filled with warmth and strength.

At the same time, Meng Fei also began to redefine his lifestyle. He traveled with his family and used his camera to record the beauty and happy moments along the way. "Life is not only about work, but also about poetry and distance," he often says.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

In order to share his travel experience and life insights, Meng Fei began to produce "Let's Go! Lao Meng" short video. In the camera, he is no longer a glamorous host on TV, but an ordinary person who enjoys life and is full of vitality.

"I want everyone to see that there are many possibilities in life," Meng Fei said, his eyes shining with pleasure. This series of videos not only records his travels, but also shows his love and thoughts about life.

Through these changes, Meng Fei found a new direction in life. He is no longer obsessed with business success, but more energy is devoted to public welfare and improving the quality of personal life.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

This transformation allowed him to regain his inner balance and happiness, and also allowed the public to see a more real and three-dimensional Meng Fei. In the eyes of outsiders, Meng Fei's life seems to be glamorous and full of enviable wonder.

What is less well known, however, is that the presenter, who always had a smile, experienced a severe health crisis that became an important turning point in his life.

Over the years, Meng Fei has maintained a high-intensity work rhythm. Recording programs, business activities, and public welfare, he keeps spinning like a spinning top. "I felt like I could do anything," Meng Fei recalled, with a hint of bitterness in his voice, "until my body gave me a blow to the head."

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

"During a routine physical examination, the doctor's expression suddenly became solemn." Mr. Meng, your physical condition is not optimistic," the doctor said solemnly, "If this continues, you may need surgery."

"This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, making Meng Fei sober up instantly." I almost broke myself," Meng Fei said frankly, his eyes revealing fear and self-blame. He began to realize that health is the most valuable asset in life.

This health crisis has forced him to re-examine his lifestyle and life values. From then on, Meng Fei began to learn to slow down. He worked less and increased the time he spent resting and exercising.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

"I've learned to listen to my body," he says, smiling, "and I've learned to say 'no' to life." The crisis also made Meng Fei rethink the meaning of life. He began to focus more on his family and cherish the time he spent with his loved ones.

At the same time, he also pays more attention to the quality of life than just the pursuit of career success. "Health problems have given me a chance to re-understand myself," Meng Fei said, his eyes full of awe for life, "It made me understand that true success is not the external aura, but the inner peace and physical health."

This health crisis has become a watershed in Meng Fei's life. Since then, he has embarked on a new journey in life, embarking on a more balanced and healthy path. After experiencing the health crisis, Meng Fei did not choose to completely withdraw from the public eye, but opened a new chapter of diversified development.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

He has skillfully applied his hosting experience and life wisdom accumulated over the years to new fields. "Everyone has infinite possibilities," Meng Fei said with a smile, his eyes shining with wisdom.

He began to dabble in business speaking and education training, passing on his experience and skills in the hosting industry to others. In this process, Meng Fei found that he had a unique charm and appeal.

"I hope to be able to help more people grow," Meng Fei said sincerely. His speech was not only humorous, but also full of thoughts and insights on life, which won wide recognition and respect.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

In addition, Meng Fei has also set foot in the field of book publishing. He condenses his life experiences and insights into words, hoping to influence more readers. "Writing is a kind of precipitation, but also a kind of inheritance," Meng Fei said, his tone full of love for words.

In this process, Meng Fei has always focused on maintaining mental health in a high-pressure work environment. He often shares his relaxation techniques in public, such as short trips, reading, and meditation.

"Balance is very important," Meng Fei stressed, "and we need to learn to find a balance between work and life." At the same time, Meng Fei is also trying to integrate traditional and modern values. In shows such as "Do Not Disturb", he not only values the emotional expression of the participants, but also emphasizes the importance of personal choice and respect.

Facts have proved that the host Meng Fei, who gradually "disappeared", has already embarked on another avenue

"We have to innovate in inheritance, inherit in innovation," Meng Fei said, his eyes flashing with determination. Through these diversified attempts, Meng Fei not only enriched his own life experience, but also provided the public with a diversified perspective of thinking.

He proved with his actions that even if he leaves the stage under the spotlight, life can still bloom with unique brilliance.

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